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Heart failure

Heart failure (HF) often called congestive heart failure (CHF) is generally defined as the inability of the heart to supply sufficient blood flow to meet the needs of the body. Heart failure can cause a number of symptoms including shortness of breath, leg swelling, and exercise intolerance. The condition is diagnosed with echocardiography and blood tests. Treatment commonly consists of lifestyle measures (such as smoking cessation, light exercise including breathing protocols, decreased salt intake and other dietary changes) and medications, and sometimes devices or even surgery.

Signs and symptoms

Left-sided failure Tachypnea, PND, orthopnea, dyspnea Rales pulmonary edema Cyanosis which suggests severe hypoxemia Right-sided failure pitting peripheral edema ascites jugular venous pressure

Echocardiography electrocardiogram (ECG/EKG) Blood tests Medical management: Diuretics Vasodilators Beta-blockers Surgical management Angiography coronary catheterization

Nursing management:

Elevate the clients head. Do not elevate legs. Instruct client to support head and thorax with pillows. Instruct to control sodium intake/ encourage to eat foods that are low in sodium content. Instruct to limit water/fluid intake. Teach patient in performing coughing exercises as well as deep breathing exercises. Instruct client to avoid strenuous exercises.

Allow the patient to rest. The client should be confined to bed only long enough to regain cardiac reserve but not so long as to promote complications of immobility. Teach the client to perform passive leg exercises. Teach also the family members on how to measure BP daily. If the client smokes or drinks alcoholic beverages, encourage him to stop his vices.

Administer oxygen as indicated. Suction secretions. Monitor potassium levels. Strictly monitor intake and output.

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