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collecting your inheritance

nhan lai di san

mr. young well, how did your trip go?
sao chuyen di cua anh nhu the nao?
alex it was great. i had no idea the u.s. was so large.
rat tuyet. toi khong nghi la my quoc to lon nhu the.
alex i thought i would never get back to atlanta.
toi nghi la khong bao gio quay lai atlanta.
mr. young did you follow your uncle’s instructions?
ban co theo dung quan thi cua cau ban khong?
alex i think so. here are my receipts and the other items he
wanted me to collect.
toi nghi la la nhung hoa don va nhung thu ma cua toi dan toi
phai mang ve day.
alex i think everything is in order.
toi nghi la moi thu theo dung tri tu cua no.
mr. young yes, i believe you have satisfied the conditions in your
uncle’s will.
van, toi tin rang ban da lam thoa mang nhung dieu kien ma cau ban
da ghi trong di chuc.
mr. young here’s your check.
day la tam ngan phieu cua ban.
mr. young you can deposit it once you get home, if you want.
ban co the nhan duoc no khi ve den nha, neu muon.
alex wow! i think i’ll do that.
toi nghi la toi se lam dieu day.
alex i’ll have a lot of credit card bills waiting for me.
toi cung con kha nhieu hoa don doi toi o nha.

mr. young one thing is for sure, your english has really improved since
mot dieu chac chang laanh van cua ban kha hon luc ban moi den.
alex you’re kind. i think it has, too.
oh ong de men qua, toi nghi la nhu vay.
alex i wonder how i’ll keep it up.
toi lay lam ngan nhien la tai sao toi lam dat duoc nhu vay
mr. young with the money from your inheritance, you’ll be able to come
back to the u.s. as often as you like, or go anywhere else in the world for
that matter.
voi so tien trong di san cua cau ban,ban co the quay lai hoa ky nhieu
lan tuy thich va co the di nhung noi tren the gioi nay .

mr. young have a safe trip home!

chuc ban ve binh an.
alex thank you. i will be back!
cam on ong, toi se quay lai day.

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