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1he Un|ted Nat|ons 1rusteesh|p Counc|| one of Lhe prlnclpal organs of Lhe unlLed naLlons was
esLabllshed Lo help ensure LhaL LrusL LerrlLorles were admlnlsLered ln Lhe besL lnLeresLs of Lhelr
lnhablLanLs and of lnLernaLlonal peace and securlLy 1he LrusL LerrlLorlesmosL of Lhem former
mandaLes of Lhe League of naLlons or LerrlLorles Laken from naLlons defeaLed aL Lhe end of World War
llhave all now aLLalned selfgovernmenL or lndependence elLher as separaLe naLlons or by [olnlng
nelghbourlng lndependenL counLrles
1he 1rusLeeshlp Councll was formed ln 1943 Lo oversee Lhe decolonlzaLlon of Lhose dependenL
LerrlLorles LhaL were Lo be placed under Lhe lnLernaLlonal LrusLeeshlp sysLem creaLed by Lhe unlLed
naLlons CharLer as a successor Lo Lhe League of naLlons mandaLe sysLem
under Lhe CharLer Lhe 1rusLeeshlp Councll was Lo conslsL of an equal number of unlLed naLlons
Member SLaLes admlnlsLerlng LrusL LerrlLorles and nonadmlnlsLerlng sLaLes 1hus Lhe Councll was Lo
conslsL of (1) all un members admlnlsLerlng LrusL LerrlLorles (2) Lhe flve permanenL members of Lhe
SecurlLy Councll and (3) as many oLher nonadmlnlsLerlng members as needed Lo equallze Lhe number
of admlnlsLerlng and nonadmlnlsLerlng members elecLed by Lhe unlLed naLlons Ceneral Assembly for
renewable Lhreeyear Lerms
Lconom|c and Soc|a| Counc||
1he Lconom|c and Soc|a| Counc|| (LCCSCC) of Lhe unlLed naLlons consLlLuLes one of Lhe slx (one ls noL
acLlve aL Lhe momenL) prlnclpal organs of Lhe unlLed naLlons and lL ls responslble for Lhe coordlnaLlon of
Lhe economlc soclal and relaLed work of 14 un speclallzed agencles lLs funcLlonal commlsslons and flve
reglonal commlsslons
1he Un|ted Nat|ons Secretar|at ls one of Lhe flve prlnclpal organs of Lhe unlLed naLlons and lL ls headed
by Lhe unlLed naLlons SecreLaryCeneral asslsLed by a sLaff of lnLernaLlonal clvll servanLs worldwlde lL
provldes sLudles lnformaLlon and faclllLles needed by unlLed naLlons bodles for Lhelr meeLlngs lL also
carrles ouL Lasks as dlrecLed by Lhe un SecurlLy Councll Lhe un Ceneral Assembly Lhe un Lconomlc and
Soclal Councll and oLher un bodles 1he unlLed naLlons CharLer provldes LhaL Lhe sLaff be chosen by
appllcaLlon of Lhe hlghesL sLandards of efflclency compeLence and lnLegrlLy wlLh due regard for Lhe
lmporLance of recrulLlng on a wlde geographlcal basls 1he SecreLaryCenerals duLles lnclude helplng
resolve lnLernaLlonal dlspuLes admlnlsLerlng peacekeeplng operaLlons organlzlng lnLernaLlonal
conferences gaLherlng lnformaLlon on Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of SecurlLy Councll declslons and consulLlng
wlLh member governmenLs regardlng varlous lnlLlaLlves

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