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Friday OCT. 28th 2011 Seprate Paths of Disalution By -Daniel Scott West Atomic frog Productions(c.)2001 , dantheryno@yahoo.

com I am split in two. My vision is my own I show myself the inmost me. I Judge freely amongst all who have eyes, idiots ranting in spirls of smoke they do not know taist from sound. they speek without toungues. they vomit forth globbs of dibris as thier stench, wrentches pits of vowels. Smushed together as febal attempts of useful knowlage they Judge Me. casting shadows, doubt, into smokefilled lungs. Laughing as they taunt babbles spilling into the streets, as thier clammered teath gnash at hopeless verbs and sentances as wolves knawing at tree bark. I point and expect lashing of smoke to fill empty space between useless brain cell walls tht echo shants and spin hampser wheals against a continuing audiances of false friends and visciuse quibbling sibblings People of Lewis county, People ofEducation do yousee yourselves as I see you? I know the nswer and await your reply! If you are predictable as I say you are... youll go to your shelters of safety and scurge after life, your friends only find death in your lonely coradores, halls, and Libraries. (only one page from my journal)-Daniel Scott West

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