Word Chapter: WD Creating and Editing Word Document

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64 Word Chapter 1

Creating and Editing a Word Document

Apply Your Knowledge continued

11. Underline the word, and, in the first bulleted paragraph.

12. Italicize the text in the signature line.
13. Change

the theme colors to the Civic color scheme.


Change the theme fonts to the Opulent font set.

15. Change the zoom

to 50 percent so the entire page is visible in the document window.

t6. Change the spacing before the headline paragraph to 0 point. Change the spacing after the headline paragraph to 12 point.
17. Insert the picture of the combine centered on the blank line above the bulleted list.

The picnre is called

Fall Harvest and is available on the Data Files for Students.Apply the Snip Diagonal Corner, White picture sryle to the inserted picture. Change the color of the picture border to Orange, Accent 6.

The entire flyer now should fit on a single page. If it flows to two pages, resize the picture or decrease spacing before and after paragraphs until the entire flyer text fits on a single page.
19. Enter the text, F{oney
Creek, as the key'words. Change the other

document properties,
as specified by



20. Click the Office Button and then click Save As. Save the document usirs the file name, Apply 1-1 Autumn Fest Flyer Formatted. 21. Position the Quick Access Toolbar below the Ribbon. Save the document again by clicking the Save buttor. Reposition the Quick Access Toolbar above , the Ribbon.
22. Submit the revised document, shown in Figure 1-89, in the format specified by 1-c-; instructor.

22-point font size

Figure 1-89

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