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Orientotion workshop on civi/ 5ociety

representotion within the ccM

Calro LgypL november 12 13 2011
Lxperlence from Cameroon
JaL were Le maln lssues?
W 2 successlve fallures of Le Plv proposal (8ounds 8 and 9)
W 48 CCM members wlL 13 CSC (lncludlng 3 lnCCs and 10
naLlonal CSC) 27
W Lack of feedback mecanlsms from CS represenLaLlves ln
Le CCM Lo Lelr consLlLuencles
W Lack of capaclLy and resources for CS represenLaLlves Lo
carry ouL Lelr roles and responslblllLles as CCM members
W Lack of LrusL beLween CS leaders
W oor undersLandlng of Cl processes by many communlLy
W Lack of agreed and LransparenL crlLerla for CS
represenLaLlves nomlnaLlon
JaL was Le process?
W Assesslng CS lnvolvemenL ln Le CCM
W Crganlzlng worksops on Cl processes for CSC
W Crganlzlng consulLaLlve meeLlngs on CS
represenLaLlves nomlnaLlon process
W CreaLlng communlcaLlon Lools and mecanlsms
(CSC malllngllsL webslLe newsleLLer on CCM
CCM Cbserver")
W 8ulldlng parLnerslp wlL Le CCM SecreLarlaL
and Le uCC
W Crganlzlng Le elecLlon of Le CS
JaL were Le maln resulLs?
W AgreemenL on CS represenLaLlves nomlnaLlon
process and crlLerla
W AgreemenL on a CarLer for CSC lnvolvemenL ln
CCM processes
W SeLup of a delegaLlon of CS Lo supporL CS
W AgreemenL on Le CSC communlcaLlon
mecanlsms on CCM
W 1 seaL for a MA8s represenLaLlve ln Le CCM

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