Gene Fine Structure: Complementation - Complementation

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GENE FINE STRUCTURE - Most phenotype is controlled by one genes while others by two or more genes - The position

of the genes on the chromosome is continuous (adjacent to one another) - We can know if the mutation occurs in the position of cis or trans by performing the complementation or cis-trans test - complementation or cis-trans test = a test to determine whether two mutant sites of a gene are in the same functional unit or gene - cis comformation = in heterozygotes involving two mutant site in a gene or gene cluster, the sequence is a1a2/ + + - trans comformation = in heterozygotes involving two mutant site in a gene or gene cluster, the sequence is a1 + / a2 +

deletion mapping - Deletion is a mutation resulting from a loss of chromosome segment - In deletion mapping, is deletion is represented by a bar - If two deletion mutant is crossed, and no recombination occur, then the deletion is overlapping, and the bar is shown as overlapping (denoted as 0), if recombination occurs, the bar does not overlap (denoted as +) - Deletion mapping is important in determining the limit or boundary of a particular deletion mutant

Mutant 1 overlap with 5 but not with 2,3 and 4:

Mutant 2 does not overlap with 1 and 4 but overlap with 3 and 5:

Mutan 3 tidak bertindih dengan 1 dan 5 tapi bertindih dengan 4 sahaja. Mutan 4 hanya bertindih dengan 3 sahaja.

Models for genetic recombination at the molecular level: - Holliday model single-stranded break on both strands - Messelson-Radding model single stranded break on one strand - Szostak model double-stranded break on one strand (the most plausible model)

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