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1he lmporLance of plannlng and
conLrol ln Loday's global envlronmenL
W vlLal elemenLs for success
W nlke !apan korea 1halland Chlna hlllpplnes
lndonesla vleLnam
W ln order Lo be effecLlve ln Lhls global markeLplace
Lhere are many facLors LhaL musL be overcome
ulfference ln culLural and buslness values
varylng producLlon lead Llme and shlpplng schedule
lorelgn governmenLs
Pence a deLalled plannlng and fallsafe conLrol sysLem ls
vlLal for successful apparel merchandlslng
Changlng consumer demand
W 8eLallers and consumers demandlng frequenL
offerlng of more and more sLyles
2 seasons per year
4 seasons per year
12 offerlng per year and 6 monLhs
developmenL cycle
8y falllng Lo plan you are plannlng Lo fall
lannlng and conLrol Lools
W 8obbln show1973/ Amerlcan apparel
manufacLurers assoclaLlon (AAMA)closer
coordlnaLlon and conLrol wlLh regard Lo
merchandlslng and manufacLurlng acLlvlLles
LraLeglc plannlng
W 8roadesL Lype of plannlng
W AbouL allocaLlon of resources/overall company vlslon
W ueparLmenLal acLlon plan Lo supporL Lhe company's
sLraLeglc plan and coordlnaLe wlLh oLher deparLmenal
W lL's a LoLal company commlLmenL Lo achleve coordlnaLed
Where are we now?
Where do we wanL Lo go?
W 1argeL markeL markeLlng mlx resource allocaLlon expecLed resulLs
Pow do we geL Lhere?
Lxample* Levl sLrauss vl Corp 8eebok (*8efer Lo Lhe scans)
MarkeLlng calendar
W CenLral mechanlsm Lo all merchandlslng and
manufacLurlng plans
W lannlng drlves merchandlslng producL
developmenL schedules sales appolnLmenLs
wlLh lmporLanL cusLomers manufacLurlng
plannlng and shlpplng schedules
key elemenLs of markeLlng calendar
W Llne prevlew daLes by season
W Llne release daLes wlLh season
All sales samples ready for sales Leam
W LarL shlp daLe
W Lnd shlp daLe
W Weekly sales plans
W Weekly shlpplng plans
Merchandlslng Calendar
W rlmary conLrol Lool ln an apparel company
W ueslgned Lo conLrol Lhe key evenLs needed Lo
geL Lhe rlghL apparel producLs ln Lhe rlghL
mlx aL Lhe rlghL prlce Lo Lhe cusLomer aL Lhe
rlghL Llme
W Also known as key evenLs calendar llne
developmenL calendar llne calendar crlLlcal
paLh calendar crlLlcal Lask calendar
W 1hls conLrol Lool seLs forLh Lhe sLarLlng and
compleLlon daLes for all crlLlcal evenLs necessary
Lo achleve a successful season
W 1he baslc lngredlenLs of a successful apparel
season are
ManufacLure whaL consumers wanL
uellver Lhe proper producL mlx on a Llmely basls
MalnLaln low raw maLerlal worklnprogress and
flnlshed goods lnvenLorles
AccommodaLe changes
CrlLlcal aLh MeLhod(CM)
W ueLermlnlng Lhe lmporLanL funcLlons necessary Lo
perform an acLlvlLy or serles of acLlvlLles requlred Lo
achleve an overall ob[ecLlve
W WheLher an acLlvlLy LhaL follows a parLlcular funcLlon can
successfully Lake place wlLhouL Lhe crlLlcal funcLlon belng
W Analyzed Lo deLermlne Lhe Llme requlred Lo accompllsh
W A Lyplcal merchandlse calendar may have 33 Lo 60
funcLlons for a producL llne AL four seasons per year Lhls
represenLs 140 Lo 240 Lasks LhaL musL be performed
wlLhln a year lf a company has four producL llnes and
Len offerlngs per year Lhe number of Lasks [ump Lo 1400
Lo 2400 Lasks per year
8ole of compuLer appllcaLlon
W uaLabase and spreadsheeL
W ro[ecL schedullng programs
W CreaLlon of weekly or dally Lask llsL whlch
allocaLe Lasks for deparLmenLs or personnel
responslble for Lhelr on Llme compleLlon
uevelopmenL LxecuLlon and
W lmporLanL elemenL of preseason plannlng(an
acLlvlLy LhaL coordlnaLes producL developmenL
and sales expecLaLlons wlLh maLerlal purchases
and producLlon capaclLles)
W A merchandlslng calendar should be reevaluaLed
afLer each season and ad[usLed when necessary
W 1he crlLlcal conLrol Lool should become more
accuraLe each year wlLh Lhe lnpuL from prevlous
Llne plan summary
W rovldes guldellnes for llne developmenL
W locused efforLs ln one dlrecLlon
W LlemenLs
1he no of fabrlcs ln Lhe llne by producL group
1he no of sLyles ln Lhe llne by producL group
1he no of consLrucLlons ln Lhe llne by producL
1he no of kus ln Lhe llne by producL group
ales forecasLs
W roducLlon orders are placed before lnlLlal
sales orders
Lyle ranklng sysLem
ragmaLlc forecasLlng(based upon experlence)
helf Lock lan
Lyle LaLus 8eporL
rder Lracklng
W ConLlnued globallsaLlon of Lhe sourclng of
apparel producLs leadlng Lo complex order
Lracklng sysLems
W use of compuLer Lechnology and lnLerneL
W LlecLronlc daLa lnLerchange
W 8ealLlme daLa capLure Lhrough compuLer
conLrolled unlL producLlon sysLems or bar
code readers aL operaLor worksLaLlons Lo Lrack
lnLerferlng wlLh oLher deparLmenLs
W CooperaLlon from oLher deparLmenLs

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