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Gk No L21438 September 28 1966

AIk IkANCL peLlLloner

kAIALL CAkkASCCSC and the nCNCkA8LL CCUk1 CI ALALS respondenLs

IAC1S Carrascoso was a member of a group of 48 llllplno pllgrlms LhaL lefL Manlla for
Lourdes on March 30 1938 Alr lrance lssued a flrsL class" round Lrlp LlckeL from Manlla Lo
8ome lrom Manlla Lo 8angkok passenger Carrascoso Lraveled ln flrsL class buL aL 8angkok
Lhe Manager of Alr lrance forced hlm Lo vacaLe Lhe flrsL class seaL because a whlLe man had
a beLLer rlghL Lo lL 1he purser wroLe ln hls record book llrsL class passenger was forced Lo
go Lo Lhe LourlsL class agalnsL hls wlll and Lhe capLaln refused Lo lnLervene" whlch was
wrlLLen ln lrench eLlLloner conLends LhaL damages musL be averred LhaL Lhere was fraud
and bad falLh ln order LhaL clalm for damages should seL ln
ISSUL WheLher or noL passenger Carrascoso was enLlLled Lo damages
kULING AlLhough Lrue LhaL Lhere was no menLlon of bad falLh ln Lhe complalnL Lhe
lnference of bad falLh can be drawn from Lhe facLs and clrcumsLances Lhereln 1he
peLlLloner vlolaLed lLs conLracL of LransporLaLlon wlLh Lhe aggravaLlng clrcumsLance
commlLLed by lLs manager when lL wenL Lo Lhe exLenL of LhreaLenlng Lhe plalnLlff ln Lhe
presence of many passengers

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