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RINDA OKNIA PRAMESTIK 2011. Analysis Of Behavior Consumer In Purchasing Beverages Teh Kotak. Case studies in Carrefour Kiara Condong, Bandung. Under guidance of LIES SULISTYOWATI. To fulfill our needs with diverse activities, consumer looking for things that simple and doesnt disturb their activities. This is a good chance for foods and beverages in container, one product that offered by company is tea in container. PT. Ultrajaya Milk Industry & Trading Company Tbk, is one of company which still can survive in competitive situation and engaged in foods and beverages industries. One of beverage products which produced by Ultra jaya company and produced in 1994 is Teh Kotak. This research intend to identify characteristic of consumer, to analyze the behavior of consumer and factors which affect consumer in purchashing beverage Teh Kotak in Carrefour Kiara Condong Bandung. The research design which used is qualitative descriptive study using survey research techniques. In this survey, the information are collected from respondent using questionnaire. Base on descriptive analysis and Importance Performance concluded Teh Kotak is

favored by consumers who relatively young 24 years old status as a student with the highest education level from high school, diploma and degree level of income Rp.800,000,-. In common consumers are live in Bandung. Their motive/reason drink Teh Kotak are it simple to be drunk and has a natural taste. The behavior after purchashing, consumer feels satisfied with Teh Kotak because the taste is sweeter and the flavor is sweeter too than the other products. Factors which affected consumer in purchasing are clarity permits from Depkes, clarity of expired, easiness in obtaining product, availability in cold conditions, sweet taste, freshness after consumption, halal certification, and hygiene product.

Keywords : consumer behavior, factors, purchasing, Teh Kotak beverage

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