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Turkish Lesson 1, Greetings! Here are your first ten words of Turkish.

You can learn them in just a few minutes today and you'll use them every dayseveral timesduring your travels in Turkey: 1 2 Hello Good morning, good day Good evening Good night Goodbye Merhaba Gnaydn MEHR-hah-bah gew-nahy-DUHN

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

yi akamlar yi geceler Allaha smarladk

EE ahk-shahm-LAHR EE geh-jeh-LEHR ah-LAHS-mahr-lah-duhk gew-LEH gew-LEH AH-duh-NUHZ neh Ah-DUHM NAHS-suhl-suh-nuhz ee-YEE-yihm, tesh-ek-KEWR eh-dehr-eem

Bon voyage Gle gle What is Adnz ne? your name? My name is How are you? Adm Naslsnz? yiyim, teekkr ederim.

10 I'm fine, thank you.

Turkish social interaction tends to be very polite. Turkish Lesson 2, Pardon Me, Words 11 to 20, gives you the words you need: 11 Pardon me 12 Yes/no 13 Please. 14 Help yourself. 15 Thanks. Affedersiniz, pardon Evet/hayr Ltfen Buyurun(uz) Teekkrler [or] Sa ol [or] Mersi Bir ey deil Arkada Ne? Nasl? af-feh-DEHR-see-neez, pahrDOHN eh-VEHT/HAH-yuhr LEWT-fehn BOOY-roon-(ooz) teh-sheh-kewr-LEHR, SOWL, mehr-SEE beer SHEHY deh-YEEL Ar-kah-DAHSH NEH NAH-suhl

16 You're welcome. 17 Friend 18 What? 19 How?

20 Who?



Here's Turkish Lesson 3, Why? When? Which? Words 21 to 31 to help you get what you want in Turkey: 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Why? When? Which one? What's this? How much/many? What does it mean? Give me ... I want ... ...this ...that ...the other Niin [or] neden? Ne zaman? Hangisi? Bu ne? Ka/ka tane? Ne demek? ... bana verin ... istiyorum ...bu(nu) ...o(nu) NEE-cheen, NEHdehn NEH zah-mahn HAHN-gee-see BOO neh KAHCH/tah-neh NEH deh-mehk bah-NAH veh-reen eess-tee-YOH-room ...shoo(NOO) ...oh(NOO)

Here's Lesson 4, New-Old, Hot-Cold, Words 32 to 40 (short lesson todayonly 9 "words"...but they're really all pairs of words.) 32 hot/cold 33 big/small 34 new/old 35 open/closed 36 not ... scak/souk suh-JAHK/soh-OOK

byk/kk bew-YEWK/kew-CHEWK yeni/eski ak/kapal ... deil yeh-NEE/ehss-KEE ah-CHUHK/kah-pah-LUH deh-YEEL VAHR/YOHK

37 It Var/yok exists/doesn't exist 38 And/or 39 Good/bad Ve/veya yi/fenah

VEH/veh-YAH EE-ee/ feh-NAH gew-ZEHL/cheer-KEEN

40 Beautiful/ugly Gzel/irkin

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