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Ele ctrical system

Elec tronic ig nition system s genera te very high v oltag es. Do not touch the ignition system , high voltage can be fatal.

Fuses i n the v ehicle passeng er compa rtment The fuse box is located in the vehicle passenger compa rtm ent nex t to the steering column under the stowag e compartment. Open the comp artment, p ress b oth sides tog ether slightly, swivel the com partment down to its full extent a nd detach it.

Turn the fixing screw s b y 90 using a coin and remove the stowage compartment fixture. The numb ering scheme for the fuses is given on the b ack of the cover.

A defective fuse can be recog nized b y its melted w ire. A new fuse should only be installed after the cause of the trouble has been rectified. There are two fuse boxes in the vehicle: O ne in the interior next to the steering column behind the storage comp artm ent, and one in the front left of the engine compartment, beneath a cover.


To rep la ce a fuse, grip handle to disengage fuse box from underneath and swivel forwards.

It is a g ood id ea to carry a complete sp are set of fuses, obtainable from any Vauxhall Ap prov ed Rep airer. Store spare fuses in the place provided in the fuse box (m arked in yellow in the figure). To help in replacing fuses, there is a spec ia l fuse-gripping tool on the rig ht-hand sid e in the fuse box. Before replacing a fuse, turn off the respective switch and the ignition. Slot fuse-gripping tool onto fuse and withdra w it.

O nly fit fuses of the sp ecified current rating. Each fuse has its current rating written on it, in addition the ratings are colour coded . Fuse colour Grey Light brown Brown Red Light blue Y ellow Light green O range Fuse rating1) 2A 5A 7.5 A 10 A 15 A 20 A 30 A 40 A


Ra ting in Amp eres.


Fuse 11 12 13

C ircuit

Ra ting

C entral locking system , 20 A anti-theft alarm sy stem Fog lamp s I nformation display, telema tics, rain sensor Windscreen wipers, sun roof (C oupe) 15 A 5A

14 15

30 A

Some circuits m ay be protected by severa l fuses. Fuse 1 2 3 4 5 C ircuit Rat ing C onv ertible, fold ing top 40 A Fan 30 A Heated rear w indow 40 A

Fuse 6

Circ ui t Dipped bea m (right), headlam p range adjustment Parking lamp (right), tail lamp (right), num ber pla te lamp

Rating 10 A

16 17 18

Window operation, 5A sun roof, ad justable ex ternal rear v iew m irror, interior lighting Fog tail lam ps 10 A Electric w indows 30 A N um ber p late lam p, 5A headlamp ra ng e ad justment, automatic tra nsmission C D changer, 10 A telema tics, infotainment system Electric w indows 30 A

10 A 19

8 9 10

Main beam (right) 10 A Hea dlamp wa sh system 30 A Horn 15 A



Fuse 21

C ircuit Ignition switch, anti-theft alarm sy stem, radio, telematics, infotainm ent system Haz ard warning flashers, inform ation display , trip com puter, infotainm ent system, control indicators ABS, power steering Dipped beam (left) Parking lam p (left), tail lam p (left) Main b eam (left) C ourtesy lamp

Rating 5A

Fuse 29 30 31

Circ ui t


Fuse 38

C ircuit

Ra ting

Hazard warning lamps, 10 A autom atic transm ission Sun roof Tailgate wiper Daytime running lights Terminal 30: Constant c urrent for caravan/tra iler Inform ation d isplay , radio, telematics, infotainment sy stem 20 A 20 A 10 A 20 A


15 A

32 33

Brak e lam ps, 10 A automatic tra nsmission, information disp la y, cruise c ontrol, electronic air conditioning sy stem Automatic transmission, 5 A engine cooling, air conditioning system Engine cooling, 5A air conditioning system H eated ex terior mirrors 10 A C ourtesy lamp, sea t occupancy recognition Xenon headlamp system , (right) Xenon headlamp system , (left) S eat heating I gnition system S tationary heater 5A


34 10 A 10 A 10 A 10 A 5A 36 37 35

20 A

40 41 42

23 24 25 26 27 28

Automa tic transmission, 10 A engine cooling, air conditioning system Cigarette lighter 15 A Seat heating 20 A

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

15 A 15 A 5A 15 A 20 A

C onv ertible, folding top 2 A C onv ertible, folding top 2 A


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