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The Plot
The scene is early morning, a young women is running down a dark street. She is dishevelled in evening clothes like she was out partying. Her make-up is smudged, her hair is untidy, and theres a cut on her head and blood by the corner of her mouth. She pauses gazing down the streets, terror in her eyes, like shes trying to hide, flashback to her in a car boot, gagged and tied, screaming. Back to street as she runs on. From the other end of the street, we witness a pair of feet stepping out into view, before they begin to follow. The girl runs on, breathing fast, and we see through her eyes as she stumbles and struggles. Behind her we see the pair of feet, moving at a slow pace, perusing her, but clearly out worried. The girl finally comes to the middle of a bridge over a river. There is no one else in sight. She falls against the side, gasping for breath and clutching her side. From behind her, we see a far shot of her as the set of feet step into view. The girl looks back and pure horror floods her face as she sees the unknown figure (clearly he is the one shes running from). Shot from her eyes back as the man but her vision is blurred, making him out as a simple black figure. The feet begin to advance.

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