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checking into a hotel


desk clerk welcome to the peachtree plaza. do you have a reservation?

chu mung ban moi den peachtree plaza.ban co dac phong truoc
alex yes, i do. i’ll be staying for two or three days.
van co.toi se o lai day hai hay ba hom.
desk clerk what is your name?
ten ban la gi?
alex alex smith.
alex smith
desk clerk are you here for business or pleasure?
ban den day ve viec buon ban hay de thu gian ?
alex could you please speak more slowly?
ban vui long noi cham hon mot chuc
desk clerk is this a business trip or just a vacation?
day la mot chuyen di cho viec lam an hay chi de nghi he?
alex both, actually.
ca hai
alex my uncle died recently in atlanta. i’ve come to take care of
his estate.
cau toi vua mat o atlanta.toi phai den de lo viec nha cua cua ong
desk clerk i’m sorry for your loss.
lay lam tiec cho viec mat mac cua ban.
desk clerk we’ll make your stay here as worry-free as possible.
chung toi se de ban o day that thoai may (nhu o nha).
alex thank you.
cam on.
desk clerk we have room 758 reserved for you. will you be paying with
cash or a
credit card
chung toi co phong 758 danh cho ban.ban se tra bang tien mac
haythe tin dung?
alex a credit card. here it is.
bang the tin dung, day no day nay.
alex what’s the rate?
gia ra sao?
desk clerk $129.00 per night. there’s also a complimentary continental
$129.00 mot ca buoi an sang ( dia phuong)
desk clerk i need to make an imprint of your credit card.
toi can in the cua ban (co nghia la keo card ,de tra tien)
alex how do i get to my room?
toi den phong cua toi bang cach nao?
desk clerk take the elevator on the right to the seventh floor, and turn
to your left . after you exit the elevator .
lay thang may,ben tay phai,de den lau bayva xoai ben trai sau khi
da ra khoi thang may
desk clerk the room will be on your right. a bellman will bring up your
phong se o ben tay phai cua ban.nguoi boi phong se mang hanh ly cho

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