15 A Business Lunch

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a business lunch

mot buoi an trua cho cong viec lam an

alex how did you know my uncle?
ban biet cau toi nhu the nao ?
colleague thomas and i founded a small company specializing in fine
wines and foods.
thomas va toi gap nhau trong mot cong ty nho chuyen biet ve ruou
ngon va thuc an
colleague we worked together for about six years.
chung toi lam viec chung voi nhau duoc sau nam
colleague he took care of finances, and i handled marketing and sales.
anh ay lo ve tai chinh con toi phu trach tiep thi va ban hang.
colleague he was a delight to work with.
anh la mot nguoi vui tinh (delight) de lam viec voi anh ay.
alex i didn’t realize that he lived on the west coast for six years.
toi khong nghi la anh ay song o bo bien phia tay nay duoc sau nam
colleague he didn’t. we met in chicago.
anh ay khong o day lau dau.chung toi gap nhau o chicago.
colleague as the company grew, i moved to california to be closer to
our distributors.
nhu cong ty cang ngay cang lon len,toi phai doi ve california de gan nhung
diem phan phoi hang hon
colleague he eventually moved to atlanta, as you know.
anh ay di nhien phai doi ve atlanta nhu anh biet.
alex how is the company doing?
roi cong ty kha len ?
colleague very well, thank you.
rat tot , cam on anh.
colleague when thomas became ill, he sold his shares of the company.
khi cau anh thomas bac dau benh,anh ay ban co phan cua anh ay cho
cong ty.
colleague so, what brings you to the states?
nhu vay anh mang cai gi den tieu ban nay ?
alex my uncle wanted me to see the places in america that he
cau toi muon toi xem lai nhung noi o my nay ma ong ay yeu thich.
alex i’ll receive an inheritance once i complete this trip and return
to atlanta.
toi se nhan duoc di san cua ong ay de lai khi toi hoan tac chuyen di
va tro lai atlanta
colleague interesting. before you leave san francisco, be sure you see
the golden gate bridge, chinatown, and sausalito
thic thu nhat la .troc khi roi khoi sanfrancisco, hay chac chang la ban
da xem qua roi golden bridge, chinatown va sausalito.
alex i’ve already been to chinatown. i was just about to go see the
toi da xem qua roi chinatown. va toi sung da xem qua roi chic cau .
alex well, thanks for lunch. it was a pleasure meeting you.
tot, toi xin cam on buoi an nay.va rat la thich thu da gap duoc ban.

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