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changing money

alex hello. i’d like to change some money into u.s. currency,
chao.toi can doi mot it tien ra my kim,vui long giup dum
bank teller you have cash or traveler’s checks?
duoc thoi,ban co tien mac hay the tinh dung du lich?
alex traveler’s checks.
tin dung du lich
alex here they are.
day chung day nay
bank teller may i see your passport please?
toi duoc phep xem giay thong hanh cua ban?
alex of course.
di nhien
bank teller let’s see. that adds up to $1,250.00.
de chung toi xem.cai nay duoc doi len den $1.250.00
bank teller would you like it in any special denomination?
ban muon doi no ra nhung to giay bac dac biet?
alex i beg your pardon?
toi xin loi?
bank teller how would you like your money? in twenties, fifties, or hundred dollar
ban muon giay bac cua ban nhu the nao? giay hai muoi,nam muoi,hay
mot tram ?
alex a hundred dollars in twenties and the rest in hundred dollar bills,
mot tram cho giay bac hai muoi, va so con lair a giay bac mot tram.

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