10 Meeting An Attorney

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meeting an attorney

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mr. young your uncle thomas was a fine man. he certainly thought a lot
of you.
cau cua anh thomas la mot nguoi rat tot.ong ay chac chan nghi rat
nhieu ve anh.
mr. young as you may know, he had no direct descendants, so he
wanted to leave you the of his estate
. nhu anh da biet.ong ay khong co con , vi vay ong ay muon de lai gia
tai cua ong ay cho anh.
alex i can’t believe it. he didn’t come home to visit very often.
toi khong tin dieu day.anh ay khong thuong xuyen ve tham nha.
mr. young well, it’s right here in his will.
dung vay, nhung day nay di chuc cua ong ay nay.
mr. young you can claim your inheritance as soon as you meet the stated
ban co the nhan tai san cua bancan som can tom khi ban da hoan
thanh cac yeu cua cua di chuc.
alex what requirements?
cac yeu cau gi?
mr. young after immigrating to the u.s., your uncle fell in love with his
adopted country.
sau khi nhap cu vao my quoc, cau anh rat yeu quoc gia cuu mang ong
mr. young he was especially fond of atlanta, washington, chicago, and
san francisco.
dac biet ong ay rat yeu thich thanh pho : atlanta,washington,chicago
va sanfrancisco.
mr. young he wanted you to visit some of the places that he enjoyed so
ong ay muon anh tham vien vai noi ma ong ay ua thich nhat.
alex that seems easy enough. anything else?
dieu do co ve de dan .con gi nua khong?

mr. young here are sealed envelopes with instructions about each place.
day la cai bi thu co da duoc niem phong voi day du cac chi tiet can
lam, ben trong, o moi nen anh den.
mr. young when you arrive in washington, for example, open that one.
then you’ll
know. what to do .
khi ban den washington,thi du vay, ban mo bi thu ra, va sau do ban se
biet phai lam gi.

alex this is all very strange.

tat ca nhung dieu nay co ve la.
mr. young yes, it’s strange, but worth the trouble, i think.
van, la.nhung dang de phai lo au,toi nghi nhu vay.
mr. young when you finish your “treasure hunt” and return to atlanta, i’ll
give you
your check.
khi ban hoan tat cuoc "sang tim kho bau" va ban quay ve atlanta,toi se
gui cho anh cai chi phieu ngan hang cua anh.

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