LWP Version 4.02-22

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LWP Version 4.

1. DOWNLOAD 1.1 DOWNLOAD HEX FILE NAME LWP.HEX (673,529 BYTES) INTO UNIT AS PER TEST INSTRUCTIONS Boot the series 3000 terminal. The system files will be copied to the flash disk. Observe the display and wait for the following to appear: a. scrolling b. displays the following: INSTALLING LWP HEX Ver 4.02-22 Loading System Files 1. Re-format flash 2. Use flash as-is 3. Select [1,2] : c. Select 1 d. Continue until the following is displayed:



Load UPD802.HEX Strike a key when ready

e. Hit any key and continue until the following is displayed:

NVM Loader 1.02-00 <ENTER> to erase NVM

f. Hit ENTER and continue until the following is displayed:


g. Select the required download communication parameters. . 1.4 Download hex file name UPD802.HEX (685,522 bytes) into unit as per test instructions.


Boot the series 3000 terminal. The system files will be copied to the flash disk. Observe the display and wait for the following to appear a. scrolling b. displays the following: FLASH TERMINAL LWP HEX ver 4.02-22


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