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English Section

The english section mainly comprises of Vocabulary

i.e Synonyms, Antonyms, Analogies, Fill in the Blanks,
Critical Reasoning, Jumbled Paragraph,Spell Checking,
Syllogs, Reading comprehension.

In this very section u need to get 20+ score. A good

score will be somewhere between 26- 30. For this u
need to attempt minimum 35 + questions in 40 mins
with an accuracy above 80%. Usually there are 4 -5
Reading Comprehensions out of which 2 are speed
breakers. You should develop skills to identify those
speed breaker passages, avoid solving those and
devote more time to other questions.There are some
questions in reading comprehnsions for which u dont
need togo through the passages. If you are running
out of time in this section, then dont miss attempting
these questions.

The way to tackle the reading comprehension section

is to first have a look at the questions of the
passages. Read the passage once and try to associate
thequestions with the appropriate paragraphs. It isnt
wise to attempt the questionswhen you are not 100%
sure of the answer. Its advisable not to attempt the
questionwhich asks for suitable title for the
paragraph. 80 out of 100 times u are goingto get it
wrong. Because all the title seems to be equally
expedient to the passage.

Itz advisable to read Magazines, Newspaper

quiodantly so that you get accustomed to reading

Coming on to Vocabulary part, itz either u know it or

u dont. Itz one of your innate skills.Dont try to ponder
too much on Vocab if you arent good in it.
It will really be too much for the asking. Yes you can
improve your vocab by reading newsapaper and
magazines and you should have the curiosity in
yourselfto find the meanings of the word you arent
familiar with. Synonyms, Antonyms,Ananlogy is easy
nut to crack if your vocab is strong.

Moving on to Jumbled Paragraph, the best way to

tackle is to first identify the premise of the sentence.
and then decipher the other statements order
accordingly.Other way round is to go by option, and
check which combination best forms coherent
paragraph. This is the easiest part of the section and
can beattempted with 100% accuracy.

Devote Minimum 45 mins for this section, 22+ is an

ideal score. Perform SWOT analysis and appropriately
plan your course of action.

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