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Sandralice Designs

Slouchy Beret in Noro Silk Garden Chunky

You will need: 2 x 50grms balls of Noro Silk Garden Chunky. 1 x 6mm circular needle, 1x 7mm circular needle, 1x stitch marker. Tension/Gauge 18sts x 24rows over stocking stitch Abbreviations: kfb; Knit into the front and back of next stitch. yfwd; bring yarn to front of work. p;purl. K;knit. beg;beginning. st;stitch. sts;stitches. inc;increase. rep;repeat.

Using size 6mm circular needle cast on 72 stitches. Taking care not to twist stitches join into a round. Place a marker to denote beg of round. Work 9 rounds in a k3, P3, rib. Change to size 7mm circular needle. Rounds: 1-3: purl. Next round knit. Next round: yfwd k2tog to end. Next round: knit. Rounds 7-9: purl. Increase round: (kfb of next st, k1,) rep to end of round 108sts. Round 1; knit to marker. Round 2; (yfwd, k7, k2tog) rep. to marker. Repeat these 2 rows 6 times more. Start decreases: Round 1; (k 7, k2tog) rep to marker. Round 2; (yfwd, k6, k2tog) rep. to marker Round 3; (k6, k2tog) rep to marker Round 4; (yfwd, k5, k2tog) rep to marker Round 5; (k5, k2tog) rep to marker Round 6; (yfwd, k4, k2tog) rep to marker Round 7; (k4, k2tog) rep to marker Round 8; (yfwd, k3, k2tog) rep to marker Round 9; (k3, k2tog) rep to marker Round 10; (yfwd, k2, k2tog) rep to marker Round 11; (k2, k2tog) rep to marker Round 12; (yfwd, k1, k2tog.) rep to marker. Round 13; (k1, k2tog) rep to marker. Round 14; (k2tog) rep to marker. Break yarn and thread through remaining sts pull up tight and fasten off.

Beckside Yarns & Needlecrafts, Beckside Gallery, Church Avenue, Clapham, Via Lancaster, LA2 8EA. Tel. 015242 51122
Copyright Sandra Oakeshott 2009 all rights reserved. This pattern is for personal use only..

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