18 at The Movies

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at the movies

o rap chieu bong

cashier how many?
bao nhieu?
alex one ticket please.
cho toi mot ve
cashier that will be $6.00.
gia sau dollar
clerk what can i get for you?
ban muon co them cai gi?
alex popcorn, a coke, and some of those chocolates there.
bap rang,coca (khong dong) va mot it chocolate
clerk you mean milk duds?
ban muon noi mon milk duds?
alex yes, that’s right, a box of milk duds.
van dung vay, mo thop milk duds.
clerk do you want classic coke, diet coke, or cherry coke?
ban muon coca loai co dien, coa ca kkhong duong, hay la coca
alex uh... , classic coke, i think.
uh ...toi ngi la coca co dien.
clerk would you like butter on your popcorn?
ban co mon de bo len bap cua ban khong?
alex yes, thank you.
van cam on.
clerk here you go. that’ll be $4.50, please.
day ban co the di duoc roi.tat ca la $4.50

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