Tasiowa Catalog 2010

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Be so tolerant that your bosom becomes wide like the ocean.

Become inspired with faith and love of human beings. Let there be no troubled souls to whom you do not offer a hand, and about whom you remain unconcerned.

A herkese, aabildiin kadar sineni; ummanlar gibi olsun. nanla geril ve insana sevgi duy; kalmasn alaka duymadn ve el uzatmadn bir mahzun gnl.


Mission & Vision

Misyon Ve Vizyonumuz

Mission & Vision

Our mission is to foster fellowship and promote the understanding of diverse cultures. Our vision to create a positive social environment in which to build and strengthen the quality of life in Iowa is at the heart of all our activities. The ultimate goal of the educational and social activities held at the TASIOWA is to build stronger and safer communities through communication and interaction. Fostering diversity, inclusion, and respect for all the community is one of the goals of TASIOWA. The society works to strengthen intercultural community and ensures a positive experience for those who are willing to participate in cross cultural activities. TASIOWA also seeks to enrich the experience of the entire community by providing opportunities to engage and educate the community related to diversity. Working together with a variety of people from different backgrounds, we facilitate and encourage ongoing dialogue on issues of diversity. Hakkmzda
Misyonumuz dostluklar gelitirip farkl kltrlerin anlalmasna katkda bulunmaktr. Iowada yaam kalitesini destekleyip glendirebileceimiz olumlu bir sosyal evre oluturmak olan vizyonumuz, tm etkinliklerimizin zndedir. TASIOWAda yaptmz tm eitim ve sosyal faaliyetlerimizin nihai amac karlkl iletiim ve etkileim yoluyla daha gl ve daha gvenli topluluklar oluturmaktr. TASIOWAnn amalarndan biri de toplumda katlm, farkllk ve saygnn desteklenmesidir. Derneimiz kltrleraras toplumu glendirmek ve kltrleraras faaliyetlere katlmak isteyenlerin olumlu bir deneyim yaamasn salamak iin gayret gstermektedir. TASIOWA ayrca farkl topluluklar iin eitim ve katlm faaliyetleri oluturmak yoluyla toplumun deneyimlerini zenginletirme yollarn aramaktadr. Farkl gemilerden gelen birok bireyle birlikte alarak, farkllk konusundaki diyaloa zemin tekil edip zenginletirmekteyiz.

Community Services
Toplumsal Hizmetler

Weekend School
Our weekend school has been serving the Iowa community since 2006. This program offers Language & Culture classes to children ages 4 to 14 in order to cultivate culturally sensitive children who understand the value and strength in diversity. Furthermore, children benefit from performing in group settings, which helps build character and promotes leadership qualities. Parents take pride in watching their children perform on-stage on national and religious holidays. Haftasonu Okulu
Haftasonu okulumuz Iowa ve evresinde yaayan Trk ailelerin ocuklarna 2006 ylndan bu yana hizmet vermektedir. Okulumuzda verilen Trke dersleri, ABDde yaayan Trk ailelerin ocuklarnn ana dil ve kltrlerinden uzak kalmamalarn salamaktadr. Okul sonras sanat ve spor etkinlikleri ile ocuklarmzn bu alanlara olan ilgisi arttrlmakta ve bu dorultuda eitli kulp faaliyetleri gerekletirilmektedir. Ayrca, milli ve dini bayramlarda dzenlenen etkinlikler de haftasonu okulu bnyesinde hazrlanmaktadr.

Interfaith Dialogue Dinners

TASIOWA organizes several interfaith dialogue dinners each year in order to promote understanding and celebrate diversity among the Iowa community. Community members from various churches, synagogues, universities and other organizations have participated in these events in the past.

Dnlerarasi Dyalog Yemekler

TASIOWA, her sene zellikle Ramazan ay ierisinde dzenledii diyalog yemekleriyle, farkl kltr ve etnik gruplardan insanlar ayn at altnda bir araya getirmekte ve ortak paydalarda buluturmaktadr.

Turkish Classes
TASIOWA offers Turkish language classes from beginner to advanced levels. Our classes utilize a cultural immersion approach to help students develop their listening, writing and reading skills. Trke Dersler
TASIOWA, Trke renmek isteyen yabanclar iin her seviyede, birebir ve grup halinde Trke dersleri sunmaktadr.

Tutoring Classes
Tutoring classes are offered to students who would like to enhance their understanding of a specific subject or concept. The Learning Centers trained tutors spend time with students to help them master these concepts and enhance their performance in school. Parents and students have reported an improvement in grades, high test scores, and better study habits after participating in our program. Ek Dersler
Ek derslerin amac okul andaki rencilerin zellikle saysal alandaki bilgi an kapatp, altrma yaparak bu derslerdeki baar oranlarn arttrmaktr. Bu derslere katlan renciler daha verimli alarak ders notlarn ykseltmektedirler.

Toplumsal Yardimlama Programlari

Giving Back

Helping Hands
It is our goal to extend our hand to the needy whether at the local, national or international level. TASIOWA organizes charity events to distribute food, clothes and other necessary supplies to those who are affected by a disaster. nsan Yardm Faalyetler
TASIOWA gnllleri evrede yaayan ihtiya sahibi kimselere yardm eli uzatmay bir vazife olarak grmektedir.

Nursing Home Visits

It is important for our young children to remember the elderly and pay respect to them, especially on special occasions. We regularly visit nursing homes with our Weekend school students and engage in special activities with our elderly.
Gelecein yetikinleri olan ocuklarmzn kltrmzn nemli bir paras olan byklere ve yallara sayg ve hrmet kavramlarn renmeleri ok byk nem tamaktadr. TASIOWA, bu kavramlarn ocuklarn hayatnda yer edebilmesi iin, zellikle nemli gnlerde Haftasonu okulu rencileriyle huzur evi ziyaretleri gerekletirmektedir.

Huzurev Zyaretler

Food For Homeless

Evszlere Yemek

TASIOWA volunteers have helped churches provide food for the needy since 2006. We cook Turkish food, deliver it to various churches and serve it to the homeless.
TASIOWA gnllleri, 2006dan bu yana dzenli olarak Iowa'da yaayan evsiz insanlar iin yemek yardm sunmaktadr. Evsizlere yemek yardm yapan kilise ve dier gnll kurulularla birlikte alan TASIOWA, yardmda bulunmak isteyenlerle ihtiya sahipleri arasnda bir kpr ilevi grmektedir.


TASIOWA Kadin Kollari

Crafts & Bake Sales

TASIOWA members volunteer in Crafts and Bake Sales to support our activities. It is a busy week here at TASIOWA where everyone cooks delicious Turkish food while students create wonderful artwork to raise money for our community center. Kermesler
TASIOWA kadn kollar sene ierisinde yaplan baz aktivitelere kaynak bulabilmek amacyla, ylda birka kez kermes dzenlemektedir. Bu kermeslerde ev yemekleri satlrken, pazar okulu rencileri yaptklar el ilerini sergileme frsat bulmaktadr.


Turkish Coffee Nights

Our Turkish coffee night is more than just coffee, it is an evening filled with sincerity, love and friendship. Throughout the year TASIOWA ladies invite friends, co-workers, and students, to our cultural center to enjoy a taste of Turkish culture. The evenings are filled with interactive games, slide shows and delicious Turkish cuisine. Trk Kahves Geceler
TASIOWA kadn kollar dostluu pekitirmek, Trk kltrn Iowallarla paylamak ve hoa vakit geirmek amacyla Trk Kahvesi Geceleri dzenlemektedir.


Turkish Cooking Classes

We are excited to host Turkish cooking classes here at TASIOWA. Wouldnt you love to learn how to make some of your favorite Turkish cuisines? Baklava, kisir, pastries and savory home cooked meals, are only a few of the wonderful dishes you will be able to make for your family and friends. If you would like to learn how to prepare these tasty dishes, please come and join us. Trk Mutfai Dersleri
TASIOWA, dnyann sayl mutfaklarndan kabul edilen Trk mutfann zenginliini, Iowada tantma gayreti ierisindedir. TASIOWAda dzenlenen bu kurslar, Trk mutfann nde gelen rneklerinin renilmesi iin nemli bir frsattr.

Breakfast With The Ladies Of TASIOWA

Back by popular demand, breakfast with the ladies of TASIOWA! We welcome you and your children to be our guest and enjoy breakfast and a delightful conversation with our family. It is a wonderful time to catch-up with friends, share something new with one another and enjoy some delicious breakfast treats. We look forward to hosting you and your friends at our breakfast table. TASIOWA Sabah Kahvaltilari
TASIOWA kadn kollarnn dzenledii sabah kahvaltlar, bayanlarn ocuklaryla birlikte katlabildikleri ve hoa vakit geirdikleri bir aktivitedir. Bu kahvaltlarda evlerde hazrlanan pasta ve brekler paylalmakta ve dostluklar pekitirilmektedir.



Art Club

Everyone has a talent in the arts. At TASIOWA you will have the opportunity to learn traditional Turkish arts such as tezhip, cini and ebru. El Sanatlari Kulb
TASIOWAda tezhip ve ebru gibi geleneksel el sanatlar dersleri verilmektedir.

Music and Movie Clubs

Piano, guitar, saz and oud are some of the musical instruments that are taught at TASIOWA. The movie club brings people together who are interested in watching the latest international movies. Mzk ve Snema Kulpler
TASIOWAda esitli Trk mzii enstrmanlarnn dersleri verilmekte, sinema kulub de sinema tutkunu yelerimizi, film seyretmek ve tartmak iin bir araya getirmektedir.

Soccer , Tennis, and Swimming Clubs

We encourage our children to participate in various sports; soccer, swimming and tennis classes are held throughout the year. Our sports clubs serve children between the ages of 5 and 15
TASIOWAda, zellikle ocuklar iin futbol, yzme ve tenis dersleri verilmekte ve bu sporlar tevik edilmektedir.

Futbol, Tens ve Yzme Kulpler


Special Days & Events

zel Gnler Ve Aktiviteler

Noahs Pudding
In collaboration with Niagara Foundation, we distribute over 10,000 cups of Ashure (Noahs Pudding) to neighboring churches, synagogues and community centers every year on Ashure day. Aure
TASIOWA gnllleri, Trkiyede toplumsal barn en gzel rneklerinden biri olan Aure geleneini ABDde de srdrmektedir. Niagara Vakfiyla ortaklaa yaplan almalarda, her yl onbinlerce kap aure piirilmekte ve evredeki kiliselerde, resmi kurumlarda, niversitelerde ve okullarda datlmaktadr.


National and International Trips

TASIOWA organizes intercultural trips to Turkey. We take several groups of Iowans to visit this amazing country every year! Yurt ve Yurt d Gezler
TASIOWA her yl Trkiyeye de birok gezi dzenlemekte ve Iowallarn Trkiyeyi, Trk insann ve kltrn daha yakndan tanmasna vesile olmaktadr.


Winter Retreat
It is a longstanding tradition for our community members to take a week off in late December for a winter retreat. Families get together to relax while children enjoy playing together for a full week. Ki Dnlenme Programlari
Her yln Aralk ay sonundaki resmi tatilde dzenlenen bu toplu programda, Trk aileler hem dostlar ile vakit geirme hem de dinlenme frsat bulmaktadrlar.

Warm weather is the time to enjoy the outdoors. We get together with our members during spring and summer and enjoy delicious Turkish food. Pknkler
zellikle havalarn gzel olduu yaz aylarnda, TASIOWA gnllleri piknikler dzenlemektedir. Piknik programlar, hafta sonlar TASIOWA yelerinin elenceli bir dostluk ortamnda bulumalarn salamaktadr.


National and Religious Days

TASIOWA organizes several programs throughout the year to celebrate national and religious holidays. Weekend school students perform various shows for the audience. Mll gn ve bayramlar
TASIOWA, milli gn ve bayramlarmzda, ocuklarmz ve bykler iin zel kutlama programlar dzenlemekte, Trk toplumunun bulumasn salamaktadr.

Mothers and Fathers Day Celebrations

We do not forget our moms and dads! We organize parties for them on these special days. Students of the TASIOWA Weekend school participate in special activities during these important days. Anneler ve Babalar Gn Kutlamalari
Anne ve Babalar Gn, TASIOWA Haftasonu okulu rencilerinin hazrlad programlar eliinde kutlanmaktadr.


Eid Ul-Fitr & Eid Al-Adha Gatherings

Eid-ul Fitr & Eid-Al Adha are two of the most important holy days for Muslims. Families, friends and children have the opportunity to gettogether as a community and celebrate. TASIOWA organizes Eid ul-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha celebrations every year and bring bring the community together together in celebration. Ramazan Ve Kurban Bayrami Kutlamalari
Mslmanlarn en nemli iki bayram olan Ramazan ve Kurban Bayram TASIOWA yelerini bir araya getirme vesilesi olmaktadr. TASIOWAnn dzenledii bayram programlarnda dostlara ve ocuklara bayram sevinci yaatlmakta, topluca bayramlalmakta, gurbette bir lde de olsa zlem giderilmektedir.

Celebrating The Birth Of The Prophet

TASIOWA organizes a special commemoration program every year for the Prophet Muhammads (pbuh) birthday. TASIOWA members have an opportunity to listen to a speech about the Prophets Life. Kutlu doum programi
Dnya zerinde yaayan btn Mslmanlarla birlikte TASIOWA da her sene Kutlu Doum Haftasn kutlamaktadr. Senede bir kez dzenlenen bu programda bir araya gelen Iowal Mslmanlar, TASIOWAnn organize ettii tasavvuf musikisi, Kuran ve dini sohbet programlaryla geceyi deerlendirmektedir.


Turkish World Festival

Trk Dnyasi Festval

Turkish World Festival

TASIOWA participates in The Chicago Turkish World Festival that provides us with a chance to experience a celebration of lands thousands of miles away and offers a peek into the historically rich Turkish, Balkan, Mediterranean and Central Asian cultures. This two-day event features a variety of activities that represent the heritage of countries such as Turkey, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Visitors experience different flavors, sounds and smells at the Pier in the form of fresh Turkish delicacies, Ottoman-era marching bands, whirling dervishes and world-famous Turkish coffee!


kago Trk Dnyas Festval

TASC, Niagara Vakf ve Trk Amerikan Ticaret Odas ibirliiyle her sene Orta Asya, Balkan ve Trk Kltrlerinin birlikte tantld bir Trk Dnyas Festivali dzenlenmektedir. Bu festival, ikagonun en ok turist eken merkezlerinin banda gelen Navy Pierde yaplmakta ve binlerce insann Trk, Balkan ve Orta Asya kltrlerinin ortak paydalarn kefetmesine vesile olmaktadr. Biz de TASIOWA olarak bu festivale katlmakta ve katkda bulunmaktayz.



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