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O ln 23 chlldren experlences separaLlon anxleLy dlsorder

O 3 ouL of chlldren (age 93) experlence some Lype of anxleLy dlsorder
O esearchers suggesL waLchlng for slgns beLween Lhe ages of 6 and 8

O Mental health problems aIIect one in every Iive young people at any given time.
(Department oI Health & Human Services)
O n estimated two-thirds oI all young people with mental health problems are not getting
the help they need. (Department oI Health & Human Services)
O Studies indicate that 1 in 5 children and adolescents (20 percent) may have a diagnosable
disorder. Estimates oI the number oI children who have mental disorders range Irom 7.7
million to 12.8 million. (Department oI Health & Human Services)
O s many as 1 in 10 young people may have an anxiety disorder (U.S. Department oI
Health & Human Services).
O Studies suggest that children or adolescents are more likely to have an anxiety disorder iI
their parents have anxiety disorders (U.S. Department oI Health & Human Services).

Maln focus anxleLy
Screen for all Lhlngs LhaL come wlLh anxleLy or LhaL anxleLy could accompany (all menLal dlsorders)

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