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Mentor Report -October

MUN Mentors Report Form - October Name: Waqas Hanif Date: 28th Oct 2011 Mentee: Sebastian Holzer 1. Please list the dates during the month of October when you and your mentee met and provide a brief description (1-2 sentences) of what you did together. If you need more room, please continue below this chart or on the back of this page. Date 2nd,3rd,4th 8th, 9th 12th, 14th 22nd, 23rd 28th Soccer Downtown Coffee Bell Island Halloween (tonight) Description Hours spent 5 6 2 ~26 ~5

2. In general, how do you feel your relationship is going with your mentee? Awesome, he is a grown up man and has a lot to share with me, in terms of culture, traditions etc

3. Name one cultural difference you have noticed from you Mentee? (In regards to time, environment, etc. ~ see April training notes for more info) I would say drinking but I am totally OK with it as all my friends here do the same.

4. What are your goals for your future meetings with your Mentee? He is here for a few more weeks, so we are planning to go around Newfoundland and visit some good places

Report Due October 27, 2011 4pm

Mentor Report -October

Please note: if you have any questions about this report contact Teeba at

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