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Iore|gn d|rect |nvestment (IDI) or forelgn lnvesLmenL refers Lo Lhe neL lnflows of lnvesLmenL Lo acqulre

a lasLlng managemenL lnLeresL (10 percenL or more of voLlng sLock) ln an enLerprlse operaLlng ln an
economy oLher Lhan LhaL of Lhe lnvesLor
lL ls Lhe sum of equlLy caplLal relnvesLmenL of earnlngs
oLher longLerm caplLal and shorLLerm caplLal as shown ln Lhe balance of paymenLs lL usually lnvolves
parLlclpaLlon ln managemenL [olnLvenLure Lransfer of Lechnology and experLlse 1here are Lwo Lypes of
lul lnward forelgn dlrecL lnvesLmenL and ouLward forelgn dlrecL lnvesLmenL resulLlng ln a lul
(poslLlve or negaLlve) and sLock of forelgn dlrecL lnvesLmenL whlch ls Lhe cumulaLlve number
for a glven perlod ulrecL lnvesLmenL excludes lnvesLmenL Lhrough purchase of shares
lul ls one
example of lnLernaLlonal facLor movemenL

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