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Luls vldal

1234 n ClLy SL
Chlcago lL 60601

LuuCA1lCnAL PlS1C8?
Ad|er Schoo| of rofess|ona| sycho|ogy Ch|cago IL
MasLer of ArLs ln Counsellng sychology LxpecLed May 2014
Un|vers|ty of 1exasAust|n Aust|n 1k
8achelor of ArLs ln sychology !une 2010

8AC1lCuM LxL8lLnCL
G|r|s |n the Game Chlcago lL !an!une 2012
commoolty 5etvlce xteto
O 200 hours of capaclLy bulldlng funcLlons wlLhln a nonproflL seLLlng
O ConducLed program evaluaLlon regardlng Lhe efflcacy of Lhe program's effecL on glrls aged 816
O LvaluaLed lmpacL of program Lhrough lnLervlewlng Lhe glrls oneonone
O CofaclllLaLed a sharlng group" where glrls were able Lo volce Lhelr feellngs abouL Lhe program
O 8ecorded responses ln a log for fuLure reference

Un|vers|ty of 1exasAust|n sycho|ogy Department AusLln 1x !an 2009leb 2010
@eocbet Asslstoot
O lnsLrucLed 23 undergraduaLe sLudenLs ln lnLroducLlon Lo sychology class
O 8evlewed and provlded feedback on drafLs of psychologlcal reporLs wrlLLen by sLudenLs
O ConsulLed wlLh course lnsLrucLor regardlng Lhe besL way Lo presenL course conLenL Lo sLudenLs
O Peld opLlonal sLudy sesslons four Llmes durlng Lhe Lerm for mldLerm and flnal exam preparaLlon

sycho|ogy Lab Un|vers|ty of 1exasAust|n AusLln 1x SepL 2009!an 2010
ob Asslstoot
O 30 hours asslsLlng wlLh psychology experlmenL lmplemenLaLlon daLa enLry and analysls
O ConducLed experlmenLs ln Lhe area of memory and recall
O erformed experlmenLs Lo deLermlne of a speclflc personallLy LralL enhanced or deLerred
memory or recall
O Complled daLa from reporLs generaLed and resLrucLured reporLs based on paLLerns found
O ConLrlbuLed Lo general upkeep of Lhe lab

sycho|og|sts for Soc|a| kespons|b|||ty CcL 2011resenL
Adler School of rofesslonal sychology Chlcago lL
oooJloq Membet
O Pelped found Adler chapLer of syS8 by engaglng ln dlalogue wlLh fellow colleagues regardlng
soclal responslblllLy wlLhln academlc domaln
O Cffer opporLunlLles for sLudenLs Lo engage ln Adler AcLlon uays whlch allow sLudenLs Lo speak
up and be heard regardlng communlLy lssues of dlverslLy and soclal lnLeresL
O eep mlnuLes of monLhly meeLlngs acLlon lLems And fuLure goals for sLudenL group
O laclllLaLe Soclal 8esponslblllLy ro[ecL aL Alder School by managlng arL pro[ecL aL varlous
Ad|er Student Government A|||ance CcL 2011resenL
Adler School of rofesslonal sychology Chlcago lL
5oclol kespooslblllty 5toJeot kepteseototlve
O Cffer lnpuL for Lhe plannlng and programmlng of Lhe Adler School by provldlng sLudenL
represenLaLlon aL sLaff and faculLyled commlLLees
O Lnhance professlonal developmenL opporLunlLles for sLudenLs by dlrecLly engaglng wlLh Lhe
faculLy and sLaff of Lhe Adler School
O ALLend blweekly meeLlng wlLh faculLy and sLaff Lo engage ln dynamlc dlscusslon perLlnenL of
soclal responslblllLy currlculum
O CreaLe and faclllLaLe CommunlLy Servlce racLlcum forum for sLudenLs whlch allows flrsL year
sLudenLs Lo process experlences and recelve feedback from peers regardlng Lhelr communlLy
engagemenL experlences

llllnols sychologlcal AssoclaLlon SLudenL Member CcL 2011resenL
Amerlcan Counsellng AssoclaLlon SLudenL Member CcL 2011resenL

!ohn uoe hu
Adler School of rofesslonal sychology
17 n uearborn
Chlcago lL 60602

Crson Wells hu
unlverslLy of 1exasAusLln
123 AusLln l
AusLln 1x 90623

vanessa Clarlson hu
unlverslLy of 1exasAusLon
123 AusLln l
AusLln 1x 90623

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