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PART 66 Licence CAA UK Exam and Experience Requirements Anyone can apply to take the EASA Part 66 exams.

You will however need to supply proof of your practical maintenance experience (eg a logbook) to be assessed by the UK CAA along with your examination results in order to be granted a PART 66 licence. At present the UK CAA does not provide any exam exemptions to students who have studied other AME courses. Below is the experience requirement for the grant of an EASA Part 66 licence. Experience Requirements The experience requirements for issue of a Part-66 B1.1 licence as given in Part-66.A.30 are as follows; (i) five years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft if the applicant has no previous relevant technical training , ie a self improver (ii) three years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of training considered relevant by the competent authority as a skilled worker , in a technical trade , Or (iii) two years of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and completion of a Part 147 approved basic training course. In order to qualify in accordance with item (ii) above ,the UKCAA as the competent authority would need to be satisfied that the training delivered meets the requirements of qualification as a skilled worker. Please refer to our website for exam application forms and further information on overseas exam venues

Here are some links to guidance documents for your information

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