Internal Regulations 2009

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Internal regulations 2009

Approved by the Central Board on 22 May 2009. For the latest update, always check FIBA rules, regulations and other docs on

Internal regulations 2009


Address 53, Avenue Louis Casa 1216 Cointrin / Geneva Switzerland Founded in 1932 Telephone: +41 22 545 00 00 Fax: +41 22 545 00 99 Email: Website:

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President: Vice President: Secretary General: Secretary General Emeritus: Treasurer: Members with full rights: Africa: Ms Salamatou Maiga, Mali Mr Alphonse Bil, Cte dIvoire Mr Alain Ekra, Cte dIvoire Ms Valerie Ackerman, USA Mr Jenaro Marchand, Puerto Rico Mr Horacio Muratore, Argentina Mr Usie Richards, Virgin Islands US Ms Ching Man Wai Mabel, Peoples Republic of China Sheikh Fahad Al-Ahmad Alsabah Talal, Kuwait Mr Yu Zaiqing, Peoples Republic of China Ms Marion Grethen, Luxemburg Mr Yvan Mainini, France Mr Jose Luis Saez Regalado, Spain Ms Barbara Wheadon, New Zealand Mr William Keldermans, Palau Mr Steve Smith, Australia Mr Bob Elphinston, Australia Mr George Vassilakopoulos, Greece Mr Patrick Baumann, Switzerland Mr Borislav Stankovic, Serbia Mr Manfred Strher, Germany

Americas :

Asia :



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TABLE OF CONTENT Regulation A PREAMBLE............................................................................................................ 7

A.1 A.2 A.3 Authority .....................................................................................................................................................7 Effective Date .............................................................................................................................................7 Prevailing Language...................................................................................................................................7

Regulation B DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................ 8

B.1 Definitions...................................................................................................................................................8

Regulation C FIBA CODE OF ETHICS ....................................................................................... 12

C.1 C.2 C.3 C.4 C.5 C.6 Introduction ..............................................................................................................................................12 Integrity.....................................................................................................................................................12 Candidatures ............................................................................................................................................13 Relations with Nations .............................................................................................................................13 Confidentiality...........................................................................................................................................13 Application and Enforcement ..................................................................................................................14

Regulation D RULES GOVERNING THE MEMBERSHIP OF FIBA AND OF NATIONAL FEDERATIONS .................................................................................................... 15
D.1 D.2 D.3 D.4 Applications for membership ..................................................................................................................15 Associated Members ...............................................................................................................................15 Suspended member .................................................................................................................................16 Annual and progressive membership fees .............................................................................................16

Regulation E RULES GOVERNING THE COMPETITIONS OF FIBA ......................................... 17

E.1 E.2 E.3 E.4 E.5 E.6 E.7 E.8 E.9 The competitions of FIBA ........................................................................................................................17 General principles ....................................................................................................................................17 Bidding for the right to conduct an official competition of FIBA ..........................................................19 Terms of Engagement for successful bidder to conduct an official competition of FIBA ..................21 Conducting an official competition of FIBA............................................................................................27 Participating in an official competition of FIBA national member federations and their affiliated clubs ..........................................................................................................................................................35 Advertising on team uniforms .................................................................................................................37 The structure and special provisions applicable to the main official competitions of FIBA ..............42 International games and tournaments....................................................................................................55

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Regulation F RULES GOVERNING LEAGUE ORGANISATIONS .............................................. 56

F.1 F.2 F.3 F.4 F.5 League Organizations ..............................................................................................................................56 Recognition of Leagues ...........................................................................................................................56 Key Principles in the Relationship Between Leagues and FIBA, the FIBA Zones, and the National Member federations.................................................................................................................................56 Detailed Provisions Governing Recognition of Leagues .......................................................................57 Dispute resolution ....................................................................................................................................58

Regulation G RULES GOVERNING FIBA PROPERTIES AND THE USE OF FIBA PROPRIETARY RIGHTS ...................................................................................... 59
G.1 G.2 Ownership and exploitation of commercial rights .................................................................................59 The different rights...................................................................................................................................59

Regulation H RULES GOVERNING PLAYERS, COACHES, SUPPORT OFFICIALS, AND PLAYERS AGENTS............................................................................................. 66
H.1 H.2 H.3 H.4 H.5 H.6 H.7 Eligibility of Players..................................................................................................................................66 National Status of Players .......................................................................................................................67 International Transfer of Players ............................................................................................................70 Age of Players ..........................................................................................................................................80 Players agents .........................................................................................................................................82 FIBA Approved Coaches ..........................................................................................................................93 Doping Control ..........................................................................................................................................95

Regulation I There is no regulation I ..................................................................................... 96 Regulation J RULES GOVERNING FIBA REFEREES, FIBA REFEREE INSTRUCTORS, FIBA REFEREE SUPERVISORS, AND FIBA COMMISSIONERS ................................. 97
J.1 J.2 J.3 J.4 FIBA Referees...........................................................................................................................................97 FIBA Referee Supervisors ..................................................................................................................... 101 Referee Instructors ................................................................................................................................ 103 FIBA Commissioners .............................................................................................................................. 105


K.1 K.2 K.3 K.4 Basic Principles of Sanctions imposed by FIBA .................................................................................. 109 Sanctions and penalties during the main official competitions of FIBA ............................................ 110 Sanctions imposed by the FIBA Zones or by the national member federations ................................ 110 FIBA Disciplinary Panel ......................................................................................................................... 111

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Regulation L REGULATION GOVERNING APPEALS AND ARBITRATION............................112

L.1 L.2 FIBA Appeals Tribunal .......................................................................................................................... 112 FIBA Arbitral Tribunal (FAT) .................................................................................................................. 116

Regulation M RULES GOVERNING THE ORGANISATION OF MEETINGS OF THE CENTRAL BOARD AND OF THE CONGRESS .....................................................................119
M.1 M.2 Organisation of meetings of the Central Board.................................................................................... 119 The Congress .......................................................................................................................................... 120

Regulation N RULES GOVERNING FIBA AWARDS ................................................................122

N.1 FIBA Awards ........................................................................................................................................... 122

Regulation O SCHEDULE OF ADMINISTRATIVE FINES, ALLOWANCES/FEES PAYABLE, AND FEES AND CHARGES ................................................................................126
O.1 O.2 O.3 Administrative Fines Payable to FIBA................................................................................................... 127 Allowances/Fees payable...................................................................................................................... 128 Fees and dues payable to FIBA ............................................................................................................. 129

Regulation P APPENDICES TO THE REGULATIONS ..............................................................130 Appendix 1: OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS.......................................................................................130

1 2 3 4 Official documents of FIBA .................................................................................................................... 130 Official documents to be provided by players...................................................................................... 130 Official documents to be provided by the national member federations ........................................... 131 Other documents .................................................................................................................................... 132

Appendix 2: FIBA LOGOS........................................................................................................132

1 2 FIBA Logos.............................................................................................................................................. 132 Zone Logos.............................................................................................................................................. 133

Appendix 3: FIBA AWARD RECIPIENTS ................................................................................135

1 2 3 The Hall of Fame..................................................................................................................................... 135 The Order of Merit.................................................................................................................................. 135 The Radomir Shaper Award................................................................................................................... 136

Appendix 4: FIBA HALL OF FAME NOMINATION FORM ......................................................137

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Regulation A
A.1 Authority


These Internal Regulations of the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) are enacted by the Central Board of FIBA under authority conferred in the General Statutes of FIBA. Should there be any conflict or discrepancy between the provisions of these Internal Regulations and those of the General Statutes, then the provisions of the General Statutes shall prevail.

A.2 Effective Date

These Internal Regulations came into force on 1 September 2006.

A.3 Prevailing Language

In accordance with Article 37.9 of the General Statutes, in the event of dispute regarding the interpretation of these Internal Regulations, the English text shall prevail.

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Regulation B
B.1 Definitions


The definitions set out hereunder apply throughout these Internal Regulations unless more specific definition is given in or by the text of an individual section or paragraph. These Definitions do not include various technical terms included in the Doping Control Regulations (H.7) these are defined in the WADA Code. Age limit The age before which an international transfer is not permitted. Age of Players An age limit is established for all players of teams (U-17, U-19, U-21) participating in the FIBA competitions for young categories. [Please refer to H.4.1] Appeals Tribunal Means the Tribunal established under Article 35 of the General Statutes and which (with certain designated exceptions) deals with appeals against decisions of FIBA or its organs. Central Board Means the Central Board of FIBA as defined in Article 15 of the General Statutes of FIBA. Club of Origin The club or other organisation by which a player is/was licensed at his 18th birthday. Coach A person who prepares a team for, and/or directs the team in, competition, and is licensed by a National member federation (included as a Player in certain Regulations cf Players Agents). Code of Ethics The code which governs the actions of all who are involved in basketball activity. Compensation The amount payable for the transfer of a young player in terms of Regulation H.3.4. Congress The supreme world-wide authority of FIBA as defined in Article 14 of the General Statutes of FIBA. Country A geographical territory within which an independent national basketball federation recognised by FIBA exists. Delegate A person or officeholder authorised formally to exercise specified power/s of another person or officeholder. Disciplinary Panel The Panel established under Article 34 of the General Statutes of FIBA which adjudicates at the world level on sanctions against participants. Doping control The process of testing for breaches of FIBAs anti-doping Regulations.

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Eligibility The status of a player in being eligible to represent a national member federation in the official competitions of FIBA. Ethics Commission The Commission established under Article 27 of the General Statutes to oversee observance of the Code of Ethics set out in these Internal Regulations. FIBA The Secretary General of FIBA, or his delegate, except where it is specifically indicated to the contrary. FIBA Commissioner The specially qualified person who presides over table personnel at official competitions of FIBA. FIBA Identity Card The personal document that officially substantiates the date of birth, nationality, and sex of its bearer. FIBA Nationality A concept for those players whose national status is not otherwise covered by the Internal Regulations of FIBA. FIBA Official A member of the Central Board, Secretariat, Commission, Tribunal, Disciplinary Panel, or any other person appointed in an official capacity by FIBA. FIBA Player B Licence A licence issued by FIBA or by a FIBA Zone to certify that a player is authorised to play for the club indicated on the licence in an official game, league, cup or tournament of FIBA or of a FIBA Zone. FIBA Referee An official appointed to officiate a game of basketball. Foreign player A player who does not have the legal nationality of the national member federation by which he is licensed currently. Foreign Player "A" Licence A licence issued by the respective Zone to a foreign player participating in the first or second division of a national championship. Gender These regulations apply equally to both genders, and all references in this text to male players (he, his, and him) shall be considered to apply also to female players and shall be read accordingly. International league A league which exists with teams drawn from two or more FIBA Zones. Jury of appeal The body which deals with appeals from decisions of the Technical Committee at official competitions of FIBA.

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League An entity which organises and manages an approved club competition. Legal Commission The FIBA Legal Commission, established under Article 21 of the General Statutes of FIBA. Legal Nationality The status of belonging to a particular country by origin, birth, or naturalisation. A player may have one or more legal nationalities, according to the law of the countries concerned. Letter of clearance The document which authorises the transfer of a player from one national member federation to another. Licence The necessary authorisation given by a national member federation to a player to allow him to play basketball for a club which is a member of, or affiliated to, that national member federation. Local Organising Committee The Committee charged with the successful organisation and execution of a main official competition of FIBA. Medical Commission The FIBA Medical Commission established under Article 26 of the General Statutes of FIBA. National member federation A federation admitted to membership of FIBA in accordance with Articles 5 and 6 of the General Statutes of FIBA. Player A person who participates in the competitions of basketball. The term may include coaches also in certain Regulations (cf Players Agents). Player Support Official Any coach, trainer, manager, agent, team staff, official, medical or para-medical person working with or treating athletes participating in or preparing for competition. Players Agent A person who undertakes (for a fee) to bring about or assist in the international transfer of players or coaches. Recognised Organisation An organisation officially recognised by FIBA. Sanction A penalty applied for breach/es of the General Statutes and/or these Internal Regulations of FIBA, or those of a member federation, including sanctions against individuals.

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Secretary General The Secretary General of FIBA or his delegate(s). Solidarity Fund A special fund established by FIBA to support the development of young players. Technical Commission The FIBA Technical Commission established under Article 19 of the General Statutes of FIBA. Technical committee The committee which oversees all technical matters during an official competition of FIBA. Technical Delegate An appropriately qualified person formally appointed by the Secretary General to act on his behalf in technical matters during main and other official competitions of FIBA, and at FIBA-endorsed events. WADA World Anti-Doping Agency. Young Player A player who has not yet reached his 18th birthday. Zone A continental body established under FIBA General Statutes (Article 17) and to which national member federations are assigned. It exercises authority, delegated by FIBA, in accordance with the General Statutes and these Internal Regulations.

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Regulation C


[This Regulation gives effect to Article 27 of the General Statutes]

C.1 Introduction
FIBA and each of its national member federations, the FIBA Officials and any person or organisation belonging in any capacity whatsoever to FIBA, to one of its national member federations, to a FIBA Zone or to a recognised organisation, the cities and countries wishing to organise the FIBA Competitions, and the Organising Committees of the FIBA Competitions (hereinafter referred to collectively as the basketball parties) are bound by the FIBA General Statutes and Internal Regulations. Consequently, within the framework of FIBAs activities, the basketball parties and the participants in the FIBA Competitions undertake to respect and ensure respect of the following rules: C.1.1 C.1.2 C.1.3 Dignity Safeguarding the dignity of the individual is a fundamental requirement of FIBA. There shall be no discrimination between participants on the basis of race, sex, ethnic origin, religion, philosophical or political opinion, marital status or other grounds. No practice constituting any form of physical or mental injury to the participants will be tolerated. All doping practices, at all levels, are strictly prohibited. C.1.4.1 All forms of harassment against participants be it physical, mental, professional or sexual, are prohibited. The basketball parties shall guarantee to the players, conditions of safety, well-being and medical care appropriate to their physical and mental well-being.



C.2 Integrity
C.2.1 The basketball parties or their representatives shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit, accept or offer any concealed remuneration, commission, benefit or service of any nature connected with FIBA activities and / or FIBA Competitions. Only gifts of nominal value, in accordance with prevailing local customs, may be given or accepted by the basketball parties, as a mark of respect or friendship. Any other gift must be passed on to the organisation of which the recipient is a member. The hospitality shown to the members and staff of the basketball parties and the persons accompanying them shall not exceed the standards prevailing in the host country. The basketball parties shall avoid any conflict of interest or any appearance thereof. If a conflict of interest arises, or if there is a danger of this happening, the parties concerned must inform the Secretary General of FIBA which will take appropriate action and when necessary inform the FIBA Central Board.




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The basketball parties shall use due care and diligence in fulfilling their obligations. They must not act in a manner likely to tarnish the reputation of FIBA. The basketball parties must not be involved with firms or persons whose activity is inconsistent or in conflict with the principles set out in the FIBA General Statutes, Internal Regulations, and this Code. The basketball parties shall neither give nor accept instructions to vote or intervene in a given manner within the organs of FIBA.



C.3 Candidatures
The basketball parties shall respect in their entirety the provisions of the FIBA Internal Regulations and Bid and Event Manuals for cities/countries bidding to host the FIBA Competitions. The cities/countries wishing to organise FIBA Competitions shall, inter alia, refrain from approaching another party or a third authority with a view to obtaining any financial or political support inconsistent with the provisions of such Internal Regulations and Manuals.

C.4 Relations with Nations

C.4.1 The basketball parties shall work to maintain harmonious relations with national authorities, in accordance with the principle of universality and of political neutrality of the FIBA Competitions. However, the spirit of humanism, fraternity and respect for individuals which inspires the FIBA ideal, requires the governments of countries that are to host the FIBA Competitions to undertake that their countries will scrupulously respect the same principles anchored in the FIBA General Statutes, Internal Regulations and this Code. The basketball parties are free to play a role in the public life of the nations to which they belong. They may not however abuse their FIBA position, engage in any activity, or follow any ideology inconsistent with the principles and rules defined in the FIBA General Statutes and Internal Regulations or as set out in this Code. The basketball parties shall endeavour to protect the environment on the occasion of any event they organise. In the context of the FIBA Competitions, they undertake to uphold generally accepted standards for environmental protection.



C.5 Confidentiality
The basketball parties shall not disclose information entrusted to them in confidence. Disclosure of information must not be for personal gain or benefit, nor be undertaken maliciously to damage the reputation of any person or organisation.

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C.6 Application and Enforcement

C.6.1 The basketball parties shall see to it that the principles and rules of the FIBA General Statutes, Internal Regulations and this Code of Ethics in particular are applied. The basketball parties shall notify the Ethics Commission through the Secretary General of FIBA of any alleged breach of the General Statutes and Internal Regulations. The Commission shall consider any such alleged breach and also any alleged breach referred to it by the Central Board. Each year, the Ethics Commission will submit to the FIBA Central Board a report noting any breaches of the General Statutes and Internal Regulations which have come to their attention. The Commission will propose to the FIBA Central Board sanctions which might be taken against those responsible. The Ethics Commission may propose changes to the General Statutes and Internal Regulations in submissions to the Central Board.




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[This Regulation gives effect to the application of Chapter 2 of the General Statutes]

D.1 Applications for membership

D.1.1 To become a member of FIBA, a national federation shall submit an application for membership to the Secretary General. The applicant federation shall submit also a copy of its own statutes and regulations, and details of its internal organisation and the facilities for playing basketball in its country. An application for membership shall contain an undertaking by the applicant national federation to: a. b. c. D.1.4 D.1.5 Conform at all times with the General Statutes, Internal Regulations and decisions of FIBA and of the Zone to which it is assigned; Observe the Official Basketball Rules of FIBA; and Alter its statutes and regulations as required by FIBA. The applicant federation shall provide payment of a fee as per D.4.1. Once all the documentation is received, the Secretary General shall submit the application to the Central Board for decision.



D.2 Associated Members

D.2.1 The period of three (3) consecutive years under Article 9 of the General Statutes of FIBA starts with the date of the invoice and ends 3 years later at the end of the third year (i.e. the December 31). As soon as a member becomes associated: It continues to pay only the required annual membership fee. It will no longer be charged for a progressive category fee, if any. It is no longer required to pay the annual referee/commissioner fees, and its FIBA referees/commissioners will be suspended. It cannot register its national referees for the clinics for FIBA Referee candidates. It cannot participate in the main official competitions of FIBA. To become a full member of FIBA with all member rights again, an associated member must make an application to the Secretary General and must: Settle all arrears to FIBA owing at the date it became associated. Pay (or have paid) the annual membership fee due in the meantime to FIBA and FIBA Zones. Be subject again and with immediate effect as decided by the Secretary General to the progressive category fee it was paying before it became associated, if this is still justified (which will be decided by the Central Board). Register again its FIBA active referees/commissioners with immediate effect. Register its national referees for the Clinics for FIBA Referee Candidates.

D.2.2 a. b. c. d. e. D.2.3 a. b. c.

d. e.

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If a Zone allows an associated member federation to participate in an official international competition, this associated member federation shall be reinstated with full rights as a national member federation of FIBA. The respective Zone shall be liable for an associated member federation's debts owed to FIBA as soon as it allows that associated member federation to participate in international competitions of the Zone. (See also E.6.3.3)

D.3 Suspended member

D.3.1 A suspended national member federation has the same rights as an associated member in terms of Article 9 of the General Statutes of FIBA.

D.4 Annual and progressive membership fees

D.4.1 Annual and progressive fees are payable by each national member federation and shall be paid by 1 January each year. A national member federation becoming a member of FIBA for the first time shall pay a new national member federation fee. (See O.3) For purposes of assessment of progressive fees which are set out in O.3, the national member federations are divided into the following categories: D.4.2.1 Category "A" : Angola, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, People's Republic of China, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Lithuania, New Zealand, Poland, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United States of America, Serbia. Category "B" : Belgium, Chinese Taipei, Cuba, Egypt, England, Estonia, Finland, Hong Kong, Latvia, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Portugal, Senegal, Slovakia, Sweden, Ukraine, Uruguay, Venezuela. Category "C" : Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Colombia, Cyprus, Denmark, Dominican Republic, FYROM, Iceland, Ireland, Indonesia, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Montenegro, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates. Category "D" : All other national member federations.





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Regulation E


E.1 The competitions of FIBA

E.1.1 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. E.1.2 a. b. The main official competitions of FIBA: The Olympic Tournaments The World Olympic Qualifying Tournaments for Men and Women The FIBA World Championship for Men The FIBA World Championship for Women The FIBA U-21 World Championship for Women The FIBA U-19 World Championship for Men The FIBA U-19 World Championship for Women The FIBA U-17 World Championship for Men The FIBA U-17 World Championship for Women All Zone Championships, including all qualifying games and tournaments for these championships Other official competitions of FIBA: The official cups and tournaments of FIBA. The international cups and tournaments sanctioned and officially recognised by FIBA and included in the international calendar.

E.2 General principles

E.2.1 Only FIBA is empowered to organise, sanction, and control basketball competitions involving teams from several Zones, or to authorise Zone competitions to qualify for world and Olympic competitions. Each Zone has the authority to organise, sanction and control basketball competitions within its geographic area and may determine the process to be followed in allocating an official competition being organised under its patronage, provided that the process is consistent with the general provisions of this regulation. The Zones are authorised also to establish the technical and financial regulations within the general framework of these Internal Regulations. All competitions of FIBA shall be governed by the following provisions of general nature and any specific regulations applicable to the respective competitions. In general, a competition is organised by a national member federation, by a Local Organising Committee recognised by the national member federation where the competition is being held, or by a competent body of FIBA. In certain situations, the Central Board may authorise that FIBA organises a competition in more than one country or under its own auspices.




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The agreement to organise a competition of FIBA and the agreement to take part in the said competition constitutes a contract between FIBA, the organisers and the participating teams. All parties involved must scrupulously respect this "sports contract". For certain competitions, FIBA may request the signing of a Contract of Assignment. This principle applies to all international competitions, even when these are not strictly of an official nature.


Commitments made by clubs for club competitions are considered as having been made with the approval of their national member federation. The national member federation shall, therefore, be held responsible for ensuring that these commitments are respected. Duties of FIBA E.2.7.1 FIBA must do all in its power to see that a competition organised under its auspices will be staged successfully and that FIBA is represented by competent persons who shall maintain absolute impartiality. FIBA is obliged to assist the organisers by all means at its disposal. FIBA may require reimbursement from the organisers of expenses incurred through providing such assistance. In the event of default of these provisions by the organisers of a competition mentioned in E1.1, FIBA shall withdraw its patronage and the title of the competition involved. It may apply disciplinary and financial sanctions to the organisations at fault. For competitions at the world level, such decisions must be made by the Central Board and shall have immediate effect. For competitions at the Zone level, such decisions shall be made by the Zone and shall have immediate effect but these must be brought to the attention of FIBA.






Duties of the organisers E.2.8.1 E.2.8.2 The organisers are obliged to respect all applicable provisions of these Internal Regulations. These provisions are valid also for the invited teams for events that are not of an official nature.

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Bidding for the right to conduct an official competition of FIBA

From time to time, FIBA will invite national member federations to bid for the right to conduct an official competition (with the exception of the Olympic Games which are under the control and jurisdiction of the International Olympic Committee). FIBA shall: Call for bids for the right to conduct a particular competition in terms of this entire Regulation E, and set a closing date for closure of the bids for an individual competition; or For certain competitions, issue Bidding and Event manuals and circular letters specific to the particular events. If so, the terms of such documents shall prevail over the general provisions of this Regulation E and shall be observed scrupulously; and Set up a process for assessing the various bids and determining the successful bid. General timetable for assignment of the official competitions of FIBA

a. b.

c. E.3.2

Event Held Event assigned In principle timing Precise dates approved Zone Qualifying tournaments must be completed by

Olympic Games every 4 years 7 yrs ahead (by IOC) August 5 years ahead

Olympic Qualifying Tournaments every 4 years 5 months ahead June/July 2 years ahead

Men's World Championship every 4 years 5 years ahead August/September 3 years ahead

Women's World Championship every 4 years 5 years ahead September 3 years ahead

Under-age Championships every 2 years 3 years ahead July/August 2 years ahead

30 Sept of previous year

30 Sept of previous year

30 Sept of previous year

30 Sept of previous year

31 Dec of previous year


Any bid for the right to organise an official competition must be submitted to FIBA through the national member federation of the candidate, within the time limit set by FIBA. The time limit may be modified by FIBA if circumstances render it necessary. Any bid submitted must give a written undertaking to observe all of the requirements of this Regulation E with respect to the particular competition. Any organisation lodging a bid must frame it in such a way that it demonstrates the ability of the bidding organisation to observe the Terms of Engagement set out in E.4 below and any other requirements laid down in advance by FIBA, and it must undertake to execute a contract enshrining the Terms of Engagement and any other pre-ordered requirements.



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A candidature complying fully with the provisions of E.4 must be received by FIBA by the date stipulated by FIBA as the closing date for bids, and this date shall be at least one (1) month prior to the date of the meeting which is to decide on the organisation which shall be designated as organiser of the competition. In addition to a bid complying with the Terms of Engagement as set out in E.4, a bid to conduct a particular event must contain: Proposed dates and places of the competition; Any conditions attached to the filing of the bid by the candidate; Financial conditions, including budget for the competition; Means of transportation and distances to be travelled within the country; Guarantees by national, state/provincial, and/or local government of full support including in the event of a financial shortfall; Full details and all guarantees concerning the technical equipment (FIBA approved) and the facilities in the hall where the competition will take place; A signed statement acknowledging that FIBA is the owner of all broadcast, marketing, merchandising, and equipment rights in terms of Regulation G and that the division of income from such rights is decided by the Central Board. FIBA is entitled to request appropriate financial guarantees and/or financial bonds (cash deposits or irrevocable bank guarantees on a Swiss AAA bank [UBS S.A. or Crdit Suisse] or an AA or AAA rated international bank based in Switzerland) from any candidates to ensure the seriousness of the candidature and, once awarded, the proper organisation of the competition and full compliance with FIBAs regulations and decisions. The appropriate amounts, if any, shall be determined by the Central Board. Candidatures which do not satisfy the conditions indicated above under E.3.8 will be disregarded.

E.3.7 a. b. c. d. e. f. g.



E.3.10 FIBA may decide to organise a site visit to all or some of the candidates. In that event, all expenses of the site visit must be covered by the candidate.

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E.4 Terms of Engagement for successful bidder to conduct an official competition of FIBA
[Note 1 - Regulation G of these Internal Regulations forms an integral part of the Terms of Engagement and must be read in conjunction with this Regulation E. In general all rights in connection with all FIBA World Championships, in particular the broadcasting, marketing, merchandising, and equipment rights are owned by FIBA which shall have the exclusive right and authority to govern and supervise all sporting and financial activities linked to each event. Note 2 FIBA reserves the right to modify or expand the Terms of Engagement as set out herein. If it is proposed to do so, FIBA shall provide the details of expanded/modified requirements at least one year ahead of the closing date for bids for the right to conduct an individual Championship. Note 3 The World Championship for Men for which Bid and Event manuals have been prepared is specifically excluded from the provisions of the Terms of Engagement below, although they could be taken as a preliminary guide to any member federation or organisation interested in bidding for the right to organise a World Championship for Men. Any organisation so interested should obtain copies of the Bid and Event Manuals from FIBA]. E.4.1 General Principles and Sanctioning E.4.1.1 Once the organisation has been assigned, no change to these terms of engagement shall be allowed for any reason unless otherwise agreed in writing. Should the organisers default on the agreed terms of engagement, FIBA shall have the right to: Revoke the assignment of the organisation of the competition; Impose disciplinary and financial sanctions on the organisers; and/or With or without recalling bids, assign the competition to another national member federation which undertakes to respect these terms of engagement.

a. b. c.


Government guarantees E.4.2.1 The following minimum undertakings/guarantees must be given clearly by a candidate and become part of these Terms of Engagement for the successful bidder. This list is not exhaustive and all bidders for an individual competition must take account of the provisions of the whole of this Regulation E and also those of Regulation G which form part of the Terms of Engagement, and also any circulars which have been issued in association with a particular event. The member federation candidate must lodge a declaration from the appropriate level of government in its country stipulating that the level of government welcomes the championship to the country; also that the appropriate level of government provides minimum guarantees from an organisational point of view for the complete success of the championship such as: Entry visas and any other travel documents required to guarantee freedom of movement for all participants, representatives of the media, partners, sponsors and suppliers recognised by FIBA, and other, and guarantee that the respective documents will be issues in good time;



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d. e. f. g.

Temporary work permits if required for the players, commissioners, referees, referee supervisors, representatives of the media, partners, sponsors and suppliers recognised by FIBA, and others, and guarantee that these will be issued in good time; Temporary free import (in particular from any taxes) permits for all material and equipment necessary for the work of all participants, representatives of the media, partners, sponsors and suppliers recognised by FIBA, and others; Appropriate security and health care for all participants and officials; Local transportation for all participants and officials; Free use for FIBA and its partners, sponsors, etc. of the venues and their immediate surroundings as well as of public advertising spaces to promote the event; Any other facilities and services needed to ensure the complete success of the championship.


Host Broadcast Guarantee E.4.3.1 Assurance from the appropriate national authority of clean national broadcast signals for international transmission for all games of the competition, and provision of the necessary equipment including television graphics and commentary position for worldwide broadcast of the competition by television and radio according to the host broadcaster obligations available from the Secretariat of FIBA or from FIBA's television partner. FIBA itself may contract the services of a host broadcaster for certain competitions.


Financial provisions E.4.4.1 The organisers of an official competition of FIBA are obliged to respect the financial provisions for the competition in question. All moneys owed to FIBA must be paid in full, net of all fees, within the deadlines established by FIBA to FIBAs bank account see Note to Regulation O. The organisers shall cover:


E. All general organising expenses including rental of arenas/halls, taxes, host broadcaster services, provision of statistics and graphics for services provided for the press, for the teams, for the FIBA guests and sponsors etc, and all other expenses associated with conducting the event as proscribed in E.5. E. Costs of Pre-Championship Site Visits The organisers shall pay the travel and full board and lodging expenses of official representatives appointed by FIBA (maximum three (3) persons) to participate in the site visits and meetings with the organisers prior to the beginning of the competition. The number of site visits required may vary from event to event, but will be at least three (3).

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E. Accommodation and air travel expenses for the events as listed below (unless varied by the Bid and Events Manuals), as follows: a. Full board and lodging (accommodation) expenses from forty-eight (48) hours prior to the beginning of the competition until twenty-four (24) hours after the end thereof as per the following schedule:

Accommodation FIBA President FIBA Secretary General FIBA Secretary General Emeritus Senior representatives of FIBA FIBA Staff Number in each participating team Number of FIBA Commissioners Number of Referee Supervisors Number of FIBA Referees Supervisory Doctor for Doping Control

Olympic Qualifying Tournaments 1 1 1

Men's World Championship 1 1 1

Women's World Championship 1 1 1

Under 19 Championships 0 0 0

Under 17 Championship s 0 0 0

0 6 18 2 2 14 1

0 18 18 4 4 28 1

0 10 18 4 4 24 1

2 6 18 4 4 24 1

2 6 18 2 2 20 1

The commissioners, referee supervisors and referees shall be accommodated in a different hotel from that of the teams, unless otherwise agreed specifically by FIBA. Board and lodging must be provided under conditions ensuring comfort and modern sanitation. If meals are to be taken in a restaurant separate from the hotel, the distance between the two places must be as short as possible. All events-related hotels (official FIBA hotel, team hotels, press hotels, etc.) must be approved by FIBA.

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b. Airfares (class of fare) FIBA President (first) FIBA Secretary General (first) Secretary General Emeritus (first) Senior representatives of FIBA (business) FIBA Staff (economy)

Air travel expenses (return trip from the town of residence) as per the following schedule: Olympic Qualifying Tournaments 1 1 1 Men's World Championship 1 1 1 Women's World Championship 1 1 1 Under 19 Championships 0 0 0 Under 17 Championships 0 0 0



Reimbursement of these travel expenses must be made in US Dollars, Euro or Swiss Francs, or as otherwise agreed between the parties. [Note: Unless stated otherwise in the Bid and/or Event manuals (eg for the World Championship for Men), the participating teams shall cover their own travel expenses to the venue of the Preliminary Round and from the venue of the Final Round].

E. Costs of Internal Transportation a. The organisers shall arrange for the transportation of FIBA guests, officials and teams to and from the airport and from their hotel quarters to the competition venues. This provision applies also to training sessions, and official competitions, and to any event to which the teams and guests and officials may be invited officially. Free passage on public transport for players and officials should be obtained by the organisers wherever possible.


E. Officiating fees and allowances for the referees, referee supervisors, commissioners, and the supervisory doctor for doping control in accordance with O.2. E. Doping control expenses refer to H7 and to Annex 2 to H.7, and to O.2 (listed therein under H.

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E. Costs related to accidents, medical care and equipment, and insurance: a. The organisers are obliged to ensure, at their cost, that medical care is available at the venues (training sites, hotels, sport halls, etc.) for all participants (players, coaches, referees, referee supervisors, commissioners, and officials) in the event of illness and/or accident during their entire stay for the competition. This includes all accidents which may occur during any local transportation arranged by the organisers. All competition venues shall include a first aid room. The organisers shall schedule medical staff and nurses (with equipment for reanimation, stretcher, onsite ambulance, and exits allowing quick evacuation). The organisers must carry civil responsibility (third party liability) insurance for all accidents which are the result of poor organisation such as faulty fittings, equipment and stands, security within the precincts of the game and, in general, all material organisations for which the organisers are responsible. FIBA shall be a co-insured party to that insurance. FIBA will indicate to the organisers the appropriate amount to be covered. The organisers must carry appropriate cancellation insurance and FIBA shall be a co-insured party to that insurance. FIBA will indicate to the organisers the appropriate amount to be covered.




E. Costs of tickets, accreditations, and VIP hospitality areas: a. The Local Organising Committee must provide to FIBA complimentary tickets in the best seats for all official competitions. Five hundred (500) are required for each session except for the FIBA World Championship for Men when one thousand (1,000) tickets are required. Should FIBA require fewer complimentary tickets, it will either inform the Local Organising Committee of this in advance or return unused tickets in time for them to be on-sold. Should FIBA require more tickets, the Local Organising Committee shall make extra tickets available for purchase in the best category. In addition, the corresponding number of accreditations giving access to the VIP area shall be made available by the Local Organising Committee to FIBA guests at the venue. All complimentary tickets must arrive at the Secretariat of FIBA at least eight (8) weeks prior to the event, together with a seating plan of the stadium indicating the location of the allocated seats, according to the agreement between FIBA and the Local Organising Committee. The number of seats in the "Tribune of Honour" and the distribution thereof will be determined in agreement with the Local Organising Committee. The distribution of complimentary tickets will be handled by FIBA based on the criteria fixed for the particular competition. The number of tickets shall include those necessary for FIBA's marketing and broadcast partners. The system of accreditation and the list of those receiving accreditations must be approved by FIBA. VIP hospitality area(s) located near to the VIP seats must be organised by the Local Organising Committee with adequate quantity and quality of food and drinks.

b. c.


e. f.

g. h.

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E. Costs associated with provision of media facilities The organisers shall provide all facilities necessary for the proper functioning of the various media. In particular, they shall ensure that: A minimum of 5% of all of the seats in the stadium is reserved for journalists; Each seat reserved for journalists is equipped with a desk and has good visibility over the entire playing court and equipment; A media working room is provided. This room must be large enough to accommodate all journalists and be equipped with sufficient computers, telephone, fax, modem lines, paper, etc; A wireless LAN for free or for a reasonable fee agreed with FIBA; A separate, appropriately equipped media conference room which can accommodate all journalists be provided.

a. b. c.

d. e.

E. Revenues The organisers shall keep all revenue/income derived from the sale of tickets, all approved value-in-kind agreements and any contribution received from national, state/provincial, and/or local authorities. E. Responsibilities of FIBA FIBA shall insure the following persons against accidents which may occur during the travel to and from the venue of the competition: The FIBA referees The FIBA referee supervisors The FIBA commissioners The official FIBA representatives present at the competition

a. b. c. d. E.4.5 a.

Special Provisions The Terms of Engagement include also any special or amended conditions in terms of E.3.7 (b) which are accepted by FIBA in awarding the rights to conduct the event, and also any special conditions which are imposed by FIBA such as for example in terms of E.3.8. The catering and minimum required installations for FIBA and its guests must be provided by the Local Organising Committee according to the standards set by FIBA.


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E.5 Conducting an official competition of FIBA

E.5.1 Competence of FIBA bodies E.5.1.1 FIBA is competent to make any decision and to impose sanctions or levy fines whenever a conflict arises at the time of an international competition, no matter whether the competition is official or not. Any appeal against the decisions of FIBA shall be dealt with in accordance with the Internal Regulations and the General Statutes of FIBA.


Organisation E.5.2.1 Rights and duties of the Local Organising Committee

E. The Local Organising Committee has the duty to take all measures that it deems necessary for the success of the event. However, such measures shall be subject to approval by the Central Board of FIBA. Furthermore, the Local Organising Committee must work closely and efficiently with all official bodies of FIBA responsible for the organisation of the event. E. The Local Organising Committee shall ensure that all participating teams are treated in the same way and that all enjoy equal rights. Special requests by any of the participating teams shall be forwarded to FIBA for approval. E. The Local Organising Committee is entitled to rely on the closest co-operation from the official bodies of FIBA and also from the participating teams and their national federations. E.5.3 Technical provisions E.5.3.1 Technical equipment and playing court

E. The main official competitions and other official competitions of FIBA shall be played only in FIBA approved venues and with FIBA approved technical equipment, the licensing rights of which belong to FIBA (floorings, backboards and backboard supports, 24 second devices, scoreboards including game clocks, balls, etc.). (Refer also to Regulation G) E. All national member federations which are awarded one of the main official competitions or other official competitions of FIBA must follow strictly the guidelines established in the Official Basketball Rules, in particular the Appendix Basketball Equipment. E. The main official competitions of FIBA shall be held only in halls that meet the minimum requirements for technical equipment as provided for in the Official Basketball Rules, and: a. b. c. The halls must be made available to FIBA free from any advertising; The floor area, including the playing court, shall measure at least 38 x 22 metres; The halls must be air-conditioned; and

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The minimum seating capacity of the halls shall be as follows:

Men's Olympic Qualifying Tournament (seats) Preliminary and Classification rounds All other rounds All games

Women's Olympic Qualifying Tournament (seats)

Men's World Championship (seats) 8.000 15,000

Women's World Championship (seats) 4.000 8,000

All Under-age World Championships (seats) 3.000 5,000



E. Before each official competition, the technical equipment and the court must all be examined and approved by the appropriate body of FIBA. E.5.3.2 Requirements for Referee Supervisors

E. For the effective work of FIBA Referee Supervisors, the organisers are obliged to provide a conference room for two (2) days (09:00 18:00) before the competition begins, and for each day (10:00 13:00) during the competition. This conference room shall be equipped with: a. Two (2) video recorders or DVD players (equipped with two (2) accompanying empty video tapes or empty DVD disks) which will allow for the selection and copy of particular scenes from the games, and A large screen and overhead projector.


E. One (1) tape of all the games of the day shall be at the disposal of the FIBA Referee Supervisor at the latest on the evening of the same day. E. When on duty, a seat opposite the scorekeepers table shall be provided for the FIBA Referee Supervisor. When off duty, a seat on the players/referees tribune shall be provided for him. E.5.3.3 Technical committee

E. A technical committee must be formed at the beginning of each main official competition, cup and tournament of FIBA. It shall consist of three (3) persons, namely the Secretary General of FIBA (or his delegate), a delegate of the organising federation, and a third member selected by them. E. If the games are organised in different towns/cities, there shall be an equivalent number of technical committees.

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E. The functions of the technical committee, which shall terminate with the announcement of the final classification of the competition, are as follows: a. b. c. d. e. f. Supervision and approval of playing facilities and of the technical equipment as provided for in the Basketball Equipment Appendix to the Official Basketball Rules; Establishing the schedule for the competition; Appointment of commissioners and referees and approval of the personnel at the scorers table (timekeeper, scorekeeper and 24-second operator); Approval of the final score of each game and the final classification of the competition; Examination and decision on protests in the first instance; The imposition of sanctions against players, coaches, assistant coaches, team followers, commissioners, FIBA referees and table officials who have violated the spirit and the letter of the General Statutes and the Internal Regulations of FIBA or the spirit of 'fair play' that must exist in basketball. Sanctions that are imposed shall be based upon the reports submitted by the commissioners and referees, as well as on observations by members of the technical committee; Making rulings concerning any other unsportsmanlike behaviour which may occur immediately before or after the game; and Supervision of the implementation of the Regulations governing the Use of Advertising. Jury of appeal

g. h. E.5.3.4

E. A jury of appeal must be formed at the beginning of each competition. E. The technical committee shall nominate the members of the jury of appeal. E. The jury of appeal shall consist of four (4) appointed members and four (4) substitute members, all of whom are representatives of national member federations whose teams are participating in the competition. E. The jury shall be presided over by the most senior member of the Central Board of FIBA present (whether he is connected with a team taking part in the competition or not) unless a president is appointed by a competent body (see Regulation governing Appeals). E. If no member of the Central Board is present and there is not a president otherwise appointed, there shall be five (5) appointed members, one of whom shall be elected by his peers to preside over the jury of appeal. E. With tournaments involving a maximum of six (6) teams, the jury of appeal shall be composed of a president with two (2) appointed members and two (2) substitute members. E. Members of the jury of appeal having a connection with teams involved in the dispute may not sit on the jury and must be replaced by alternate members. The president of the jury of appeal shall be replaced, if necessary, by the person appointed by him with the approval of the technical committee which will be responsible for making the formal announcement. E. The function of the jury of appeal shall be to examine and to decide in the second instance appeals against decisions taken by the technical committee concerning the approval of game results and penalties imposed. Its verdict is final and cannot be appealed further.

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E.5.3.5 a.

Procedure to follow in the event of protest If, during a main official competition of FIBA, a team believes its interests have been adversely affected by a decision of an official (referee or umpire(s)) or by any event that took place during a game, it must proceed in the following manner: i. At the end of the game, the captain of the team in question shall, inform the referee immediately that his team is protesting against the result of the game by signing the scoresheet in the space marked "Captain's signature in case of protest". ii. In order to make the protest valid, it is necessary for the official representative of the national member federation or the club to give confirmation of this protest in writing within the twenty (20) minutes following the end of the game to the representative of FIBA or the Technical Committee. iii. Detailed explanations are not necessary in the written protest. It is sufficient to write: "The national federation or club X protests against the result of the game between the teams of X and Y". As security, a sum equivalent to the amount stipulated in O.3 shall be deposited with the representative of FIBA or the Technical Committee. Should a protest be filed by one of the teams, the commissioner or the referee shall, within the hour following the end of the game, report the incident to the representative of FIBA or to the President of the Technical Committee. The national federation of the team or the club in question must submit to the representative of FIBA or to the President of the Technical Committee the text of its protest within the hour that follows the end of the game. If the protest is accepted, the security shall be refunded. Should the national federation or club of the team which made the protest, or the opposing national federation or club, not accept the decision of the Technical Committee, then it may address an appeal to the Jury of Appeal. For an appeal to the Jury of Appeal to be valid it must be made to the President of the Technical Committee within twenty (20) minutes of delivery of the Committees decision As security, a sum equivalent to the amount stipulated in O.3 shall be deposited with the representative of FIBA or the President of the Technical Committee. The Jury of Appeal shall judge the appeal in the last instance, and its decision shall be final and not further appealable in the FIBA Appeals Tribunal. Videos, film, pictures or any equipment, visual, electronic, digital, or otherwise, shall not be used to determine or to change the result of a game, despite the fact that the referee is authorised under the Official Basketball Rules to do so to determine the result of a last shot in a game. The use of such equipment by other than the referee is valid only to determine responsibility in matters of discipline or for educational (training) purposes after the game has ended. Statistics and visual records



d. e.


g. h.

E.5.3.6 a. b.

Organisers shall ensure that: Results and statistics are sent in real time to the FIBA website and server. If unable to transmit electronically, the organisers must send the following information by fax within one hour of the end of each game to the FIBA Secretariat: i. the final score, ii. the score at the end of each quarter and extra period, iii. the number of spectators, iv. information on television broadcast, and v. a copy of the duly completed FIBA Official Statistics Sheet. c. Visual records of all games in terms of G.2.1.2 and G.2.1.3 by courier within 48 hours of the end of the championship.

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Doping control Doping control tests are to be carried out in accordance with the Regulations governing Doping Control (H.7) at main official competitions and, where possible, at all other official competitions.


Classification of teams The classification of teams shall be made according to the Official Game Procedures as provided in the current Official Basketball Rules.


Draw E.5.4.1 a. b. c. d. The date, venue and procedure for the draw shall be decided by FIBA for the competition in question in accordance with the following provisions: In principle, the draw cannot take place until seventy-two (72) hours after the closing date for final entries; The draw can be held on the occasion of a FIBA event (e.g. official tournament, competition or cup, meeting of a FIBA commission); The draw may be held at the FIBA headquarters or at a venue decided by the appropriate body of FIBA; The draw may be held in the organising country. In this event, the travel and board and lodging expenses of two (2) FIBA representatives and two FIBA Staff will be the responsibility of the Organising national member federation; Where the draw for a World Championship for Men or a World Championship for Women is held in the host country as part of an organised promotion for the respective championship, it is expected that an official representative of each national member federation whose team has qualified for that championship will attend the draw at the national member federations own expense; In all instances, the parties involved must be advised of the date and the place of the draw at least fifteen (15) days in advance.




Flags E.5.5.1 During all of the main official competitions, only the flags and anthems of the countries or affiliated national member federations approved and recognised by FIBA may be used. At the site of the competition and its surroundings, the flag of FIBA and, without exception, the flags of the countries or national member federations whose teams take part in the competition shall be raised. Correct artwork for FIBA flags or Zone flags is available on the online style guide A quote may be obtained from FIBA for the purchase of FIBA flags, and then a written order placed as required. The Local Organising Committee shall ensure that the flags of the teams taking part in the competition are placed in a manner that will be equal for all. The flags shall be hung in alphabetical order according to the language of the organising country.



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Protocol Provisions The following provisions for the main official competitions of FIBA apply also to the other competitions of FIBA. E.5.6.1 Team delegation tribune A sufficient number of seats must be reserved in a special tribune for all the official members of the participating teams. E.5.6.2 Order of precedence official competitions of FIBA

E. The representative of FIBA shall rank immediately after the highest authority of the host country. E. The order of precedence for members of FIBA shall be as follows: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. The President The Past President The Secretary General The Secretary General Emeritus The Vice President The Deputy Secretary General or the delegate of the Secretary General The Treasurer The members of the Central Board The Honorary Presidents and the honorary members The Presidents of the International Commissions The Presidents of the participating national member federations

E. Order of Precedence Zone competitions a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. E.5.7 At a Zone competition, the order of precedence for members of FIBA shall be as follows: FIBA Zone President (or, in his absence, the FIBA Zone Vice-President) FIBA President (if present) FIBA Zone Secretary General FIBA Secretary General and/or FIBA Secretary General Emeritus (if present) FIBA Zone Vice-President(s) FIBA Zone Central Board members FIBA Central Board members from other Zones (if present) Any other FIBA Zone members according to the FIBA Zone Order of Precedence

Opening and closing ceremonies [Note 1 World Championship for Men: If a new President of FIBA is elected at the FIBA Congress just before or during the World Championship for Men, the past President shall perform all of the official functions associated with the championship such as the official opening, presentation of the medals to the winners, and closure of the championship. Note 2 - FIBA reserves the right to make changes to the ceremonies as described below should circumstances so require].

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E.5.7.1 a. b. c. d. e. f. E.5.7.2

Opening ceremony At all main official competitions of FIBA, an official opening ceremony shall be organised at the beginning of the event in the following sequence: The ceremony begins with a short cultural programme of not more than fifteen (15) minutes. The national flag of each participating country, or the flag of its national federation, is carried on to the court. Two (2) short speeches lasting approximately thirty (30) seconds each are made and the competition is declared open. The anthem of the organising country or national member federation only is played. The opening ceremony ends with all flag bearers leaving the ceremony. Victory and closing ceremony The victory ceremony shall be linked with the closing ceremony and shall take place at the site of the competition immediately after the last game in the following sequence: As soon as the final game has ended, the teams placed 3rd, 2nd and 1st enter the court. In the centre of the court in front of the tribune of honour there shall be set up three (3) podiums, each wide enough for eighteen persons in a row. The podium for the team placed first is the highest and positioned in the middle, the podium for the team placed second is lower and positioned to the right of the central podium, and that for the team placed third is the lowest and positioned to the left of the central podium.

a. b.



e. f. g.

Each team lines up alongside its captain ready to step up onto the podium reserved for it. After the results of the competition are announced, the team placed third mounts the podium reserved for the team placed third. The representative of FIBA presents a maximum of eighteen (18) medals to the members of the team including coaches. The teams placed second and first are presented with their medals in the same way. The captain of the winning team is presented with the trophy. At the victory and closing ceremony, only FIBA's official sponsors trophies and prizes approved by FIBA are awarded on the court. The presentation of the medals and trophy is followed by a maximum of two (2) short speeches, with the FIBA representative speaking last. The anthem of the country of the winning team only is played while the flags of the teams placed 1st to 3rd are raised. The teams leave the court and the closing ceremony is at an end.

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Prizes E. The organisers shall provide the following prizes: a. b. c. d. e. f. Gold medals for the players and coaches of the team placed first. Silver medals for the players and coaches of the team placed second. Bronze medals for the players and coaches of the team placed third. A diploma for each team, with indication of the place won in the final classification. A souvenir plaque or medal for each player, coach, commissioner, referee, referee supervisor, and official. A set of the above medals, diplomas, plaques, etc each for FIBA and for the FIBA Pedro Ferrndiz Foundation. The organisers may provide additional prizes either for the teams or for the players, but the awarding of these prizes and the award procedure must be approved by the representative of FIBA. Other than what is provided for under E.5.8.1 e. above, under no circumstances may prizes be awarded to referees.


E.5.8.3 E.5.9

Tournament report Within one hundred and twenty (120) days of the conclusion of a tournament, the organisers shall submit an exhaustive report on its organisation to FIBA. The report shall include the financial statements for the tournament and a detailed media impact report in the host country. For the World Championship for Men, special provisions regarding reporting may apply - refer to the FIBA Bid and Event Manuals.

E.5.10 The conduct of other international games and tournaments E.5.10.1 Participation in other international games and tournaments shall not be subject to the above provisions. The organisers may invite teams from any country, on condition that the invited country is a national member federation of FIBA and its affiliation is not suspended. Teams from a national member federation of FIBA may not participate in any international competition (games or tournaments) in which an entity not affiliated to a national member federation of FIBA is participating, unless prior approval from both FIBA and the respective national member federation has been obtained. International games and tournaments between teams representing national member federations or clubs must be authorised by the national federation of the organisers. Furthermore, the respective national member federations must authorise the participation of their teams in these competitions.



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E.6 Participating in an official competition of FIBA national member federations and their affiliated clubs
E.6.1 Cooperation with the organisers and with FIBA E.6.1.1 Participating teams shall co-operate closely with the organisers and with FIBA in order to assure the technical and financial success of the event. In particular, they shall supply, in advance, the photographs and personal data of the players and all information as required by the organisers and/or FIBA. Any failure may result in a fine. Those responsible for teams taking part in an official international competition are required to facilitate the task of the organisers by avoiding unnecessary expenses.




The national member federations and the clubs whose teams participate in an official competition must insure these teams against: a. Accidents which may occur during travel to and from the country of the competition venue; and b. Accidents which may occur to members of their team during the competition and for which the organisers are not responsible. E.6.3 Qualification E.6.3.1 Only qualified teams may take part in official international competitions unless the specific regulations of a competition say otherwise. If required, FIBA may invite non-qualified teams to replace qualified teams which have withdrawn from a competition. Only teams of national member federations that are up-to-date in the payment of their dues (fees, fines, etc.), including the current year, may take part in official competitions. Should a team from an associated member country take part in an official competition of FIBA, any outstanding moneys due and owing to FIBA will be deducted from the annual FIBA subsidy to the relevant Zone. (See also D.2.4) Should a team from a federation that is not a member of FIBA or whose membership is suspended take part in an official competition, the said competition shall lose its official character automatically and shall no longer be recognised by FIBA unless the Central Board decides otherwise.





Eligibility of Players The eligibility of players for national or club teams must conform to the Regulations governing the Eligibility of Players and the National Status of Players.

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Registration The teams taking part in an official competition of FIBA are obliged to respect the deadlines set for the preliminary and final entries provided for in the regulations applying to the competition. The formal confirmation of participation shall, in any case, be provided before the draw of the competition is held, except for teams yet to be qualified at that time.


Withdrawal from, or failure to appear at, an official competition E.6.6.1 If, after having sent its final entry, a team should cancel its participation or should fail to appear at the opening of the competition, the Central Board of FIBA or the appropriate body of FIBA shall have the right to sanction that party which is in breach of its obligations to appear. These penalties may be of a disciplinary or financial nature. In particular, FIBA may impose a fine in accordance with E.6.8. (as stipulated in O.3) Part of the fine may be paid to the organisers as compensation in the event of any financial loss. A national team which has qualified to participate in an official competition of FIBA and which has withdrawn its participation from the said competition for any reason, is banned from taking part in an official or friendly game for: Thirty (30) days preceding the first day of the official competition for which it was qualified; The duration of the competition; and For thirty (30) days after the last day of this competition.


a. b. c. E.6.7

Duties of the participating teams E.6.7.1 Teams taking part in an official competition of FIBA must respect the provisions of these Internal Regulations and/or the applicable regulations for each competition. They must be present at the site of the competition in due time and must co-operate at all times with the organisers and representatives of FIBA. A team that has accepted an invitation to take part in an official competition of FIBA shall be obliged to take part. In the event of violation of these provisions, the appropriate body of FIBA shall apply such penalties as are required. Where a club is involved, the decision shall be communicated to the national member federation to which the club belongs. In particular, teams participating in an official competition of FIBA may not under any circumstances: Refuse to play a game or leave the playing area before the end of a game; Refuse to participate in, or leave before the end of, the opening ceremony and/or the award ceremony and the closing ceremony; Behave inappropriately (or make insulting remarks), thus disrupting the smooth running of the competition, official functions or ceremonies; Refuse a doping control; Refuse to participate in an official meeting or press conference.



E.6.7.4 a. b. c. d. e.

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Where there is a violation of the provisions of this Regulation E.6, in addition to any provisions set out in the Official Basketball Rules, the appropriate body of FIBA may apply the following additional penalties: a. Immediate Disqualification from the current competition and Disqualification of the team in question from all FIBA competitions for at least one (1) year. b. A fine as stipulated in O.1 and O.3. c. Cases not provided for in these Internal Regulations (such as provocative gestures, not attending the post-game press conference) shall be judged on their own merits.

E.7 Advertising on team uniforms

[Note - These regulations are valid for all main official competitions of FIBA. Member federations are encouraged to use them in their entirety at national level]. E.7.1 Playing Uniforms E.7.1.1 a. b. For a total of two different advertisings, advertising is permitted: On the front of the shirts On the shorts With the approval of FIBA, a third advertising is permitted on the back of the shirts for competitions under the control of Zones. E.7.2 Shirts E.7.2.1 E.7.2.2 a. b. c. Shirts must conform to the Official Basketball Rules (article 4.3). The front of the shirt shall conform to the following provisions:

The manufacturer's trademark (logo) may appear, but it must not be larger than 12 cm. The FIBA logo must appear on the front of the shirt (see diagram). The player's number must appear and be clearly visible and at least 10 cm high. Any other markings on the front of the shirt must be at a distance of at least 5 cm from the player's number. d. The name or the badge/ symbol of the club or country must appear on the front of the shirts as follows: i. Above the advertising. ii. If the written text comprises one (1) line, the letters shall be a maximum of 8 cm in height. If the written text comprises two (2) lines, the letters on each line shall be a maximum of 6 cm in height. iii. The badge/symbol must not be smaller than 100 cm nor larger than 200 cm and shall be a maximum of 10 cm in height. e. Advertising of one (1) sponsor only is permitted provided that the written text or the sponsor's logo is a maximum of 8 cm in height and maximum of 40 cm in length.

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Front FIBA logo, 32cm2 Manufacturer's trademark (logo), max. 12cm2 Player's number, at least 10cm in height Written text or logo, max. 8cm in height and 40cm in length If club/country name (written text): One line max. 8cm in height Two lines each line max. 6cm in height If club/country badge/symbol: min. 100cm2, max. 200cm2, max. 10cm in height.

E.7.2.3 a. b.

For Zone competitions only (refer also to E.7.1.1), the back of the shirt shall conform to the following provisions: The player's surname must appear above the player's number and shall comprise only one (1) line of text. The height of the writing must be between 6cm and 8cm. The player's number must appear and be clearly visible and at least 20 cm high. Any other markings on the back of the shirt must be at a distance of at least 5 cm from the player's number. Advertising of one sponsor only is permitted on the back of shirts, provided that the written text or the sponsors logo is a maximum of 8 cm in height and of 40 cm in length.



Player's surname

Player's number, at least 20 cm in height

Player's surname (obligatory), 6 8 cm in height, one line of text only

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At least four (4) weeks prior to the first game of the competition, clubs or member federations must submit to the FIBA Secretariat for approval a drawing/design of the uniform which will be worn during the competition. This can be sent by mail or fax.

E.7.3 a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

Shorts Shorts must conform to the Official Basketball Rules (article 4.3). Advertising is permitted on the front of the shorts (see diagram) provided that: The advertising is of one sponsor only, and The sponsors written text or logo is of a maximum of 100 cm. The manufacturer's trademark (logo) may appear, but it must not be larger than 12 cm. The FIBA logo must appear and be clearly visible on the front of the shorts. The players number is not permitted on the shorts.

Advertising (written text or logo), max. 64cm Manufacturers trademark (logo), max. 12cm FIBA logo, 32cm

E.7.4 a. b. E.7.5 a. b. c. d. E.7.6 a. b. c. d. e.

Socks Advertising is prohibited on socks. The manufacturer's trademark (logo) may appear, but it must not be larger than 12 cm. Warm up T shirts Advertising is permitted on the front of warm up T shirts but must be identical (same sponsor and size) with that on the front of the playing shirts. The name or the badge/symbol of the club or country must appear on the front of the warm up T shirts. Advertising is permitted on the back of warm up T shirts, but it must be identical (same sponsor and size) with that on the front of the shirt. The manufacturer's trademark (logo) may appear, but it must not be larger than 12 cm. Tracksuits Advertising is permitted on the front of tracksuits but must be identical (same sponsor and size) with that on the front of the playing shirts. The name or the badge/symbol of the club or country must appear on the front of the tracksuits. Advertising is permitted on the back of tracksuits, but it must be identical (same sponsor and size) with that on the front of the shirts. The manufacturer's trademark (logo) may appear, but it must not be larger than 12 cm. The players family name is permitted on the back of the tracksuit but it must be identical (same name and size) with that on the back of the shirts.

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Club/country name or badge/symbol

Manufacturer's trademark (logo), max. 12 cm If club/country name (written text): One line - max. 8 cm in height Two lines - each line max. 6 cm in height If club/country badge/symbol: min. 100 cm, max. 200 cm, max. 10 cm in height.



Player's family name is permitted but must be identical with that on the back of the shirts. For advertising written text or logo, max. 8 cm in height and 40 cm in length but must be identical with that on the back of the shirts.

E.7.7 a. b. E.7.8 a. b. c.

Shoes Advertising is prohibited on the shoes. The manufacturers trademark (logo) may appear. Undergarments All undergarments such as T shirts worn under uniforms (only with written medical recommendation), cycling shorts, etc. must be the same colour as the respective part of uniform. Advertising is prohibited on all visible parts of undergarments. The manufacturer's trademark (logo) is permitted, but it must not be larger than 12 cm.

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E.7.9 a. b.

Other accessories Advertising is prohibited on all other accessories such as sweatbands, knee and elbow pads, etc. The manufacturer's trademark (logo) is permitted, but it must not be larger than 12 cm.

E.7.10 Other provisions E.7.10.1 Advertising on uniforms, tracksuits, and warm-up T-shirts must be the same for all players of a team. The manufacturer's trademark (logo) on uniforms, tracksuits, and warm up T shirts must be the same for all players of a team. Advertising for hard alcohol, tobacco and the pharmaceutical substances on the WADA Prohibited List as applicable from time to time is prohibited. Advertising for a brand of beer or wine is permitted. Players of the national teams participating in all main official competitions of FIBA as defined in E.1.1 may wear only that advertising approved by FIBA before the competition begins. During the Olympic Games, the participating teams must respect the International Olympic Committee's regulations and provisions regarding advertising. In particular: No advertising shall be permitted during the Olympic Games other than the manufacturers trademark on clothing or equipment authorised by the International Olympic Committee. No player participating in the Olympic Games may allow his person, name, photograph or sports performance to be used for advertising purposes without the prior agreement of FIBA, the national member federation, and/or the respective National Olympic Committee and the International Olympic Committee.



E.7.10.4 E.7.10.5




E.7.11 Penalties E.7.11.1 The technical committee or the commissioner shall supervise the implementation of these regulations at each competition of FIBA. After receiving a report from the technical committee or the commissioner where these regulations were not complied with, the FIBA Secretary General or the person responsible, according to the regulations of the competition, will decide on possible penalties in the first instance (as stipulated in O.1).


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E.8 The structure and special provisions applicable to the main official competitions of FIBA
E.8.1 Olympic Tournaments for both Men and Women E.8.1.1 Qualification

E. Only teams whose national federations are members of FIBA and whos National Olympic Committees are affiliated to the International Olympic Committee are entitled to participate in the Olympic Tournaments for Men and Women. E. The following teams are entitled to take part in the Olympic Tournaments in 2012: Men 1 2 Directly qualified The winner of the 2010 World Championship Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania World Olympic Qualifying Tournament Total 1 1 2 1 2 1 4 12 Women 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 12

The Central Board may decide to grant automatic qualification to the host country. If so, the numbers of teams in the World Olympic Qualifying Tournament would decrease accordingly. If approved by the Central Board, the Zones in question will then determine their own qualifying systems. E.8.1.2 Registration The deadline for registration for the Olympic Tournaments shall be determined by the regulations of the International Olympic Committee and shall be indicated in the regulations published for each sport. E.8.1.3 Financial provisions

E. Participating teams shall cover their expenses according to the regulations established by the International Olympic Committee. E. The travel and board and lodging expenses of the FIBA Technical Delegates, Technical Officials and referees appointed by FIBA shall be covered according to the provisions established by the International Olympic Committee. E.8.2 World Olympic Qualifying Tournaments for Men and Women E.8.2.1 Timing

E. The FIBA World Olympic Qualifying Tournaments for both Men and Women will be held in principle every four (4) years (in 2012, 2016 etc.).

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E. Men: for the FIBA World Olympic Qualifying Tournament for Men in 2012, dates to be confirmed. E. Women: for the FIBA World Olympic Qualifying Tournament for Women in 2012, dates to be confirmed. E.8.2.2 Participation

E. The number of participating teams in the FIBA World Olympic Qualifying Tournaments will be twelve (12). E. Teams from all five (5) FIBA Zones on the following basis are eligible to participate: Zone Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania Men & Women 2 3 2 4 1 12

E. The best placed non-qualified teams for the Olympic Games from each Zone will be invited to participate. E. Should any invited team(s) not accept the invitation the next best non-qualified team(s) from the same Zone will be invited to participate. E.8.2.3 Registration

E. The registration forms for both tournaments will be sent to the respective national member federations by 30 September (2011). E. The duly completed registration forms must be returned by the national member federations so as to reach the FIBA Secretariat no later than 31 January (2012). The registration form must be confirmed by the respective National Olympic Committee (NOC). E. The list of twenty four (24) players names for each of the Mens and Womens teams must be submitted on the special form provided by FIBA ("List of Players"). Full particulars and all documentation which may be required concerning each player on the list, must reach the FIBA Secretariat no later than two (2) months before the beginning of the respective tournament. Failure to meet this deadline may result in financial penalties. E.8.2.4 System of competition Men

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E. Preliminary Round a. The twelve (12) participating teams will be divided into four (4) groups (A, B, C, D) of three (3) teams each. Each team will play all the other teams in its own group (total of 2 games for each team). The teams placed 1st 2nd in each group will play in the Quarter-Finals; the teams placed 3rd in each group will go home. The total of 12 games will be played in the Preliminary Round.

b. c.

E. Quarter Finals Game 13: Game 14: Game 15: Game 16: A1 v B2 B1 v A2 C1 v D2 D1 v C2

E. Semi Finals Game 17: Winner 13 v Winner15 Game 18: Winner14 v Winner 16 The two (2) winners will qualify for the Olympic Games. The two (2) losers will play in the Finals the game for the 3rd place (game 20 below) for one (1) remaining qualifying place. E. Finals Game 19: Winner 17 v Winner 18 Game 20: Loser 17 v Loser 18 E.8.2.5 System of competition - Women

E. Preliminary Round a. The twelve (12) participating teams will be divided into four (4) groups (A, B, C, D) of three (3) teams each. Each team will play all the other teams in its own group (total of 2 games for each team). The teams placed 1st 2nd in each group will play in the Quarter-Finals; the teams placed 3rd in each group will go home. The total of 12 games will be played in the Preliminary Round.

b. c.

E. Quarter Finals Game 13: A1 v B2 Game 14: B1 v A2 Game 15: C1 v D2 Game 16: D1 v C2 The four (4) winners will qualify for the Olympic Games. The four (4) losers will play in the Semi-Finals and Finals for one (1) remaining qualifying place. E. Semi Finals Game 17: Loser 13 v Loser 15 Game 18: Loser 14 v Loser 16 E. Finals Game 19: Winner 17 v Winner 18

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FIBA World Championship for Men E.8.3.1 Timing The FIBA World Championship for Men will be held every four (4) years (in 2010, 2014, etc.). In principle, the FIBA World Championship for Men shall have a minimum duration of 11 days. E.8.3.2 Participation

E. Twenty-four (24) teams shall participate at a FIBA World Championship for Men. E. The following teams, representing all five (5) FIBA Zones, are eligible to participate: 1 2 The organising country Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania Invited teams 1 3 5 3 6 2 4 24

E. The gold medalist from the previous Olympic Games is qualified directly to the World Championship for Men. The continent of that winner thereby surrenders one of its allocated places. E. The qualifying Zone competitions must be completed, at the latest, by 30 September of the year preceding the beginning of the championship. E. The invited teams will be determined by the FIBA Central Board upon proposal made by the Secretary General of FIBA. However, any invited team must have participated in the qualifying competitions. E. In the event of a withdrawal by a qualified team, FIBA has the right to invite another team which participated in the qualifying competition while endeavouring to maintain an equitable balance between the Zones. E.8.3.3 Registration

E. Registration forms for participation in the FIBA World Championship for Men must be sent by the FIBA Secretariat to the qualified teams at least ten (10) months prior to the date of the championship. E. The duly completed registration forms must be returned so as to reach the FIBA Secretariat no later than nine (9) months prior to the date of the championship. In the event that a qualified team fails to meet this deadline, FIBA may revoke this team's right to participate. FIBA may then invite another team which participated in its qualifying Zone competition, but FIBA must endeavour to maintain an equitable balance between the Zones.

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E. The list of twenty four (24) players names on the special form provided by FIBA ("List of Players") must be submitted. Full particulars and all documentation which may be required concerning each player on the list, must reach the FIBA Secretariat no later than two (2) months before the beginning of the championship. Failure to meet this deadline may result in financial penalties. E.8.3.4 E.8.3.5 Doping Control - Refer to the FIBA Bid and Events Manuals. System of competition

E. Preliminary Round a. The twenty-four (24) participating teams will be divided into eight (8) groups (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H) of three (3) teams each. Each team will play all the other teams in its own group (total of 2 games for each team). The final standings of each group will be established after the Preliminary Round as follows: Group A: A1, A2, A3 Group B: B1, B2, B3 Group C: C1, C2, C3 Group D: D1, D2, D3 Group E: E1, E2, E3 Group F: F1, F2, F3 Group G: G1, G2, G3 Group H: H1, H2, H3 A total of twenty-four (24) games will be played in the Preliminary Round. The teams placed 1st in each group will qualify for the Eighth Finals. The teams placed 2nd 3rd in each group will qualify for the Elimination Round.


c. d. e.

E. Elimination Round The sixteen (16) teams from the Preliminary Round will play direct elimination games as follows: Game 25: A2 v B3; Game 26: D2vC3; Game 27: C2 v D3; Game 28: B2vA3; Game 29: E2 v F3; Game 30: H2 v G3; Game 31: G2 v H3; and Game 32: F2vE3. The eight (8) winners of the Elimination Round will qualify for the Eighth Finals. The eight (8) loser of the Elimination Round will return home.


b. c.

E. Eighth Finals The sixteen (16) teams qualified from the Preliminary and Elimination Rounds will play direct elimination games as follows: Game 33: A1 v Winner 32; Game 34: B1 v Winner 31 Game 35: C1 v Winner 30; Game 36: D1 v Winner 29 Game 37: E1 v Winner 28; Game 38: F1 v Winner 27 Game 39: G1 v Winner 26; Game 40: H1 v Winner 25 The eight (8) winners of the Eighth Finals will qualify for the Quarter Finals. The eight (8) losers of the Eighth Finals will return home.


b. c.

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E. Quarter Finals a. The eight (8) teams qualified from the Eighth Finals will play as follows: Game 41: Winner 33 v Winner 34 Game 42: Winner 35 v Winner 36 Game 43: Winner 37 v Winner 38 Game 44: Winner 39 v Winner 40 The four (4) winners will qualify for the Semi Finals for 1st 4th place. The four (4) losers will qualify for the Semi Finals for 5th 8th place.

b. c.

E. Semi Finals The eight (8) teams will play as follows: Game 45: Loser 41 v Loser 42 (5 8) Game 46: Loser 43 v Loser 44 (5 8) Game 47: Winner 41 v Winner 42 (1 4) Game 48: Winner 43 v Winner 44 (1 4) E. Finals The eight (8) teams will play as follows: Game 49: Loser 45 v Loser 46 (7 8) Game 50: Winner 45 v Winner 46 (5 6) Game 51: Loser 47 v Loser 48 (3 4) Game 52: Winner 47 v Winner 48 (1 2) E.8.4 FIBA World Championship for Women E.8.4.1 Timing The FIBA World Championship for Women will be held every four (4) years (in 2010, 2014, etc.). E.8.4.2 Participation

E. The number of participating teams in a FIBA World Championship for Women will be sixteen (16). E. The following teams representing all five (5) FIBA Zones are eligible to participate: 1 2 The organising country Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania 1 2 4 3 5 1 16

The gold medallist from the previous Olympic Games is qualified directly for the World Championship for Women. The continent of that winner thereby surrenders one of its allocated places.

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E. The qualifying continental competitions must be completed, at the latest, by 30 September of the year preceding the beginning of the championship. E. In the event of withdrawal by a qualified team, FIBA has the right to invite another team which participated in its qualifying Zone competition, while endeavouring to maintain an equitable balance between the Zones. E.8.4.3 Registration

E. Registration forms for participation in the FIBA World Championship for Women must be sent by the FIBA Secretariat to the qualified teams at least ten (10) months prior to the date of the championship. E. The duly completed registration forms must be returned so as to reach the FIBA Secretariat no later than nine (9) months prior to the date of the championship. In the event of a qualified team failing to meet this deadline, FIBA may revoke this team's right to participate and may invite another team which participated in its qualifying Zone competition while endeavouring to maintain a certain balance between the Zones. E. The list of player names (twenty-four (24) players) on the special form provided by FIBA ("List of Players"), as well as full particulars and all documentation which may be required concerning them, must reach the FIBA Secretariat no later than two (2) months before the beginning of the championship. Failure to meet this deadline may result in financial penalties. E.8.4.4 Doping Control - Refer to the FIBA Bid and Events Manuals In principle a minimum of thirty-two (32) Doping control tests will be carried out during the competitions. E.8.4.5 System of competition

E. Preliminary Round a. The sixteen (16) participating teams will be divided into four (4) groups (A, B, C, D) of four (4) teams each. Each team will play all the other teams in its own group (total of 3 games for each team). The final standings of each group will be established after the Preliminary Round as follows: Group A: A1, A2, A3, A4 Group B: B1, B2, B3, B4 Group C: C1, C2, C3, C4 Group D: D1, D2, D3, D4 A total of twenty-four (24) games will be played in the Preliminary Round. The teams placed 1st 3rd in each group will qualify for the Eighth Final Round. The teams placed 4th in each group will qualify for the Classification Round for 13th 16th place.


c. d. e.

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E. Eighth Final Round a. The twelve (12) teams qualified from the Preliminary Round will be divided into two (2) groups (E, F) of six (6) teams each. Each team will play the three (3) new teams in its own group (the final scores of all games played in the Preliminary Round are valid for this round). Group E: A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3 Group F: C1, C2, C3, D1, D2, D3 A total of eighteen (18) games will be played in the Eighth-Final Round. The teams placed 1st - 4th in each group will qualify for the Quarter-Finals for 1st - 8th place. The teams placed 5th - 6th in each group will qualify for the Classification Round for 9th- 12th place.

b. c. d.

E. Classification Round a. For 13th - 16th place The four (4) teams placed 4th in each group of the Preliminary Round will play as follows: Game 31: A4 v B4 Game 32: C4 v D4 Game 33: Loser 31 v Loser 32 (15 - 16) Game 34: Winner 31 v Winner 32 (13 - 14) For 9th - 12th place The four (4) teams placed 5th - 6th in each group of the Eighth-Final Round will play as follows: Game 47: E5 v F6 Game 48: E6 v F5 Game 53: Loser 47 v Loser 48 (11 - 12) Game 54: Winner 47 v Winner 48 (9 - 10) For 5th - 8th place The four (4) losers of the Quarter-Final will play as follows: Game 55: Loser 49 v Loser 50 Game 56: Loser 51 v Loser 52 Game 59: Loser 55 v Loser 56 (7 - 8) Game 60: Winner 55 v Winner 56 (5 - 6)



E. Quarter-Finals The eight (8) teams qualified from the Eighth Final Round will play as follows: Game 49: F2 v E3 Game 50: F4 v E1 Game 51: E2 v F3 Game 52: E4 v F1 The four (4) winners will play in the Semi-Finals. The four (4) losers will play for 5th - 8th place. E. Semi Finals Game 57: Winner 49 v Winner 50 Game 58: Winner 51 v Winner 52 E. Finals Game 61: Loser 57 v Loser 58 (3 - 4) Game 62: Winner 57 v Winner 58 (1 - 2)

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U-21 World Championship for Women E.8.5.1 Timing The last FIBA U-21 World Championship for Women shall be held in 2007 in Russia. E.8.5.2 Participation

E. The number of participating teams in the FIBA U-21 World Championship for Women in 2007 will be twelve (12). E. The following teams representing all five (5) FIBA Zones are eligible to participate: 1 2 The organising country Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania 1 1 3 2 4 1 12

E. The qualifying continental competitions must be completed at the latest by 31 December 2006. E. In the event of withdrawal by a qualified team, FIBA may invite another team, which participated in its qualifying Zone competition while endeavouring to maintain an equitable balance between the Zones. E.8.5.3 Registration Registration will be completed in terms of H.4.3. E.8.5.4 Age verification of the participants At the beginning of the championship, the participants' ages will be subject to verification in accordance with H.4.5 and H.4.7. E.8.5.5 Doping control In principle a minimum of sixteen (16) Doping control tests will be carried out during the competitions. E.8.5.6 System of competition

E. Preliminary Round a. The twelve (12) participating teams will be divided into two (2) groups (A, B) of six (6) teams each. Each team will play all the other teams in its own group (total of five (5) games for each team). The teams placed 1st 4th in each group will play in the Final Round; the teams placed 5th 6th in each group will play in the Classification Round. A total of thirty (30) games will be played in the Preliminary Round.

b. c.

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E. Quarter Finals a. Classification Round: Game 35: B6 v A5 Game 36: A6 v B5 Final Round: Game 31: A3 v B2 Game 32: B4 v A1 Game 33: B3 v A2 Game 34: A4 v B1


E. Semi Finals a. Classification Round: Game 37: Loser 35 v Loser 36 (11 - 12) Game 38: Winner 35 v Winner 36 (9 - 10) Final Round: Game 39: Loser 31 v Loser 32 Game 40: Loser 33 v Loser 34 Game 41: Winner 31 v Winner 32 Game 42: Winner 33 v Winner 34


E. Finals a. Final Round: Game 43: Loser 39 v Loser 40 (7 - 8) Game 44: Winner 39 v Winner 40 (5 - 6) Game 45: Loser 41 v Loser 42 (3 - 4) Game 46: Winner 41 v Winner 42 (1 - 2)


FIBA U-19 World Championship for Men and Women E.8.6.1 E.8.6.2 These two championships are each conducted under the same format. Timing These championships will be conducted in the years 2007, 2009, etc. E.8.6.3 Participation

E. The number of participating teams in the FIBA U-19 Championships will be sixteen (16). The following teams representing all five (5) FIBA Zones are eligible to participate: 1 2 The organising country Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania 1 2 4 3 5 1 16

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E. The qualifying Zone competitions must be completed, at the latest, by 31 December of the year preceding the beginning of the championship. E. In the event of withdrawal by a qualified team, FIBA has the right to invite another team, which participated in its qualifying Zone competition while endeavouring to maintain an equitable balance between the Zones. E.8.6.4 Registration Registration will be completed in terms of H.4.3. E.8.6.5 Age verification of the participants At the beginning of the championship, the participants' ages will be verified in accordance with H.4.5 and H.4.7. E.8.6.6 Doping control In principle a minimum of twenty-four (24) Doping control tests will be carried out during the competitions. E.8.6.7 System of competition

E. Preliminary Round a. The sixteen (16) participating teams will be divided into four (4) groups (A, B, C, D) of four (4) teams each. Each team will play all the other teams in its own group (total of three (3) games for each team). The final standings of each group will be established after the Preliminary Round as follows: Group A: A1, A2, A3, A4 Group B: B1, B2, B3, B4 Group C: C1, C2, C3, C4 Group D: D1, D2, D3, D4 A total of twenty-four (24) games will be played in the Preliminary Round. The teams placed 1st 3rd in each group will qualify for the Eighth Final Round. The teams placed 4th in each group will qualify for the Classification Round for 13th 16th place.


c. d. e.

E. Eighth Final Round a. The twelve (12) teams qualified from the Preliminary Round will be divided into two (2) groups (E, F) of six (6) teams each. Each team will play the three (3) new teams in its own group (the final scores of all games played in the Preliminary Round are valid for this round). Group E: A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3 Group F: C1, C2, C3, D1, D2, D3 A total of eigtheen (18) games will be played in the Eighth-Final Round. The teams placed 1st - 4th in each group will qualify for the Quarter-Finals for 1st - 8th place. The teams placed 5th - 6th in each group will qualify for the Classification Round for 9th- 12th place.

b. c. d.

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E. Classification Round a. For 13th - 16th place The four (4) teams placed 4th in each group of the Preliminary Round will play as follows: Game 31: A4 v B4 Game 32: C4 v D4 Game 33: Loser 31 v Loser 32 (15 - 16) Game 34: Winner 31 v Winner 32 (13 - 14) For 9th - 12th place The four (4) teams placed 5th - 6th in each group of the Eighth-Final Round will play as follows: Game 47: E5 v F6 Game 48: E6 v F5 Game 53: Loser 47 v Loser 48 (11 - 12) Game 54: Winner 47 v Winner 48 (9 - 10) For 5th - 8th place The four (4) losers of the Quarter-Final will play as follows: Game 55: Loser 49 v Loser 50 Game 56: Loser 51 v Loser 52 Game 59: Loser 55 v Loser 56 (7 - 8) Game 60: Winner 55 v Winner 56 (5 - 6)



E. Quarter-Finals The eight (8) teams qualified from the Eighth Final Round will play as follows: Game 49: F2 v E3 Game 50: F4 v E1 Game 51: E2 v F3 Game 52: E4 v F1 The four (4) winners will play in the Semi-Finals. The four (4) losers will play for 5th - 8th place. E. Semi Finals Game 57: Winner 49 v Winner 50 Game 58: Winner 51 v Winner 52 E. Finals Game 61: Loser 57 v Loser 58 (3 - 4) Game 62: Winner 57 v Winner 58 (1 - 2) E.8.7 FIBA U-17 World Championship for Men and Women E.8.7.1 E.8.7.2 These two championships are each conducted under the same format. Timing These championships will be conducted in the years 2010, 2012, etc. E.8.7.3 Participation

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E. The number of participating teams in the FIBA U17 Championships will be twelve (12). The following teams representing all five (5) FIBA Zones are eligible to participate:

1 2

The organising country Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania

1 1 3 2 4 1 12

E. The qualifying Zone competitions must be completed, at the latest, by 31st December of the year preceding the beginning of the championship. E. In the event of withdrawal by a qualified team, FIBA has the right to invite another team, which participated in its qualifying Zone competition while endeavouring to maintain a certain balance between the Zones. E.8.7.4 Registration Registration will be completed in terms of H.4.3. E.8.7.5 Age verification of the participants At the beginning of the championship, the participants' ages will be verified in accordance with the H.4.7. E.8.7.6 Doping control In principle a minimum of twenty-four (24) Doping control tests will be carried out during the competitions. E.8.7.7 System of competition

E. Preliminary Round a. The twelve (12) participating teams will be divided into two (2) groups (A, B) of six (6) teams each. Each team will play all the other teams in its own group (total of five (5) games for each team). The teams placed 1st 4th in each group will play in the Final Round; the teams placed 5th 6th in each group will play in the Classification Round. A total of thirty (30) games will be played in the Preliminary Round.

b. c.

E. Quarter Finals a. Classification Round: Game 35: B6 v A5 Game 36: A6 v B5 Final Round: Game 31: A3 v B2 Game 32: B4 v A1 Game 33: B3 v A2 Game 34: A4 v B1
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E. Semi Finals a. Classification Round: Game 37: Loser 35 v Loser 36 (11 - 12) Game 38: Winner 35 v Winner 36 (9 - 10) Final Round: Game 39: Loser 31 v Loser 32 Game 40: Loser 33 v Loser 34 Game 41: Winner 31 v Winner 32 Game 42: Winner 33 v Winner 34


E. Finals a. Final Round: Game 43: Loser 39 v Loser 40 (7 - 8) Game 44: Winner 39 v Winner 40 (5 - 6) Game 45: Loser 41 v Loser 42 (3 - 4) Game 46: Winner 41 v Winner 42 (1 - 2)

E.9 International games and tournaments

E.9.1 This Regulation E.9 applies to all other international games and tournaments not included in E.1.1 and E.1.2 above but endorsed by FIBA. E.9.1.1 Organisers of events such as the following are encouraged to seek the endorsement of, and work in close co-operation with, FIBA in the organising and running of the basketball programme: Continental or regional Games such as the Asian Games, South-East Asian Games, South Pacific Games, Afro-Asian Games, Pan Arab Games, etc. Specific interest Games and Festivals such as Commonwealth Games, Universiade, Francophone Games, World Masters Games, Maccabiah Games, etc. Where such endorsement and close co-operation is established, the expectation of FIBA is that: The basketball tournaments will be conducted under the Official Basketball Rules; FIBAs technical requirements will be observed; FIBAs player eligibility rules will apply; FIBA will designate the FIBA active commissioners and referees at the organisers costs; FIBA will be invited to provide a technical delegate at the organisers cost to oversee the event; and The organisers will respect other FIBA requirements. FIBA may charge a fee for its endorsement.

a. b.

E.9.1.2 a. b. c. d. e. f. E.9.1.3

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Regulation F


[This Regulation gives effect to Article 12.5 of the General Statutes of FIBA]

F.1 League Organizations

Leagues may exist at national, continental (Zone), or intercontinental (international) level.

F.2 Recognition of Leagues

F.2.1 A League organised wholly within the national boundaries of a country shall require recognition by the respective national member federation. A continental League organised wholly within the geographic area of one of the FIBA Zones shall require recognition by the respective FIBA Zone. An intercontinental League drawn from across the geographic boundaries of two (2) or more of the FIBA Zones shall require recognition by FIBA Central Board. Recognition is granted under the condition that the Internal Regulations are respected in their entirety.




F.3 Key Principles in the Relationship Between Leagues and FIBA, the FIBA Zones, and the National Member federations
F.3.1 A League shall respect the authority of FIBA as the sole competent authority for mens and womens basketball throughout the world, recognised as such by the International Olympic Committee. A League shall respect the authority of the respective FIBA Zone, as delegated to it by FIBA. A League shall respect the authority of the respective national member federation of FIBA as the sole competent authority for mens and womens basketball in its country, as recognised by FIBA. A league shall respect the FIBA General Statutes and Internal Regulations, and those of the respective FIBA Zone and the national member federations. Where there is any conflict, the General Statutes and Internal Regulations of FIBA shall prevail. In order to ensure permanent lines of communication, a League should be represented at national and or international levels as appropriate. Non-compliance with the provisions of this Regulation may lead to the suspension of the national member federation and/or the withdrawal of recognition of the League. Any exceptions to this Regulation can be approved by FIBA Central Board only.

F.3.2 F.3.3





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It is generally acknowledged that economic questions related to the management of a League shall be solved by the League and its clubs exclusively, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. Sport-technical questions are generally managed by the federative structure, in particular nomination of referees and disciplinary processes. Unless parties agree otherwise, those sport-technical aspects shall remain the responsibility of the federative structure.

F.4 Detailed Provisions Governing Recognition of Leagues

F.4.1 A League shall not operate in a manner which brings discredit to FIBA, the FIBA Zones, its national member federation, or the sport of basketball in general. Provided that a League respects and observes the provisions of this Regulation and the other FIBA Internal Regulations, and also those of the respective Zone and national member federation as applicable, it shall be free to operate as best suits its own interests. The competition that a League is managing and organising at national level shall qualify its top team/s through the national member federation to the corresponding international competition organised by the appropriate body of FIBA or by an International League recognised by FIBA. All League Clubs must be affiliated with the national member federation of the country in which they are domiciled, and ensure also that their players are licensed by that national member federation. All League Clubs must play in the respective official national championships. Where an existing League, which operates wholly within the geographic boundaries of a country, agrees to admit up to two teams from another country in the same Zone into the existing league structure, then that League may continue to operate as though it continues to be wholly within the geographic boundaries of the national member federation where it was founded, subject to the agreement of both national member federations and subject also to the general supervision by the respective FIBA Zone. The League shall use only referees and commissioners from the list of national referees and commissioners approved and published by the National member federation or, if the League is an International League, those from the approved and published list of FIBA referees and commissioners. A League shall respect and observe the FIBA harmonised calendar. A League shall respect and observe the FIBA Official Basketball Rules and Mechanics of Officiating, and will assist FIBA in adapting these Rules.




F.4.5 F.4.6


F.4.8 F.4.9

F.4.10 A League shall respect the rules of its national member federation for the transfer of players within its own geographic boundaries, and also the FIBA Internal Regulations governing the International Transfer of Players, including the special provisions affecting young players as contained in point H.3.4 of these Regulations. F.4.11 A League shall respect FIBA Regulations governing Players Agents, and also those of its national member federation where these have been established.

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F.4.12 A League shall encourage and allow its players to participate in the Official Competitions of FIBA as members of national teams in accord with point H.3.6.3 of the FIBA Internal Regulations governing the International Transfer of Players. F.4.13 A League shall enforce a reasonable anti-doping testing regime. It shall also respect the anti-doping regulations of its National member federation and/or those prescribed by the national government and its agencies, and respect the Internal Regulations of FIBA governing Doping Control. F.4.14 A League shall contribute financially to the development of grassroots activities, to the national team program, and to the costs of services the national member federation may provide to the League. The extent of this financial contribution is to be negotiated in good faith by each of the parties. Similar arrangements apply to International Leagues.

F.5 Dispute resolution

The Central Board is entitled to take a decision when matters are not solved at national or Zone level.

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G.1 Ownership and exploitation of commercial rights
G.1.1 In accordance with the General Statutes (articles 33.1 and 33.2), FIBA is the sole holder of broadcasting, licensing, marketing, merchandising, and equipment rights, and other rights associated with the game yet to be developed for the official competitions of FIBA as defined in E.1.1 and E.1.2, with the exception of the Olympic Games. For the official competitions of FIBA as defined in E.1.1 and E.1.2 with the exception of the Olympic Games, FIBA has the right to sell its broadcasting and marketing licensing, merchandising, and equipment rights for a fee as long as the limits established by the Central Board are respected. FIBA may decide to assign part of these rights to the organisers of an official competition either for a fee or none at all. In such instances, the event organiser and FIBA will agree the terms of such an agreement. FIBA produces appropriate Marketing, Television, and Events Manuals, which shall be approved by the Central Board and shall guide Zones and the LOC with the requirements for exploitation of rights and the organisation of events. The division of income from the sale of these rights will be decided by the Central Board.





G.2 The different rights

G.2.1 Broadcasting and other media rights G.2.1.1 Rights include but are not limited to the transmission (live, delayed, or highlights) of visual images (together with any sound transmission for reception in conjunction with those images) to conventional domestic or home television receivers or such yet to be invented devices through which the images will be broadcast or distributed. Such media includes also, but is not limited to, radio, highlight programmes, on-line and internet rights, archive, and news access as well as transmission to mobile devices. In the event that a broadcast is produced by a Local Organising Committee (LOC), it shall be consistent with FIBAs technical requirements (see the FIBA TV manual). FIBA shall receive one broadcast quality master tape which will be Betacam SP or Digital Betacam in PAL format of all games in the competition and a minimum of one DVD copy of the television broadcast signal of each game of the competition. For any game not broadcast by television, FIBA may request a DVD of each game.



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FIBA will make active use of modern technology for the promotion of the sport of basketball and the FIBA name, for example by means of a Web site on the Internet. To that end, FIBA has the right to use any basketball-related information produced by or available from national member federations, Zones, clubs or Local Organising Committees including, but not limited to, results, photographs, films and other information on the basketball activities in the respective country/Zone/competition in printed form or by other electronic means (e.g. a member federation's Web site). FIBA has created its own website and will exploit commercial and communication opportunities through this and other electronic devices, including those yet to be developed or invented. FIBA shall have the right to link up to any website produced by a national member federation, Zone, club or LOC and to reproduce content from any such site on its own website. National member federations, Zones, clubs and LOCs are permitted to make use of such information for non-commercial purposes and/or to create a link to FIBA's website but prior approval from FIBA is required. The creation of a Web site for a given FIBA competition as defined in E.1.1 and E.1.2 is subject to prior approval from FIBA. FIBA may elect to host such a site but, if it does not, the site must exist in English language at least and conform to other guidelines set by FIBA. If an electronic signal involving any content information, online scoring or photographs is produced during a FIBA competition (content-feeding of website, etc.), FIBA may ask to receive this signal simultaneously in an appropriate format.






Marketing rights and advertising rules G.2.2.1 Marketing rights include all marketing, licensing and/or merchandising rights available or yet to be invented for a sport competition. The exploitation of such rights is organised by the appropriate department of FIBA and in accordance with the Manuals (see G.1.4 above). The sale of these rights includes advertising and other appropriate benefits. All advertising is subject to the same restrictions set out for advertising in E.7.10.3. Technical equipment and the playing court

G.2.2.2 G.2.2.3

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G. Baskets, backboards, backboard supports, backboard padding and backboard support padding: a. Advertising is prohibited on baskets, backboards, backboard supports, backboard padding and backboard support padding, which may be used exclusively for the promotion of the FIBA brand. The manufacturer's name, trademark or logo solely is permitted on the metallic structure of the backboard supports (once only on each side of the structure and with a maximum size of 250 cm) and on the side padding of the backboard supports (once only on each side of the supports and with a maximum size of 250 cm).


G. The FIBA logo must appear on the lower left corner of each backboard. G. Game information boards (Scoreboards) Advertising is permitted on scoreboards as indicated in the diagram provided it does not obstruct or interfere with the functioning of the scoreboards.

G. Centre circle and free-throw semicircles a. Advertising is prohibited inside the centre circle which is used exclusively by FIBA for its own brand (See diagram under G. f). b. Advertising may be permitted, with the express approval of the appropriate FIBA body, inside the free throw circles provided that: i. The advertising is the same in both circles. ii. There is only one identical company name or logo in both circles. iii. The free throw lines are clearly visible.

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G. Playing court area a. b. Apart from that approved in G., advertising is otherwise prohibited inside the boundaries (end lines and sidelines) of the playing court. Advertising is permitted outside the boundaries provided that it is located at a minimum distance of two (2) metres from the said boundaries (this includes advertising on the floor/parquet). Advertising which is free-standing around the court must be padded around the top for the protection of the players. The name of the arena, city or municipality, etc., can be displayed in white lettering at least 50 cm outside the end lines (inside the further boundary line). At the request of the organisers, other conditions may be accepted by the appropriate FIBA body. Any advertising next to the scorers table must be located: i. At a minimum distance of two (2) metres from the scorers table, and ii. In a single line with it. Advertising is permitted in front of the scorers table provided that it is placed directly in front of and flushes with the table. The FIBA logo must appear on the playing court as per the following diagram. The same applies to Zone competitions.

c. d.

e. f.

Team Bench

Scorer's Table
Advertising in front

Team Bench

2.00 m 2.00 m


min. 0.50 m


Basket Support


Further Boundary Line


2.00 m

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Basket Support

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Other advertising

G. FIBA can place composite and individual advertising and logos of sponsors and partners at various locations during an event. These include, but are not limited to, interview backdrops, hospitality areas, official hotels, and official programmes, publications, and communications. G. The official logo/s of a maximum of two sponsors may appear on the main feed of the television broadcast of the event in accordance with broadcasters regulations. G.2.3 Rights to Official Balls and Technical Equipment (including referees uniforms)


Only FIBA is entitled to issue approval and compliance statements in return for royalties and/or licence fees, if applicable, to the manufacturers of balls, other technical equipment, etc and to give them official certifications duly signed by the Secretary General of FIBA. The main official competitions, cups and tournaments of FIBA shall be played only with a ball approved by FIBA bearing the official FIBA logo and with FIBA approved technical equipment. Royalties and/or licences shall be paid to FIBA for official approval of balls, referees uniforms, and for other technical equipment. Such FIBA approval is valid worldwide for a period as provided by the individual contracts and is given exclusively by the FIBA Secretary General. FIBA reserves the right against royalties and/or licence fees if applicable to designate the make and type of ball and of all other technical equipment to be used at any official competitions of FIBA. If FIBA does not designate the make and type of such equipment for Zone competitions, the Zones, in collaboration with the competition organisers, are authorised to designate the ball and technical equipment to be used. However, the ball and any such technical equipment must have been approved by FIBA. Referees, table officials and volunteers uniforms.







G. FIBA reserves the right against royalties and/or licence fees if applicable to designate the official provider of referees, table officials and volunteers uniforms. G. Advertising is prohibited on referees' clothing during main and other official competitions of FIBA, except where sold as rights by FIBA for all FIBA referees to be similarly attired.

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G. The manufacturer's trademark (logo) may appear on referees clothing. The size will be determined by FIBA. G. Advertising is allowed on table officials and volunteers clothing during main official competitions of FIBA, if such clothing is supplied and/or sponsored by a commercial partner of FIBA. G.2.4 Rights to images and names (individually or collectively) of players, coaches, and teams (clubs and national teams), and stadia G.2.4.1 For communication marketing, media, and other licensing activities, FIBA has the right to use photographs, names and/or film material of players, referees, venues etc taken during official FIBA competitions. In the event that for legal reasons such use requires the consent of the individual concerned, the national member federation or the club involved must ensure that such consent is obtained from the player. FIBA may request a specific form to be signed by the player to this effect. FIBA has the right to use the names, logos, and emblems of the teams (clubs and national teams) or of their countries and to use photographs or film material of teams taken during official FIBA competitions for any commercial purposes.



Use of FIBA logos G.2.5.1 The FIBA logo, as depicted in Regulation P (Appendix 2) and available online at is a registered trademark and is the sole property of FIBA. Its use requires prior approval by FIBA. The username and password for download of artwork is for internal use only of the FIBA Zones and the national member federations. Any provision of this username and password to external parties has to be approved by FIBA. The FIBA Zones and the national member federations are encouraged to use the logo on their letterhead and stationery. Any other use requires prior FIBA approval. The logo may be used only in the exact format shown in the Appendix and as described in the online style guide As a rule, the use of the logo during international competitions by national member federations will be permitted provided that the commercial interests of FIBA are not affected. FIBA is the sole owner of further registered trademarks and logos (e.g. event logos, old FIBA logos) the use of which is permitted only on the basis of a separate agreement.




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FIBA has developed logos for all five FIBA Zones. They are registered trademarks and the sole property of FIBA. These logos are set out in Regulation P (Appendix 2) and are available online at Their use is regulated by FIBA and the FIBA Zones in accordance with the branding guidelines, also available online at FIBA has licensed the FIBA Zones the use of the FIBA logos and their own FIBA Zone logo for internal use. FIBA approval is required for external use.


Copyright for written material G.2.6.1 FIBA reserves the copyright for all FIBA rules and regulations and other texts issued under FIBA's control. Any reprints or translations require prior approval from FIBA. Official translations of the FIBA General Statutes, Internal Regulations and Official Basketball Rules into the official languages of FIBA will be prepared by FIBA. National member federations which are members of FIBA are permitted to reprint these texts and distribute them in their own country for non-commercial purposes, provided that: No advertising is permitted on the reprint except for the penultimate page which is reserved for sponsors not in competition with the official sponsors of FIBA. The FIBA logo is shown on the cover. A FIBA copyright notice is made on the reprint. FIBA receives an electronic version of the reprint for approval prior to production. FIBA receives complimentary copies, the number of which will be determined on an individual basis. National member federations which are members of FIBA are permitted to translate the FIBA General Statutes, Internal Regulations and Official Basketball Rules for non-commercial purposes into the language of their respective country, unless this language is one of the official languages of FIBA, provided that: No advertising is permitted except on the penultimate page of the translation which is reserved for sponsors not in competition with the official sponsors of FIBA. The FIBA logo is shown on the cover. A FIBA copyright notice is made on the translation. FIBA receives an electronic version of the translation for approval prior to production. Ten (10) copies are sent to FIBA, free of charge.


a. b. c. d. e.


a. b. c. d. e.

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H.1 Eligibility of Players
H.1.1 To be entitled to participate in FIBA competitions, a player must observe the General Statutes and Internal Regulations of FIBA. The national member federation is responsible for the eligibility of its players at all times and will bear the consequences of any infractions of the Regulations governing Eligibility, National Status, International Transfer, and Age of Players. All players who participate in competitions of FIBA and/or those of its national member federations must: a. b. c. Respect the spirit of fair play and non violence and act accordingly at all times on the court. Refrain from using substances and from practices prohibited by the regulations of FIBA and those of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Word Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Agree to submit at any time to medical tests and controls, particularly doping controls, carried out in compliance with the regulations of FIBA, the International Olympic Committee, and WADA. A national member federation or FIBA is authorised to deny participation in competitions under its jurisdiction to players who do not respect the provisions provided for in H.1.3 above. Permission to play may be refused also to any player who does not provide the declaration, as required for main official competitions of FIBA, in which he agrees to accept: a. The conditions in force for doping control. b. The decisions of the Court of Arbitration for Sport, Lausanne, to the exclusion of any recourse to ordinary courts, in the event of a dispute with FIBA which cannot be settled within FIBA. H.1.5 Players in breach of the principles set out in H.1.3 a., b., and c. may not be eligible to participate in the competitions listed in E.1.1, and E.1.2 refer to K.4. Player contracts shall have a maximum duration of four (4) years. It is recommended that the parties to a player contract state their agreement in writing. Players who participate in professional leagues must belong to organisations which are members of the member federation; otherwise they will not be able to participate in the official competitions of FIBA. No financial remuneration for the performances of a player or a team is permitted during the Olympic Games.







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It is within the spirit of all FIBA Regulations that players make themselves available for competitions of both their club and their national team. The national member federations are encouraged to enact regulations securing the participation of all players under their jurisdiction in their respective national teams.

H.2 National Status of Players

H.2.1 General Principles H.2.1.1 These regulations apply to all competitions of FIBA. They apply at national team level and at international club level. These regulations apply to both genders. If necessary for reasons of mandatory international law, the Zones are authorised to draw up specific regulations applicable to club competitions within the Zone in question. Such regulations are subject to the prior approval of the Central Board of FIBA prior to their implementation.

H.2.1.2 H.2.1.3


Proof of legal nationality H.2.2.1 FIBA may ask that evidence be provided to verify the legal nationality (or nationalities) of any player by requesting any documents it deems appropriate. Proof of legal nationality of a country by itself does not constitute sufficient evidence to guarantee a player's right to play as a national for the national team of that country see H.2.3.1.



National teams H.2.3.1 In order to play for the national team of a country, a player must hold the legal nationality of that country, and have fulfilled also the conditions of eligibility according to the Internal Regulations. Players with two or more nationalities


H. Any player with two legal nationalities or more, by birth or by naturalisation, may choose at any age the national team for which he wishes to play. Any such choice must be made in a written declaration to FIBA. This provision applies also to any player having acquired legal nationality by birth, or having the right to acquire a second nationality at birth, but who does not lay claim to this right until a given time in the future. [Note: for exception see H.]

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H. However, if a player having two (2) or more nationalities is summoned by a national member federation after reaching the age of eighteen (18), he is obliged to choose for which national team he wishes to play. If he has declined the summons, the player may choose only the national team of the other country/one of the other countries, unless he declares, in writing, within fifteen (15) days of receiving the summons that he has chosen the country that summoned him first. [Note: for exception see H.] H. Any player having played in a main official competition of FIBA for a national team for which he is eligible is considered as having chosen the national team of that country, with the exception of cases provided for under H.2.3.5 and H.2.7. H. Choices made under H., H. and H. are irrevocable. H. A player who has transferred as a young player according to H. may not choose until he has reached the age of twenty-one (21) the national team of any country other that the country from which he transferred. H.2.3.3 A national team participating in an international competition of FIBA may have only one player on its team who has acquired the legal nationality of that country by naturalisation or by any other means after having reached the age of sixteen (16). A player who has played in a main official competition of FIBA before reaching his seventeenth (17) birthday may play for a national team of another country if both national member federations agree; in the absence of an agreement the Secretary General decides. A player who has played in a main official competition of FIBA after having reached his seventeenth (17) birthday may not play for a national team of another country. However, in exceptional circumstances the Secretary General may authorise such a player to play for the national team of his country of origin if he is ineligible to play for such country according to this regulation H.2.3.5 and if this is in the interest of the development of basketball in this country. An administrative fee as stipulated in O.3 and decided by the Secretary General is payable to FIBA. H.2.3.6 For any player who has two or more legal nationalities by birth or by naturalisation, the national member federation for which the player wishes to play must obtain written certification from the national member federation of the country(-ies) corresponding to the player's other nationality(-ies), in which it is stated that he has not taken part in a main official competition of FIBA as a member of its national team. If the request for this certification remains unanswered, FIBA may issue provisional authorisation to the national member federation making the request. After a period of one year, this authorisation shall be considered final. H.2.3.7 Special provision concerning the eligibility of players from dependent territories



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H. In order to represent the territory in the official competitions of FIBA or in other international competitions organised within their Zones, subject to other following provisions, a player must fulfil the following conditions: a. Have the legal nationality of the country on which the territory is dependent (the main territory); and b. Have: i. been born in the dependent territory; or ii. been born in the main territory of at least one parent born in the dependent territory, regardless of the place of birth of the player; or iii. been born of parents both of whome were born in the dependent territory, regardless of the place of birth of the player; or iv. at least one grandparent who was born in the dependent territory, regardless of the place of birth of the player. H. A player who does not satisfy the provisions of H. b) but obtains the legal nationality of the main territory and can demonstrate permanent residency of the dependent territory for at least four years is eligible to represent the dependent territory, subject to the following: a. b. If the player obtains the legal nationality before reaching the age of sixteen (16) years, he will be eligible to represent the dependent territory without restriction. If the player obtains the legal nationality of the main territory after the age of sixteen (16) years, then he will be considered in the same way as a naturalised player and the provisions of H.2.3.3 are in effect.

H. Regulations H.2.3.3, H.2.3.4 and H.2.3.5 are in effect. H.2.4 Club teams For the international club competitions of FIBA, the composition of the teams is not subject to any limitation concerning the legal nationality of the players. However, each national member federation and FIBA Zone may establish more restrictive regulations. Where the duration of a tournament does not exceed fifteen (15) days, the governing body of that competition may establish more restrictive regulations also. H.2.5 Decisions H.2.5.1 All decisions regarding the application of these regulations are taken by the FIBA Legal Commission acting through the Secretary General or a person delegated by him. With respect to Zone championships, the respective FIBA Zone Secretary General (or his delegate) will decide, with the exception of Regulations H.2.3.5 and H.2.7. Any such decision by a FIBA Zone shall be communicated immediately to FIBA. The Secretary General of FIBA shall be authorised to review and set aside any such decision if he believes that the decision is contrary to the spirit and intent of the Internal Regulations and the established general policy of FIBA. Any decision by the Secretary General of FIBA to set aside a decision of a Zone must be made within fourteen (14) days of becoming aware of the Zones decision.


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Sanctions H.2.6.1 Where there are violations of the provisions contained in these Regulations and, in particular, where national member federations, clubs, or other organisations are involved in the manipulation, no matter whether legal or not under the domestic legislation, of the legal status of players, administrative and disciplinary penalties shall be imposed in the first instance by the Secretary General of FIBA or his delegate. These penalties shall have immediate effect and be in accordance with the "Basic Principles governing the Application of Penalties" in these Internal Regulations. Appeals are governed according to these Internal Regulations.


H.2.6.3 H.2.7

Marginal cases Decisions on marginal cases, i.e. cases not covered by these regulations, are the responsibility of the Secretary General following consultation with the President of the FIBA Legal Commission. The same shall apply with respect to refugees enjoying asylum rights and displaced persons (UNO Conventions). In certain cases, FIBA nationality may be granted to a player.


Appeals An appeal against decisions made under the foregoing provisions shall be submitted to FIBAs Appeals Tribunal in accordance with the Regulations governing Appeals.


Costs If and when a hearing is organised under these Regulations involving member federations, clubs or players, FIBA shall be authorised to make the organisation of such hearing dependent upon the parties paying to FIBA reasonable administrative costs.

H.3 International Transfer of Players

H.3.1 Application of these regulations H.3.1.1 H.3.1.2 H.3.2 All decisions related to an international transfer shall be made by FIBA. All decisions related to a special agreement according to H.3.2.2 below shall be the exclusive competence of the Secretary General of FIBA.

General Principles H.3.2.1 Any basketball player shall have the right to play basketball in any country in the world, within the limits established by the General Statutes and Internal Regulations of FIBA and the eligibility regulations of the respective member federation.

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These regulations governing international transfer apply in their entirety to all member federations. However, in exceptional circumstances, FIBA may reach a special agreement with a national member federation or one of its member organisations. For national transfers, member federations are invited to draw on these Internal Regulations and to establish their own regulations governing the transfer of players in the spirit of the FIBA Regulations.



The player H.3.3.1 a. Letter of clearance A letter of clearance must be obtained from the national member federation where a player was last licensed before he can be licensed by another member federation. A copy of each letter of clearance must be sent (also by email) to FIBA. This document certifies that the player concerned is free to be licensed by another member federation. A letter of clearance may not be issued to more than one national member federation at any one time. Sanctions may be imposed on a national member federation in the event of misleading practices and/or procedures. The letter of clearance may not be limiting or conditional. If applicable, the letter of clearance must mention any sanctions applied under the auspices of the national member federation that may be in force against the player. Such mention shall include the unexpired period of suspension from playing, the unpaid amount of a monetary fine which is part of the sanction applied by the national member federation, or the unexpired portion of any other sanction. FIBA must be informed when a letter of clearance is issued where there is an outstanding sanction. The only reason for which a national member federation may refuse to grant the request for a letter of clearance is if the player is under contract to play for his club beyond the scheduled transfer date. See H. A letter of clearance may not be delayed or refused because of a monetary dispute between a club and a player. The national member federation may charge a maximum administrative fee as stipulated in O.3 for the transfer of a player under its jurisdiction to another member federation. All the provisions of this rule apply to any player licensed by a national member federation who wishes to apply for an international transfer, irrespective of whether the player is a national or foreign player.




e. f.


Age limit/young players H.3.4.1 International transfer is not permitted before a players eighteenth (18) birthday, except in special cases as decided by the Secretary General after examination of the matter with the member federations and, if necessary, with the clubs and the player concerned.

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H. Special cases a. b. If the proposed transfer is not linked to basketball, the transfer may be authorised. If the proposed transfer is linked to basketball, the following criteria shall be taken into account when making the decision on the authorisation of the transfer: i. The players new club shall guarantee adequate academic and/or school and/or vocational training which prepares him for a career after his career as a professional athlete. ii. The new club shall provide appropriate basketball training in order to develop and/or further the players career as a professional athlete. iii. The new club shall demonstrate that it conducts an appropriate training programme for young players of the nationality of the clubs home country. iv. The new club shall make a contribution to a Solidarity Fund established by FIBA to support the development of young players. v. The young player, his parents, the new club, and the new national member federation shall declare in writing that, until his eighteenth (18) birthday, the player will make himself available for his home countrys national team and, if necessary, for the preparation time as well as for training camps provided that they do not interfere with school activities. vi. The transfer does not disrupt the players schooling. c. Not more than five outward transfers of players under the age of eighteen (18) can be approved in any one year from any one national member federation; similarly, not more than ten such transfers inward can be approved for any one national member federation. These restrictions relate only to transfers linked to basketball, apply separately to male and female players and shall be based on the order in which transfer requests were received by FIBA. National member federations have the right to withdraw a transfer request for a young player before FIBA issues a decision on the matter. d. In transfer cases linked to basketball where the player lives close to the border, as determined by FIBA on a case by case basis, FIBA may waive the contribution to the Solidarity Fund and not include such transfers in the total inward/outward number of transfers of the national member federations involved. Any subsequent national transfer of the player before his eighteenth (18) birthday, requires approval by FIBA and shall be included in the inward/outward number of transfers.

H. Compensation for the development of a player under the age of eighteen (18) where the transfer has been approved under H. The Secretary General shall fix a reasonable compensation for the development of the player payable as per H.3.4.8. Such compensation shall be based primarily on the investments made by the club(s) that have contributed to the development of the player and shall take into account the aspects as per H. H.3.4.2 At or after the players eighteenth (18) birthday, the club of origin, i.e. the club or other organisation for which he is licensed at his eighteenth (18) birthday (the club of origin), has the right to sign the first contract with the young player.

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Such contract shall be in written form and respect the law of the country and of the federation of origin. It shall have a minimum duration of one (1) year and a maximum duration of four (4) years. A copy of such contract shall be submitted to the Secretary General who shall keep it on a confidential basis. Should the player refuse to sign such contract and elect to move to a new club in another country, the two clubs shall agree on a compensation sum to be paid as per H.3.4.8 and inform FIBA. In the event that the clubs are unable to agree on the compensation within four (4) weeks of the date on which a letter of clearance for the player in question was first requested by the new clubs federation, either club has the right to request that the compensation be determined by FIBA. Such request has to be made in writing within six (6) weeks of the date on which a letter of clearance for the player in question was first requested by the new clubs federation. The decision as per H.3.4.5 shall be taken by the Secretary General who may hear the two clubs and/or federations involved and/or the player if he deems it appropriate. The player shall not be allowed to play for his new club until the compensation agreed upon by the two clubs (H.3.4.4) or determined by the Secretary General (H.3.4.6) has been paid as per H.3.4.8. In the event that an appeal is filed against the decision of the Secretary General, the player shall be allowed to play for his new club as soon as the sum of compensation determined by the Secretary General has been paid into an account of FIBA or the FIBA Zone where it will be held in escrow until the decision on the compensation is final. The compensation sum shall be based primarily, but not solely, on the investments made by the club(s) that have contributed to the development of the player. It shall be paid to the national member federation of origin which will decide on how to re-distribute the compensation sum among the clubs that have contributed to the development of the player according to specific provisions that the national member federation has officially adopted. Such provisions shall be drafted in a way to respect the principle of protection of clubs forming young players. FIBA is to be informed of the compensation in all cases where compensation is agreed.







Upon expiration of the contract as per H.3.4.3 above, the player is free to move where he wishes without any compensation being due.

H.3.4.10 Member federations are invited to prepare similar regulations for their internal, i.e. national, transfer systems.

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H.3.4.11 Unless provided otherwise, any decision related to H.3.4 shall be the competence of the Secretary General. H.3.5 Licence restrictions H.3.5.1 H.3.5.2 A player may not be licensed by more than one national member federation at the same time. A player may not have more than one FIBA Foreign Player Licence at the same time. A FIBA Foreign Player Licence is issued for the duration of the national and international competitions in which the players club is currently participating, unless the player is transferred in accordance with these regulations prior to the completion of the competitions. All licences held by the player become automatically null and void when the licence is revoked by the issuing authority. FIBA Zones may set a deadline to apply during the club competition season after which time a licence will no longer be authorised.




The member federations H.3.6.1 Transfer procedure

H. Whenever a national member federation receives a request for a licence for any player who was licensed previously by another national federation, before granting such a licence in accordance with its own regulations, it must obtain a letter of clearance on behalf of the player concerned (exception: players from academic institutions, see H.3.12). H. The national member federation may not grant the licence until it has obtained the letter of clearance from the national member federation of the country where the player was last licensed or from FIBA in terms of H. H.3.6.2 Deadline for response

H. A request for a letter of clearance shall be sent by one of the following methods: a. b. c. d. e. Registered mail with recorded delivery, Email, Telefax (with confirmation of receipt), Express courier with recorded delivery, or Delivery by hand (with confirmation of receipt). The national member federation requesting a letter of clearance must indicate the name, nationality and licence number of the FIBA players agent(s) involved in the transfer, where applicable. A failure to abide by this duty will incur an administrative fine as stipulated in O.1.

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H. The national member federation receiving a request for a letter of clearance must reply within seven (7) days following receipt of the request. It shall either grant or refuse the letter of clearance, and shall indicate whether the player in question was in fact licensed in the national member federation receiving the request for the letter of clearance. It shall also indicate the name, nationality and license number of the FIBA players agent(s) involved in the transfer, where applicable. H. If the national member federation refuses the request for the letter of clearance in terms of H3.3.1 d. above, this national member federation shall notify the party requesting clearance and FIBA immediately. The refusal shall be accompanied by a copy of the valid contract in question duly dated and signed by the parties involved. A certified English or French translation of this contract shall be attached. H. If there is no response within the seven (7) day period, the requesting national member federation shall immediately notify FIBA. This communication must be accompanied by a copy of the first letter requesting clearance addressed to the national member federation concerned and a copy of the passport of the player in question. FIBA will authorise the granting of the licence without a letter of clearance, unless there are exceptional circumstances as approved by the Secretary General of FIBA (but see H3.4 Age Limit regarding players under eighteen (18) years of age). H.3.6.3 Players' availability to play for a national team

H. General principles (see also H.1) a. Any club which signs a contract with a player is obliged to release that player when he is summoned by a national member federation to play for its national team in any age category in a main official competition of FIBA. Any player registered with a club is obliged to reply in the affirmative when summoned to play for his national team. Upon an international transfer, each national member federation must guarantee to FIBA its responsibility in ensuring that this provision is applied by the clubs. Any special agreement reached by FIBA in accordance with H.3.2.2 of the Regulations governing the International Transfer of Players shall remain unaffected.

b. c. d.

H. Procedure a. A player's availability must be requested by the national member federation concerned in a communication to the national member federation or club with which the player is registered at least thirty (30) days before the first day of the game(s). The request must be sent by one of those methods listed in H. b. The player should be available at least for the duration of the competition or for each individual competition day, as well as for a preparation time of: i. Seventy-two (72) hours for qualifying games; ii. Fourteen (14) days for a tournament in a main official competition. c. The member federations concerned may agree on a shorter period of preparation. However, the player must under all circumstances arrive forty-eight (48) hours before the beginning of the first game and be released to return to his club within twenty-four (24) hours of the end of the game(s).

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If the national team competition is outside the club competition season, the above deadlines do not apply and shall be determined by the requesting national member federation in a reasonable way. A player who claims when summoned that he has an injury or illness, and that he is unable to play must, if the requesting national member federation so wishes, undergo a medical examination by a doctor chosen by the requesting national member federation.

H. Financial Considerations a. A club having entered into an agreement with a player is obliged to release the player to the requesting national member federation, without any financial indemnity for the period provided for in H. b. above. The requesting national member federation must assume the player's travel expenses. The club to which the player is under contract is responsible for covering the player's insurance costs in the case of injury or illness whilst on release from the club and, particularly in the event of injury, during the game(s) to which he is summoned.

b. c.

H. Sanctions a. If a player licensed with a club is called to play on his national team for one of the main official competitions of FIBA and this player refuses to play for his national team for whatever reason (including injury or illness), he may not play for the club with which he is licensed for the entire duration of the training period and the competition. Restriction from playing for his club will be increased by thirty (30) days if the player's refusal to play is not manifestly due to illness or injury. If the period of application of the thirty (30) day sanction falls outside the national championship season, it is carried over to the following season. If a club refuses to release a player, the club is liable to: i. A fine as stipulated in O.1. ii. Suspension. If a club allows a player to play during the period provided for in H. a., this club is liable to: i. A fine as stipulated in O.1. ii. Suspension. iii. A default of zero: twenty (0:20) for all games played with the player during the said period, unless the club loses by more than twenty (20), in which case the result stands. Should a national member federation act against the spirit and/or the letter of this rule, this national member federation is liable to: i. A fine as stipulated in O.1. ii. A suspension. The decisions as per b., c. and d. above shall be taken by the FIBA Secretary General (or his delegate). The decisions shall be subject to appeal. Should a club be penalised in accordance with H. b. and/or H. c., the national member federation of this club is responsible for enforcing those sanctions. In the event that a club fails to settle its debts with the FIBA Zone, that Zone shall be authorised to collect these debts from the national member federation to which the club is affiliated.




e. f. g.

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Disputes All disputes arising from a refusal to issue a letter of clearance shall be decided within seven (7) days of the point in time when the dispute has arisen by the Secretary General of FIBA with the possibility of appeal (see H.3.11). The foregoing shall apply mutatis mutandis in the event of a dispute regarding the question to which national member federation a player transfers.


Bilateral agreements National member federations may establish bilateral agreements regarding the transfer of players between clubs of the two countries involved, with provisions to regulate such transfers to the satisfaction of all concerned. Such agreements must be approved by the Secretary General of FIBA before being implemented.


Illegal transfers

H. Any international transfer having taken place without a letter of clearance is invalid and, in this case, a national member federation issuing a licence will be liable to a fine in accordance with H.3.9 of these Regulations. H. Any international transfer carried out in accordance with the procedures set out in these regulations, but having taken place after an illegal transfer, is null and void, other than in exceptional cases upon the decision of the Secretary General of FIBA. H.3.7 Registration of players and FIBA player licences H.3.7.1 Registration Member federations must register all foreign players in their country. Additionally, they must annually: Obtain a Foreign Player "A" Licence from the FIBA Zone for those players participating in the 1st and 2nd divisions of the national championship. After the national member federations have registered players for their respective national championship, they have a period of ten (10) days within which the documents required to obtain an "A" Licence must arrive at the FIBA Zone. A failure to abide by this deadline will incur an administrative fine as stipulated in O.1. Obtain a FIBA Player "B" Licence from FIBA for those players participating in official cups and tournaments of FIBA. Register with the Secretariat of the competent Zone a list indicating full name, nationality by birth, current nationality and club's name for each foreign player having reached the age of eighteen (18) and participating in the 3rd and 4th divisions. Procedure


b. c.


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H. FIBA authorises the Zones to issue "A" and "B" licences within their respective Zones. H. To obtain a Foreign Player "A" Licence from the FIBA Zone, each national member federation must submit the following documents to its Zone Secretariat: a. b. c. d. e. List of its foreign players' names; Registration form for each foreign player; Letter of clearance or statement for players from academic institutions; Photocopy of the player's passport showing the bearer's full name [and, if applicable, his former name(s)], date and place of birth, legal nationality and date of expiry. A recent passport-compliant photograph of the player.

H. To obtain a FIBA Player "B" Licence from the FIBA Zone, the provisions established by the relevant Zone shall apply. H. Prior to the start of each season, each Zone shall establish a deadline for the registration of foreign players under its jurisdiction. H.3.7.3 Financial provisions

H. FIBA, or the issuing Zone acting on FIBA's behalf, may charge a participation fee for each foreign player in one of two categories as follows: a. b. Participation fee "A" - First and second divisions of national championships - (See O.3 for the fee payable). Participation fee "B" - Official cups and tournaments of FIBA (see O.3 for the fee payable).

H. A player who has obtained a Foreign Player "B" Licence does not need a separate "A" licence, provided that he continues to play for the club for which the "B" licence was issued. H. With regard to participation fee "A", the Secretary General of the issuing Zone may, in special cases, apply a fee lower than that stipulated in O.3 for a limited period. H.3.8 Disputes All disputes and cases arising from these regulations remain under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Secretary General of FIBA or his delegate. H.3.9 Sanctions A fine as stipulated in O.1 may be imposed by FIBA should a national member federation fail to submit to the Secretariat of its Zone the list of foreign players with the necessary information and documentation by the given deadlines, or otherwise fail to observe the Regulations governing the International Transfer of Players.

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H.3.10 Costs If and when a hearing is organised in connection with a dispute under these Regulations involving national member federations, clubs or players, FIBA may make the organisation of such hearing dependent upon the parties paying to FIBA reasonable administrative costs. H.3.11 Appeal Any appeal against decisions relating to these regulations, no matter whether these decisions have been made by FIBA or a FIBA Zone, shall lie with the FIBA Appeals Tribunal according to the Regulations governing Appeals. H.3.12 Academic institution players H.3.12.1 If a player, after having played for a club affiliated to a FIBA member (FIBA club) plays for an academic institution and/or another organisation which does not recognise the FIBA Regulations governing the International Transfer of Players, and subsequently returns to a FIBA club, he is then considered as having transferred from a FIBA club to a FIBA club (in other words, his playing activities during his stay at the academic institution, or another organisation, will be disregarded). H.3.12.2 A player who has not played for a FIBA club before playing for an academic institution and/or another organisation and who wants to play for a FIBA club for the first time does not need a letter of clearance: he is eligible to play as soon as he has presented a written declaration to the national member federation concerned, stating that he has never played for a FIBA club.

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H.4 Age of Players

(Refer to Section B for Definitions) H.4.1 Procedure to establish age limit To establish the date of birth corresponding to the age limit for an age group, the following procedure is used: the age limit given in the definition must be subtracted from the year in which a competition takes place with the understanding that this year begins on 1st January. As an example, the age limit for U-19 in a competition in 2007 shall be: 2007-19 = 1988. Any player born on 1st January 1988 or after this date will be entitled to participate in a competition for U-19 in 2007.

Age limits for participation in competitions for U-21, U-19, U-17 Codes: Z W M F Zone World Men Women

Born in













U21 2007

U19 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

U17 2007 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

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FIBA Identity Card H.4.2.1 A personal FIBA Identity Card must be presented on behalf of each player for the respective FIBA competitions for the given age group. The Identity Card is valid indefinitely, but three colour passport-sized photographs no more than three (3) months old must be supplied at a competition when the photograph on the Identity Card no longer bears a likeness to the holder.



List of Players H.4.3.1 A blank list is sent to the national member federations about eight (8) months before the beginning of the competition. The list has space for twenty-four (24) names. In selecting a team for a FIBA competition in one of the age groups mentioned above, a national member federation shall fill in the List of Players. H.4.3.2 The list must be returned to the FIBA Secretariat two (2) months before the competition is due to start, together with the necessary documents required to prove eligibility for all the players on the list (see H.4.3.3 for exceptions). Failure to meet this deadline may result in financial penalties being imposed by FIBA. The List of Players must be completed for: All age categories from U-17 upwards. For all phases of competition: Qualifying Round, Semi-Final Round, and Final Round.

a. b.

H.4.3.3 a. b.

This list is considered final as of the given deadline, except that: Changes may be made to the list before the given deadline provided that they are accompanied by any documents which may be required to prove eligibility; Changes may be made after the deadline in exceptional circumstances only and the national member federation involved will attract a fine as stipulated in O.1. No registration can be accepted later than seventy-two (72) hours before the beginning of the competition. Documents required to prove eligibility:



H. The List of Players must be accompanied by any documents which may be necessary to prove eligibility for each player; a. b. c. A certified copy of the original of the birth certificate, A certified copy of passport, and Three (3) colour passport-size photographs no more than three (3) months old.

Exception: If the player is already in possession of a FIBA Identity Card, the card number should be indicated on the list.

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Responsibility of national member federations H.4.4.1 The national member federation is responsible at all times for the eligibility of its players noted on the List of Players. Upon discovery that a player has played in an official FIBA competition without being eligible; FIBA will initiate inquiry to establish the player's eligibility according to these Regulations. The national member federation will bear the administrative costs of the inquiry provided for in H.4.4.2 and will be liable to a fine as stipulated in O.1 and/or a suspension in accordance with the procedure established in K.1. In exceptional cases, the FIBA Secretary General (after consultation with the President of the Legal Commission) may authorise a player to play under the status he had before the irregularity was discovered.





Identity and age verification H.4.5.1 Before the beginning of a competition, players will be subject to identity and age verification under the supervision of the FIBA commissioner for that competition. Each player, accompanied by the person responsible for his team, shall present his currently valid individual passport or national identity card and FIBA Identity Card. If it is a newly issued Identity Card, it must be signed by the player in front of the FIBA commissioner and the person responsible for the team. After this verification, the FIBA commissioner shall return the FIBA Identity Cards to the person responsible for the team.



General provisions These provisions shall be valid also for any tournaments or games that are held prior to the competition proper.

H.5 Players agents

H.5.1 These rules govern the activities of players agents (hereinafter referred to as Agent(s)) who undertake to bring about or assist in the international transfer of players or coaches (players and coaches are hereinafter also referred to as Players). Any national member federation which deems it necessary may establish its own regulations governing players agents who deal with transfers within their own federation. Such regulations must be approved by FIBA and must respect the principles set out in H.5.3, H.5.6, H.5.7 and H.5.8 below.


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General matters H.5.3.1 Players are entitled to use the services of an Agent to represent them or safeguard their interests in negotiations with clubs. The Agent must be in possession of a valid licence issued by FIBA. Clubs are entitled to use the services of Agents to represent them or safeguard their interests in negotiations with players. The Agent must be in possession of a valid licence issued by FIBA. Players and clubs are not permitted to use the services of a non-licensed agent (cf. H.5.7 and H.5.8). Regulation H.5.3.3 does not apply if an Agent is licensed to practise law in the country of his permanent residence.





Granting the Licence H.5.4.1 Any individual wishing to act as an Agent shall file an application with FIBA on the Standard Application Form provided for that purpose. FIBA shall require the candidate to provide a certificate confirming that he is in good standing and, in particular, that he has no criminal record. Individuals only may apply for a licence. Applications from companies or organisations are not admissible, but individuals who have obtained a licence are allowed to operate through a company or a similar entity, provided that the licence-holder continues to be the only person responsible vis--vis FIBA. An application may be rejected if the candidate is not in good standing, in particular if he has a criminal record or does not have a good reputation. A person applying for an agents licence may not, under any circumstances, hold a position within FIBA, a Zone, a member federation, a club, or any organisation connected with such entities such as leagues or players' associations. If an application for an agent's licence is admissible pursuant to H.5.4.4 and H.5.4.5 above, FIBA shall invite the candidate for a personal interview and a test (cf. H5.4.7 below), unless this requirement is waived by the Secretary General in the individual case. The personal interview and the test are intended to enable FIBA to ascertain whether the candidate: Has adequate knowledge of the basketball regulations (the statutes and regulations of FIBA, of the Zones, and of the national member federation on whose territory he is domiciled); Generally appears capable and suitable of advising a player or club who calls on his services.






H.5.4.7 a. b.

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H.5.4.8 H.5.4.9

If the requirements of H.5.4.7 are not met, the application will be rejected. FIBA is entitled to charge expenses and/or a fee for conducting the interview and the test. The candidate shall bear his own expenses.

H.5.4.10 FIBA may charge an annual fee not exceeding that stipulated in O.3. H.5.4.11 Within 30 days after the personal interview and the test, FIBA shall inform the candidate whether the requirements under H.5.4.7 above have been met. H.5.4.12 In order to obtain a licence the approved candidate shall prove to FIBA that he has taken out professional liability insurance for no less than CHF 250,000 with an insurance company acceptable to FIBA H.5.4.13 If the requirements under H.5.4.7 and H.5.4.12 have been met, FIBA shall issue a licence to the approved candidate and shall inform the respective Zone accordingly. The licence shall be strictly personal and non-transferable. H.5.4.14 If, after an Agent has acquired a FIBA licence, the national member federation of the country in which the candidate is domiciled enacts or has enacted regulations governing the activities of players agents, then the Agent shall prove to FIBA that he is the holder of a valid licence issued by that federation, provided that the regulations of the national federation have been approved by FIBA in terms of H.5.2. H.5.4.15 FIBA shall publicise on its website a list of licensed Agents and their clients (clubs and players), and shall update this information regularly. H.5.5 Keeping the licence current H.5.5.1 Beginning at the end of the year in which the Agent's licence has been issued, an Agent shall attend every two years a seminar organised by FIBA in order to update the Agent on new developments concerning agents' activities and to verify that the requirements for the issuing of the licence are still met (cf. H.5.4.13). An Agent must pay the annual fee provided for in H.5.4.10.

H.5.5.2 H.5.6

Rights, duties, and sanctioning of licensed Agents H.5.6.1 Rights of Agents

H. Licensed Agents shall have the following rights: a. To contact any player who is not or is no longer under contract with a club provided such player has not yet retained another agent (a player can be represented by one agent only at the same time); To represent any player or club requesting him to negotiate and/or conclude a contract on his/its behalf; To manage the affairs of any player who requests him to do so.

b. c.

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H. An Agent may represent a player or manage his affairs under the terms of H. above only if he has a written contract with the player in question. In his dealings for and on behalf of the player the Agent must present a written power of attorney. H. The duration of a contract shall not exceed a period of two years but may be renewed with the express agreement of both parties. H.5.6.2 Duties of Agents

H. A Licensed Agent shall have the following duties: To comply with the statutes and regulations of the member federations, Zones, and FIBA at all times; b. To ensure that every transaction in which he is involved conforms with these Regulations; c. To notify the name of a new client to FIBA within fourteen (14) days of signing a new contract to represent a player or club; d. Never to approach a player who is under contract with a club so as to persuade him to break his contract or not to adhere to the rights and duties contained in that contract; e. Never to approach a player who is under contract with another agent so as to persuade him to break his contract or not to adhere to the rights and duties contained in that contract; f. To accept payment only from or on behalf of the player/club with whom/which he is contractually linked ; g. Not to engage in any acts of unfair competition; h. To observe the law; i. To avoid any conflict of interests, in particular not to represent both sides in the same transaction; j. To make use, to the extent possible, of the master agreement between agents and players (see Annex1 to this Regulation) as provided by FIBA; k. To use his best efforts that the player/club takes into account the main points as provided by FIBA to be covered in a player contract see Annex 2 to this Regulation; l. Never to approach a player, in particular a player under eighteen (18) years of age, during training camps and during competitions; m. To request a new client to disclose any pending or threatened litigation under a previous agent contract; n. To inform the Player about the provisions of the FIBA Internal Regulations, particularly those which refer to the Eligibility of Players, National Status of Players, International Transfers of Players, and Players Agents; o. To inform a new client that any obligations under a previous contract must be honoured; p. To represent his client in good faith and to demonstrate integrity and transparency in all of his dealings with the client. He shall inform his client of any and/or all activities undertaken on the client's behalf; q. To negotiate terms and conditions of offers of employment in consultation with the client and to inform the client of his obligations under the offer, such as payment of fees, performance credits, working conditions, etc.; r. To ensure that the Player personally signs the contract which has been negotiated on his behalf; s. To recognise and uphold the clients prerogative to refuse any or all employment opportunities offered; t. To maintain an accessible office, telephone and other appropriate means of communication, and such other facilities normally deemed necessary and to be reasonably available to conduct business effectively and efficiently as an Agent. a.

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Sanctioning of Agents

H. FIBA, through the Secretary General or his delegate, shall be entitled to sanction an Agent as per H. below: a. b. c. d. e. f. If the requirements for issuing the licence under these Regulations are not/no longer met; If the Agent fails to attend a FIBA seminar as per H.5.5.1 above; If the Agent fails to pay the annual fee for his licence (cf. H.5.4.10); If the Agent fails to provide proof to FIBA that he is the holder of a valid agent's licence issued by the federation of his domicile (cf. H.5.4.14); If the Agent is in breach of any of his duties according to these Regulations; For other important reasons.

H. The Agent has a right to be heard. H. The following sanctions shall apply: a. b. c. A reprimand or caution; A fine as stipulated in O.1; Withdrawal of the licence.

H. The sanctions may be cumulative. H.5.7 Duties and sanctioning of players H.5.7.1 Duty of players A player may use the services of only one Agent licensed under the terms and conditions of these Regulations. H.5.7.2 Sanctioning of players

H. In the event that a player uses the services of an unlicensed agent or more than one agent at the same time, FIBA acting through the Secretary General (or his delegate) is entitled to: a. Take this factor into account when considering the players position in any subsequent contractual dispute; b. Sanction the player as follows: i. a reprimand or caution; ii. a fine as stipulated in O.1; iii. prohibit the player from obtaining national and/or international transfers. H. The sanctions may be cumulative.

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Duties and sanctioning of clubs H.5.8.1 a. b. Duty of club Any club wishing to engage the services of a player shall negotiate only with: The player himself, or An Agent licensed under the terms and conditions of these Regulations, subject to the exception mentioned in H.5.3.4. Sanctioning of clubs


H. In the event that a club violates one or more of the provisions under H.5.8.1 above, FIBA acting through the Secretary General (or his delegate) is entitled to impose the following sanctions: a. b. c. d. A reprimand or caution; A fine as stipulated in O.1; Prohibiting the club from carrying out national and/or international transfers; Ban from all national and/or international basketball activity.

H. The sanctions may be cumulative. H.5.9 Special provisions H.5.9.1 Special Provisions referring to Agents

H. An Agent who terminates his activities is obliged to return his licence to FIBA. If he fails to do so, the licence shall be cancelled, and this fact shall be made known officially. H. FIBA shall publish on its website the names of any Agent who has terminated his activities or had his licence withdrawn. H. The insurance policy (cf. H.5.4.12) may not be cancelled until at least six months have elapsed after the termination of the Agents activities. H.5.9.2 Other Special Provisions

H. A national member federation which exercises the option of establishing its own regulations governing the activities of players agents for domestic transfers (national transfers) is obliged to organise a system of personal interviews similar to that provided for in these Regulations. Exceptions require FIBA's approval. H. Any appeal against any decision of FIBA under these Regulations shall be filed with the FIBA Appeals' Tribunal in accordance with the FIBA Internal Regulations governing Appeals.

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Standard Contract - Players Agent and Player


Player Agent's Full Name: Company Name (if applicable): Full Address:

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

- hereinafter "the Agent" and

Player's Full Name: Full Address:

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

- hereinafter "the Player" or

Club's Full Name: Full Address:

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

- hereinafter "the Club"

Preamble This Contract is based on a master agreement provided by FIBA Fdration Internationale de Basketball pursuant to FIBA's Internal Regulation governing Players Agents. The Parties recognise that the master agreement cannot and does not take account of legal requirements of the country/countries, the laws of which may be applicable to this Contract. The Parties further recognise that the master agreement does not and cannot provide regulations for any agreement the parties may have reached. The master agreement is thus only a summary of items to be regulated by the parties. FIBA does not take any responsibility whatsoever in connection with the master agreement.

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1. Engagement

1.1 . The Player hereby employs the Agent and the Agent hereby agrees to act as Agent for the player.

The Club hereby employs the Agent and the Agent hereby agrees to act as Agent for the Club.

1.2. The Agent shall advise, assist and represent the Player in connection with the engagement of the Player as a skilled basketball player by clubs worldwide [with the exception of].

Particularly, the Agent shall introduce the Player to any basketball club which might be interested to retain his services, shall then negotiate on behalf of the Player the relevant player contract to be signed by the Player and will subsequently liaise and deal in the Player's interest with the club on all matters of interest for the Player in connection with his engagement with the club.

The Agent shall advise, assist and represent the Club in connection with the engagement of basketball players by the Club [to be supplemented] and will subsequently liaise and deal in the Clubs interest with the players on all matters of interest for the Club in connection with his engagement with the players.

2. FIBA Internal Regulation governing Players Agents

The Parties agree that their relationship under this contract, in particular their respective rights and duties shall be governed by the FIBA Internal Regulation governing Players Agents (hereinafter the "FIBA Agent Regulation") as amended from time to time; the current version of these Regulation is attached hereto.

In particular, the parties agree to be entitled to and bound by the respective rights and duties provided for in the FIBA Agent Regulations.

3. Compensation

For any contract procured by the Agent and signed by the Player, the Player agrees to pay to the Agent an agent fee of _____% of the Player's base net salary for _____ year(s).

In negotiating the Player's player contract, the agent shall include a clause according to which the agent collects his agent fee directly from the club.

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The Agent's fee shall be compensation for all the services to be provided by the Agent according to this contract. The Agent shall not be entitled to reimbursement of any expenses unless otherwise agreed in writing. For any contract procured by the Agent and signed by the Club, the Club agrees to pay to the Agent an agent fee of ___% of the Player's base net salary for ___ year(s).

In negotiating the Agreement between the Club and the player, the Agent shall include a clause according to which the player shall be liable to pay the agent fee if for whatever reason the Agent is unable to collect the same from the Club.

4. Term This Agreement shall begin on the day of signature hereof by both parties and shall expire on ___________ [not to exceed two years] unless renewed by written agreement between the parties].

5. Applicable law This Agreement shall be subject to the laws of , except for the provisions of private international law.

6. Entire Agreement This is the entire agreement of the parties. Any amendments and/or additions to this Agreement shall be made in writing; the foregoing shall also apply to any amendment to this clause 6.

7. Confidentiality The parties agree to keep confidential the contents of this Agreement and any matters related thereto.

8. Arbitration Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be settled exclusively by [arbitration by FAT].

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Suggested main points to be covered in standard contract between club and player:



Name/address of player, date of birth, nationality Name/address of club, legal representative


Basic Regulations to be referenced in the Contract

The following form an integral part of the contract: Statutes and regulations of the club Statutes and regulations of the league Statutes and regulations of the national member federation of FIBA Statutes and regulations of FIBA Statutes and regulations of the FIBA Zone Mandatory standard form agreements of national member federations should be observed.


Player Obligations

To give best services and loyalty to the club. Participating in all club games and practice, training sessions. To provide club with prompt notice of any injury etc. To use only the services of a FIBA licensed Player's Agent.


Club's Duties

4.1 Salary: Payment dates Bank accounts Instalments? Bonuses? Fringe benefits? Including/excluding tax? Social security, health insurance? 4.2 Vacation 4.3. Release for national team (cf. H.3.6.3 of the FIBA Internal Regulations)

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Duration Start date (under conditions? i.e. letter of clearance etc.) Early termination only for important reasons, (e.g. for the club in case of doping violation, for player in case of nonpayment) Extension of the contract (option rights)


Image Rights and Promotional activities

Agreement by player to allow the taking of pictures for media etc. Participating in promotional activities of the team


Agent's Commission

Which amount? Based on net salary? Including or not including bonuses and fringe benefits? Who pays? Agent's Commission in case of extension or renewal of the Contract?


Applicable Law

Arbitration FIBA Arbitration Miscellaneous Entire agreement (Annexes?) Amendments in writing only If a provision is held invalid, no effect on any other provision Date/ Signatures (The above is not an exhaustive list but is designed to serve as an indication of items to be covered in a player contract.)

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H.6 FIBA Approved Coaches

H.6.1 Duties and Obligations of Member federations H.6.1.1 H.6.1.2 Each national member federation is obliged to have a licensing system for its coaches. Each national member federation is obliged to have an accreditation system in place which grades its coaches according to national standards prescribed by the national member federations. The national member federation shall inform FIBA of the names of Coaches who have been graded at the highest level, and shall inform FIBA of any changes to the list at the end of each year.



Qualifying as FIBA Approved Coaches H.6.2.1 Coaches in possession of the highest grading as determined by their national member federation are entitled to the designation FIBA Approved Coach. To achieve designation of FIBA Approved Coach, a coach must first be included in the list of coaches holding the highest grading by his national member federation. A Coach may be included only in the national list of the country of which he is a legal citizen. This does not affect his ability to perform the duties of a Coach in another country according to the applicable regulations of that country. Each national member federation may have an unlimited number of FIBA Approved Coaches. Once approved, the title of FIBA Approved Coach is valid as long as the coach remains on the list submitted to FIBA in terms of H.6.2.2, unless FIBA adopts additional requirements, which would require the renewed qualification of the FIBA Approved Coach. A coach must be designated FIBA Approved Coach in order to be a Head Coach of a national team competing in the Main Official Competitions of FIBA. Once a coach has been issued a FIBA Approved Coach Licence, he becomes automatically a member of the World Association of Basketball Coaches (WABC).



H.6.2.4 H.6.2.5



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Process Arrangements H.6.3.1 Those persons designated FIBA Approved Coach shall submit to FIBA personal information in an Individual Coach's Information Form, one passport-sized colour photograph, and a photocopy of passport showing family name, first name, date of birth, and legal nationality. An administrative fee as stipulated in O.3 is to be forwarded to FIBA with the Individual Coach's Information Form. Once the documentation required according to H.6.3.1 and H.6.3.2 has been received, FIBA shall issue a FIBA Approved Coach licence to the person involved.



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H.7 Doping Control


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J.1 FIBA Referees
J.1.1 Requirements for Qualification J.1.1.1 General provisions

J. Each national member federation has the right to choose the candidates for the title of FIBA Referee from amongst its best national referees. A national member federation may have an unlimited number of FIBA referees. J. In order to obtain the title of FIBA referee, the candidates must: a. b. c. Be proposed officially by their member federation. Participate in a clinic for FIBA referee candidates. Pass theoretical (basketball rules), and physical fitness and practical (officiating the game) tests. Only the official tests and examinations established by the FIBA Technical Commission are valid.

J. Clinics shall be organised by the FIBA Technical Commission with the assistance of the FIBA Secretariat. They may be organised also by a Zone Technical Commission. In this event, the programme and the names of the FIBA Instructors conducting the clinic must be submitted to the FIBA Secretariat for approval. J. A Zone Technical Commission may impose an age limit on FIBA referees from the member federations under its jurisdiction. However such a proposal must be submitted to the FIBA Central Board for approval before it is implemented. J.1.1.2 Procedure

J. At the clinic for FIBA referee candidates, the FIBA Instructors will collect the following documents from each candidate: a. b. c. Individual Referee Information Form, One (1) recent colour passport-sized photo, and Copy of the passport showing family and first name(s), date of birth and the legal nationality.

J. These documents listed in J. will be sent within ten (10) days after the end of the clinic by the FIBA Instructors (or by the Zone Secretariat), together with the results of the clinic, to the FIBA Secretariat.

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J. Upon receipt of the complete documentation, the FIBA Secretariat will inform the respective member federations (copy to the Zone Secretariat) of the results of the clinic. J. For those who successfully passed the tests, the FIBA Secretary General will issue a FIBA referee licence which will be sent to the respective national member federation for remittance to the holder. J.1.1.3 Licence

J. The FIBA referee licence shall remain valid until the referee reaches the maximum age set by his Zone and for as long as his national member federation is paying the referee's annual fee. However, in order to be considered as a FIBA active referee, each FIBA referee must take part in an official refresher clinic for FIBA referees and successfully pass the theoretical and physical fitness tests by the deadline given by FIBA Technical Commission. J. Referees who do not attend an official refresher clinic for FIBA referees or who do not pass the tests successfully will no longer be considered as FIBA active referees. They cannot be nominated by FIBA, by their respective Zone or by their respective national member federation to any international official or friendly game(s). J. The FIBA active referee licence grants the right of free access to all international basketball competitions with the exception of the Olympic Tournaments. However, the ticket request one (1) ticket per FIBA referee must reach FIBA at least three (3) months before the competition. J.1.1.4 Fees The annual fee for FIBA referees is payable through his member federation. The actual fee is listed in O.3. J.1.2 Appointment J.1.2.1 Scope of Regulation All FIBA main and other official competitions, cups and tournaments for national and club teams shall be officiated by FIBA referees of nationalities other than those represented by the two teams on the court. J.1.2.2 Responsibility for appointment

J. For all FIBA main official competitions, except the Zone championships, the FIBA Secretary General appoints as many FIBA referees as necessary for each respective competition. In appointing the FIBA referees, the FIBA Secretary General shall ensure that all FIBA Zones are represented. J. For the Zone competitions for national teams and club teams, the appropriate body of FIBA shall appoint the number of FIBA referees necessary for the competition from the list of FIBA referees from the Zone.

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J. For official cups and tournaments recognised by FIBA, the organisers may ask the FIBA Secretary General (or Zone Secretary General) to appoint the number of FIBA referees they consider necessary. The organisers will cover their travel and accommodation (board and lodging) expenses, as well as the officiating fees. J. For friendly games FIBA referees shall be appointed by the organising federation in consultation with the visiting federation. If the two federations cannot reach an agreement, they may ask the FIBA Secretary General to appoint FIBA referees. J.1.2.3 Notification of appointment

J. All appointments of FIBA referees shall be sent to the national member federation of the referee for his information and acceptance. His availability must be communicated to the FIBA Secretariat by the national member federation within the given deadline. J. FIBA or the organisers shall communicate with FIBA referees only through their respective member federations. J.1.3 Travel arrangements Travel arrangements for FIBA referees are as follows: a. By train: the costs of a 1st class return ticket with sleeping accommodation (double) if travelling at night; b. By car: the costs of a 1st class return train ticket; c. By plane: the costs of the economy class return ticket (unless otherwise stated); d. If a FIBA referee has to purchase the ticket for his travel, reimbursement shall be in the currency of the referees country or in any convertible currency; e. Whenever possible, the organisers should send the referees pre-paid travel tickets; f. The organisers are responsible for the reimbursement of any fees for visas. J.1.4 Officiating fees Refer to O2 for the various fees. For official FIBA championships and tournaments the organisers shall pay the officiating fee and FIBA the travelling expenses to all the referees. For official Zone games for national teams or club teams, the appropriate Zone may adapt the officiating fee for single game in accordance with its needs. J.1.5 Duties of FIBA referees J.1.5.1 J.1.5.2 FIBA referees shall wear the official FIBA uniform. FIBA referees represent FIBA on the court. They are obliged to conduct the games in accordance with the Official Basketball Rules and to respect the provisions of the FIBA Internal Regulations. They must do everything in their power to accomplish their mission in a satisfactory manner.

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FIBA referees shall cooperate with the organisers of competitions/ events to ensure the smooth running of the game and must make certain that the interests of the two teams on the court are in no way encroached upon. If the FIBA Secretary General has appointed a FIBA commissioner also as his delegate at a competition/event, the referee shall report to the commissioner immediately upon arrival at the venue of the game. If the FIBA commissioner is not present, the FIBA referee shall ensure that all of the players whose names appear on the score sheet are in possession of a valid FIBA Identity Card. If that is not the case, he shall report this to the FIBA Secretariat. If the FIBA referee feels that it is proper to make a report on the game, he shall do so immediately after the game and send it to the FIBA Secretary General or hand it to the FIBA commissioner, if present.





Transfer, resignation and dismissal J.1.6.1 Any FIBA referee who leaves his country of origin for business or other purposes keeps his title of FIBA referee. However, in order to remain a FIBA active referee and to have the approval of FIBA for his transfer, he must become a member of his new national member federation after obtaining permission from his former national member federation. The FIBA Secretary General can remove (temporarily or definitively) from the list of FIBA referees any referee who has not satisfactorily carried out his task in the spirit of the Official Basketball Rules, the General Statutes and the Internal Regulations of FIBA. A Zone may request that a nominated referee be removed from the list of the FIBA active referees. Such requests must be sent to the FIBA Secretary General, together with justification. If the Secretary General approves the request, he will then inform the national member federation affected. In such cases, the FIBA referee will not lose his qualification as FIBA referee, unless otherwise decided by the FIBA Secretary General, but he can not be nominated by FIBA or by his respective Zone to any official FIBA competitions. The payment of the annual fee for this referee by the national member federations is suspended. A FIBA referee, who for any reason loses his qualification as a national referee (temporarily or definitively) also loses his qualification as a FIBA referee. The national member federation must immediately inform the FIBA Secretariat when this happens.





FIBA Honorary Referees J.1.7.1 Each national member federation of FIBA has the right to choose candidates for the title of FIBA Honorary Referee from amongst its former FIBA referees and persons who have served basketball in the development of referees. A FIBA Honorary Referee cannot be, at the same time, a FIBA active referee.

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A national member federation may have an unlimited number of FIBA Honorary Referees. J.1.7.2 a. b. c. J.1.7.3 The proposal of the national member federation must be accompanied by the following documents for each candidate: Honorary Referee Information Form, One (1) recent colour passport-sized photo, Copy of the passport showing family and first name(s), date of birth and legal nationality. If the proposal is accepted by the FIBA Secretary General, the FIBA Secretariat will issue the FIBA Honorary Referee licence, valid for life, for a nominal fee to be paid only once (Refer O.3).

J.2 FIBA Referee Supervisors

J.2.1 Role The FIBA Referee Supervisor is responsible for the evaluation of FIBA referees during FIBA official competitions. J.2.2 Requirements for qualification J.2.2.1 The FIBA Technical Commission shall choose the candidates for the title of FIBA Referee Supervisor from amongst the best former FIBA Referees, former and active FIBA Commissioners, and other people active in basketball, and shall put forward a list of candidates to the FIBA Secretary General for his approval. The candidates must have: A good knowledge of English, A strong knowledge of the game, good teaching and communication skills, expertise in the area of evaluating referees, and be competent and familiar with the fundamentals of the mechanics of officiating, and Participated in at least three (3) FIBA official competitions.

J.2.2.2 a. b.

c. J.2.3 Activity J.2.3.1

For all FIBA main official competitions, the FIBA Secretary General may appoint FIBA Referee Supervisor (s). The number of FIBA Referee Supervisors for each competition is determined by the FIBA Secretary General in consultation with the President of the FIBA Technical Commission. Any appointment of a FIBA Referee Supervisor shall always be in a personal capacity. It shall be sent directly to the FIBA Referee Supervisor for acceptance and to his national member federation for information. The availability of the FIBA Referee Supervisor must be communicated within the given deadline.


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J.2.3.3 J.2.4

FIBA or competition organisers may communicate directly with the FIBA Referee Supervisors.

Travel arrangements As per the Regulations governing FIBA Referees.


Fees Refer to O.2.


Duties of FIBA Referee Supervisors J.2.6.1 J.2.6.2 FIBA Referee Supervisor represents and acts on behalf of the FIBA Technical Commission. At FIBA main official competitions, FIBA Referee Supervisor shall conduct pre-competition referee clinics. FIBA Referee Supervisor shall evaluate and assist the referees during the competition. The FIBA Referee Supervisor must provide the referees with all new information and guidelines as established by the FIBA Technical Commission. FIBA Referee Supervisor must evaluate the personality of the referees, their behaviour, and performance during the competitions and how they fulfill their duties. FIBA Referee Supervisor shall carefully watch the games in the sport hall and take notes on the officiating and on any specific points as directed by the Technical Committee.. After the games the FIBA Referee Supervisor shall analyze his notes, compare them with the video recording, and select scenes that are important for future discussions with the referees. During the competition the FIBA Referee Supervisor shall organize daily meetings with the referees and present and discuss selected scenes with the whole group of officials or in a one-to-one discussion. The duties of the FIBA Referee Supervisor shall not interfere with the duties of the FIBA Technical Committee of the Competition, nor with the activities of the Local Organising Committee. Having completed his duties, the FIBA Referee Supervisor shall make a evaluation on each referee in English and must send the official FIBA Referee Evaluation Form electronically to the FIBA Secretariat within 15 days after the championship at the latest. The FIBA Secretariat will send the evaluation of each referee to the respective national member federation (copy to the FIBA Zone). The national member federation is obliged to provide the respective referee with his evaluation form.








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Refer to E.5.3.2 for the working conditions and requirements of FIBA Referee Supervisor at the main official competitions of FIBA.

J.3 Referee Instructors

J.3.1 Role The FIBA International Referee Instructor is responsible for teaching and training of Referees and Commissioners at FIBA Clinics for International Referees/Commissioners. J.3.2 Requirements for Qualification J.3.2.1 The FIBA Technical Commission and FIBA Zones have the right to propose to the FIBA Secretary General for his approval the candidates for the title of FIBA International Referee Instructor. Candidates shall be drawn from amongst former and active FIBA Referees and Commissioners, FIBA National Referee Instructors, and persons active in teaching and training of referees. Persons proposed from amongst FIBA Referees or Commissioners should have a minimum of ten (10) years experience in officiating at main FIBA international competitions. After having been approved by the FIBA Secretary General, each FIBA International Referee Instructor shall provide the FIBA Secretariat with the following documents: Individual FIBA International Referee Instructor Form. One (1) recent color passport-sized photo. Copy of passport showing family and first name(s), date of birth and legal nationality. Upon receipt of the complete documentation the FIBA Secretary General will issue the FIBA International Referee Instructor license which will be sent to the respective FIBA International Referee Instructor.



J.3.2.4 a. b. c. J.3.2.5


Activity J.3.3.1 The FIBA Secretary General (or his delegate) appoints FIBA International Referee Instructor(s) to conduct the official FIBA Clinics for International Referee/Commissioner Candidates as well as the official FIBA Refresher Clinics for FIBA Referees/Commissioners. Any appointment of a FIBA International Referee Instructor shall be always in a personal capacity. It shall be sent directly to the FIBA International Referee Instructor for acceptance and to his national member federation for information. The availability of the FIBA International Referee Instructor must be confirmed within the given deadline set by FIBA.


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For education and training of referees of any given competition, the appropriate governing body of that competition may invite directly or ask the FIBA Secretary General (or his delegate) to appoint FIBA International Referee Instructor to conduct any type of the clinic for their Referees/Commissioners.


Travel and accommodation expenses To be covered by the organizer of the clinic.


Fees Refer to O.2.


Duties J.3.6.1 FIBA International Referee Instructor, on behalf of and in cooperation with FIBA Secretariat, FIBA Technical Commission, FIBA Zone Technical Commissions organizes camps, clinics, conferences, courses for Referees/Commissioners. FIBA International Referee Instructor shall teach and train Referees and Commissioners, provide them with all necessary knowledge in the areas of behavior during international competitions, cooperation with partners and all participants, FIBA mechanics of officiating, judgment of situations, and control of the game. FIBA International Referee Instructor shall prepare teaching materials for the clinics and must ensure that each participant receives all documents and Video/DVD/CD materials approved by the FIBA Technical Commission in proper condition before, during or after the clinic. FIBA International Referee Instructor shall work in close cooperation with organizers and support them in any means to ensure the smooth running of the clinic. FIBA International Referee Instructor must conduct any camp, clinic, conference or meeting in a satisfactory manner. At each official FIBA clinic, FIBA International Referee Instructor will collect the following documents from each individual: Individual FIBA Referee/Commissioner Information Form. One (1) recent colour passport-sized photo. Copy of passport showing family and first name(s), date of birth and the legal nationality. These documents must be sent within seven (7) days of the end of the clinic by the FIBA Referee Instructor. A FIBA International Referee Instructor is automatically a National Referee Instructor within his national member federation.





J.3.6.6 a. b. c.


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J.4 FIBA Commissioners

J.4.1 Requirements for Qualification J.4.1.1 General provisions Each national member federation has the right to choose candidates for the title of FIBA Commissioner from amongst its former FIBA referees and persons active in the organisation of basketball. A FIBA commissioner cannot be, at the same, a FIBA active referee. A national member federation may have an unlimited number of FIBA Commissioners. J.4.1.2 FIBA Commissioner

J. In order to obtain the title of FIBA commissioner, the candidates must: a. b. c. Be proposed officially by their national member federation. Participate in a clinic for FIBA commissioner candidates. Pass all official tests as established by the FIBA Technical Commission showing sufficient language skills and knowledge of the FIBA Official Basketball Rules, the General Statutes and the Internal Regulations.

J. Clinics are organised by the FIBA Technical Commission with the assistance of the FIBA Secretariat. They may also be organised by a Zone Technical Commission. In this event, the programme and the names of the FIBA Instructors conducting the clinic must be submitted to the FIBA Secretariat for approval. J. A Zone Technical Commission may impose an age limit on the FIBA commissioners from the national member federations under its jurisdiction. However, such a proposal must be submitted to the FIBA Central Board for approval before it is implemented. J.4.1.3 Procedure

J. At the clinic for FIBA commissioner candidates, the FIBA Instructors will collect the following documents from each candidate: a. b. c. Commissioner Information Form One (1) recent colour passport-sized photo Copy of the passport showing family and first name(s), date of birth and the legal nationality.

J. These documents will be sent within ten (10) days after the end of the clinic by the FIBA Instructors (or by the Zone Secretariat), together with the results of the clinic, to the FIBA Secretariat. J. Upon receipt of the complete documentation, the FIBA Secretariat will inform the respective national member federations (copy to the Zone Secretariat) of the results of the clinic. J. For those who successfully passed the tests, the FIBA Secretary General will issue the FIBA commissioner licence which will be sent to the respective national member federation for remittance to the holder.

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J. The FIBA commissioner licence shall remain valid until the commissioner reaches the maximum age set by his Zone and as long as the national member federation is paying the commissioner's annual fee. However, in order to be considered as a FIBA active commissioner, each FIBA commissioner must take part in an official refresher clinic for FIBA commissioners and successfully pass the exams and tests successfully by the deadline given by the FIBA Technical Commission. J. Commissioners who do not attend an official refresher clinic for FIBA commissioners or do not pass the exams and tests will no longer be considered as FIBA active commissioners. They cannot be nominated by FIBA, by their respective Zone or by their respective national member federation to any international official or friendly game(s). J. The FIBA active commissioner licence grants the right of free access to all international basketball competitions with the exception of the Olympic Tournaments. However, the ticket request one (1) ticket per FIBA commissioner must reach FIBA at least three (3) months before the competition. J.4.1.5 Fees The annual fee for a FIBA commissioner is payable through his national member federation. The actual fee is listed in O.3. J.4.2 Appointment J.4.2.1 Responsibility for appointment

J. For all FIBA main official competitions, except the Zone championships, the FIBA Secretary General appoints as many FIBA commissioners as necessary for each respective competition. J. For the Zone competitions for national teams and club teams, the appropriate body of FIBA shall appoint the number of FIBA commissioners necessary for the competition from the list of the FIBA commissioners of that Zone. J. For official cups and tournaments recognised by FIBA, the organisers may ask the FIBA Secretary General (or Zone Secretary General) to appoint the number of FIBA commissioners they consider necessary. The organisers will cover their travel and staying expenses, as well as the officiating fees. J.4.2.2 Notification of appointment All appointments of FIBA commissioners shall be sent directly to the FIBA commissioner and to the national member federation of the commissioner for his information and acceptance. His availability must be communicated to FIBA by the national member federation within given deadline. FIBA or the organisers may communicate directly with FIBA commissioners.

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Travel arrangements As per the Regulations governing FIBA Referees.


Officiating fees Refer to O.2.


Duties of FIBA commissioners J.4.5.1 a. b. c. d. e. A FIBA commissioner represents and acts on behalf of the FIBA Secretary General. He shall: See that the games are conducted in accordance with the spirit and the letter of the Official Basketball Rules and the FIBA Internal Regulations. Do everything in his power to accomplish his mission in a satisfactory manner. Ensure the full cooperation of the FIBA referees, the organisers and teams. Provide information to the referees if he is requested to do so during or after the game, but the final decision rests with the referees. Be primarily responsible for the smooth running of the scorers table, being seated between the timekeeper and the scorer. FIBA Commissioner has full authority to resolve any problems that may arise between all parties involved. In particular he has the right to require adequate police presence to ensure the smooth and sportsmanlike running of the game. Having completed his duties, FIBA Commissioner shall make a report on the competition and send it within the given deadline, together with all required documents, to the FIBA Secretary General. FIBA commissioner must send to the FIBA Secretary General, without delay, any claim or protest received from one of the parties involved, adding any information he may deem relevant.





Transfer, resignation and dismissal J.4.6.1 Any FIBA commissioner who leaves his country of origin for business or other purposes keeps his title of FIBA commissioner. However, in order to remain a FIBA active commissioner and to have the approval of FIBA for his transfer, he must become a member of his new national member federation after obtaining the permission of his former national member federation. The FIBA Secretary General can remove (temporarily or definitively) from the list of FIBA commissioners, any commissioner who has not satisfactorily carried out his task in the spirit of the Official Basketball Rules, the General Statutes and the Internal Regulations of FIBA.


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A Zone may request that a nominated commissioner be removed from the list of the FIBA active commissioners. Such requests must be sent to the FIBA Secretary General together with justification. If the Secretary General approves the request, he will then inform the national member federation affected. In such cases, the FIBA commissioner will not lose his qualification as FIBA commissioner, unless otherwise decided by the FIBA Secretary General, but he can not be nominated by FIBA or by his respective Zone to any official FIBA competitions. The payment of the annual fee for this commissioner by the national member federations is suspended. A FIBA commissioner, who, for any reason, loses his qualification as a national commissioner (temporarily or definitively), also loses his qualification as a FIBA commissioner. The national member federation must inform the FIBA Secretariat immediately each time this happens.


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Regulation K


K.1 Basic Principles of Sanctions imposed by FIBA

K.1.1 Violations of the General Statutes and the Internal Regulations of FIBA, whether committed at an administrative or sports level, may be sanctioned. The sanctions are applicable to: a. b. c. d. Zones National member federations Clubs Players, coaches, officials, referees, commissioners, agents, and other persons The entity/person concerned shall have a right to be heard. K.1.3 The severity of the sanction imposed depends on the nature of the violation. The sanction may be: a. A warning b. A reprimand c. The repeal of a right/a suspension d. A fine e. Other sanctions f. A combination of those penalties listed in a. to c. above K.1.4 Unless otherwise specified in the Internal Regulations, any decision concerning sanctions not covered under K2 below is taken, in the first instance, by the Secretary General (or his delegate). K.1.4.1 The Secretary General (or his delegate) may decide that the aforementioned sanction must be applied by all national member federations for their national competitions. To this end, FIBA must inform all national member federations of the sanction imposed. An appeal against these decisions may be submitted to the Appeals Tribunal of FIBA. This appeal shall be governed by the provisions in the Regulation governing Appeals. These regulations are valid also for the Zone authorities for their respective regional competitions. In order to facilitate the decisions of the appropriate authorities, FIBA maintains a list of violations and sanctions which is made available on the FIBA website. If a hearing is organised under these Regulations, FIBA may make the organisation of such hearing dependent upon the parties paying to FIBA reasonable administrative costs.






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Where a suspension is imposed under these regulations and the person concerned avoids the application of the relevant decisions for a period of time (e.g. by participating in activities of organisation outside FIBA), such period shall not be credited against the period of suspension unless the Secretary General decides otherwise.

K.2 Sanctions and penalties during the main official competitions of FIBA
K.2.1 During main official competitions, cups and tournaments of FIBA, decisions concerning sanctions are taken in the first instance by the technical committee of the competition concerned in terms of E5.3.3.3. An appeal against these decisions may be lodged with the jury of appeal of the competition in accordance with E. K.2.2 In the event of sanctions being imposed by FIBA, the national member federations shall apply these sanctions for the purposes of their national competitions if so decided by the Secretary General (or his delegate). To this end, FIBA must inform all national member federations of such sanctions.

K.3 Sanctions imposed by the FIBA Zones or by national member federations

K.3.1 FIBA Zones or national member federations may impose sanctions in accordance with their own regulations. Such regulations must provide for hearing by an independent body, the entity/person implicated shall have the right to be heard, and a right of appeal by the entity/person implicated from the decision of the first body. With respect to sanctions imposed by FIBA Zones or national member federations, the following shall apply: a. b. FIBA is to be informed and a complete file on the sanction must be compiled to be available to FIBA on request. The FIBA Disciplinary Panel shall decide for FIBA purposes whether and to what extent a sanction will be imposed on the entity/person; such sanction may be higher or lower than the sanction imposed by the FIBA Zone or national member federation concerned. The implicated entity/person has a right to be heard. If a sanction is imposed under K.3.3 b., FIBA shall inform all FIBA Zones or national member federations of the sanction thus imposed if the sanction is to be applied by them for the purposes of their national competitions. K.3.3 b. and c. shall apply mutatis mutandis in the event that an entity is sanctioned by an organisation outside FIBA and its national member federations (e.g. state bodies, the IOC, or other national or international sports organisations inside or outside the Olympic movement). In the event of a violation of the principles of fair play and good sportsmanship by a person as per K.1.2 d., the FIBA Disciplinary Panel may impose a sanction according to this Regulation if the FIBA Zone or national member federation fails to do so.






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K.4 FIBA Disciplinary Panel

K.4.1 a. b. K.4.2 The Disciplinary Panel is authorised to hear and adjudicate upon the following: Any matter referred to it in the FIBA General Statutes and/or Internal Regulations Any other matter referred to it by the Secretary General General Principles attaching to the operations of the Disciplinary Panel K.4.2.1 Any entity/person who is the subject to proceedings before the Disciplinary Panel has the right to be heard, and may have one legal representative and one representative of its/his national member federation present to assist it/him in the hearing. Witnesses may be called at the discretion of the President of the Panel. The Panel is entitled to the benefit of legal counsel at hearings. Any costs of witnesses, legal representation, etc of the parties are for their expense. Members of the Panel for a particular hearing shall be of a neutral nationality. Hearings may be conducted in person, by telephone, by video conference, or through consultation in the written form. The Panel may develop administrative procedures to assist in the process of hearings. Appeals against decisions of the Panel may be lodged in the FIBA Appeals Tribunal.

K.4.2.2 K.4.2.3 K.4.2.4 K.4.2.5

K.4.2.6 K.4.2.7 K.4.3

Composition of the Disciplinary Panel K.4.3.1 K.4.3.2 The President of the FIBA Legal Commission shall act as President of the Panel. Up to five other members of the Disciplinary Panel shall be appointed to a pool by the Secretary General, and the Secretary General and the President of the Disciplinary Panel shall decide a minimum of two members who will adjudicate on a particular case. If the President of the Panel is not one of those nominated, the Secretary General shall designate an alternate President for that hearing.

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Regulation L


L.1 FIBA Appeals Tribunal

L.1.1 Jurisdiction, President and Vice-President L.1.1.1 The Appeals Tribunal (Tribunal) shall hear appeals filed by an affected party against decisions of FIBA including its organs and disciplinary bodies, unless such appeal is the competence of an Appeals Tribunal of a FIBA Zone or expressly excluded in the FIBA General Statutes or Internal Regulations. Appeals against decisions of referees or table officials made during or at the conclusion of games are dealt with in accordance with the Official Basketball Rules and in the regulations governing the conduct of competitions, and are not subject to appeal in the FIBA Appeals Tribunal. The President and the Vice-President of the Tribunal are appointed by the Central Board of FIBA in accordance with the FIBA General Statutes. The President (or, as provided in the General Statutes, the Vice President) shall oversee the activities of the Appeals Tribunal and shall have the responsibilities assigned to him in these Regulations.




Panels, number of judges L.1.2.1 Ordinary appeals which do not fall under L.1.2.2 below shall be heard by a Permanent Panel of three (3) members of the Tribunal acting as judges (Judges or Judge), (one of whom shall be the Chairman of the Permanent Panel as per L.1.3.1 below) unless the President of the Tribunal decides that a matter can be ruled upon by a single judge because it is of minor importance, not of a difficult nature, or requires an immediate decision. Appeals against warnings, reprimands or financial penalties shall be heard by a single judge, unless the financial penalty is part of a sanction comprising financial and other aspects. The Central Board may appoint a member of the Tribunal to act as president of the jury of appeal during main official competitions of FIBA in order to rule on cases which require an immediate decision.



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Judges L.1.3.1 The Central Board shall appoint at least six (6) members of the Tribunal as Judges for a four (4)-year period between two FIBA World Congresses. One of them shall be appointed as the Chairman of the Permanent Panel, one of them as a single judge to hear appeals against warnings, reprimands or financial penalties (L.1.2.2 above). The other two members of the Permanent Panel (L.1.2.1 above) shall be designated by the President of the Tribunal for each individual case from among the judges appointed by the Central Board. In the event of resignation or other reason of inability to act as judge, such judge shall be replaced in the individual case or permanently by another judge appointed according to L.1.3.1 above by decision of the President of the Tribunal. The Judges shall have legal training. Persons employed by FIBA or holding a position within FIBA or one of its Zones cannot be appointed as judges. In each case, the judges must be independent of the parties and must disclose immediately to the President of the Tribunal any circumstance likely to affect their independence. The fact that a judge has the same nationality as the appealing party shall disqualify him from hearing the case in question.




L.1.4 a. b. c. d.

Fair trial The parties have the right: To have their appeal heard in a hearing. To be represented by legal counsel. To make written submissions. To present evidence at the hearing. The appealing party shall not communicate directly or take up direct contact with the members of the Tribunal on matters relating to an appeal.


Time limit for appeals and payment of fees L.1.5.1 Appeals must be made in writing and must be received by FIBA within the time limit provided for in the applicable General Statutes or Internal Regulations of FIBA. In the absence of such a time limit the statement of appeal must be received by FIBA within fourteen (14) days following the day of receipt by the appealing party of the decision being appealed against. Failure to file a timely appeal in accordance with this paragraph is deemed to be waiver of the right to appeal. The appeal shall be accompanied by a copy of the decision appealed against. L.1.5.2 The reasons for the appeal and the answer shall be filed by the deadlines fixed by the Chairman of the panel unless the applicable regulations provide that they must be filed along with the statement of appeal; they must be in the French or English language.

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Unless the Chairman of the panel orders otherwise, the parties shall not be authorised to supplement their argument, nor to produce new exhibits, nor to specify further evidence on which they intend to rely after submission of the grounds for the appeal and of the answer. In the event that the appealing party fails to sign and return a procedural order, no date for a hearing will be fixed or a hearing date already fixed will be cancelled and the time limit set forth in L.1.7.2 below shall be deemed waived. The Chairman of the panel shall fix a final date for the return of the signed procedural order following which the appeal will be deemed withdrawn unless the order is received by FIBA. The Chairman of the panel may make further procedural orders. In particular, he may fix a deadline by which the parties must submit the names of the witnesses they wish to call to testify at the hearing.



The appeal proceedings are subject to the payment of the non-reimbursable fee set forth in O3. The fee must be received by FIBA within the time limit for the appeal provided for in L.1.5.1.


Joinder If FIBA intends to cause a third party to participate in appeal proceedings (joinder) it shall so advise the Chairman of the panel in writing. The latter shall immediately inform the appealing party and the party to be joined, and invite them to state their position within a time limit fixed by the Chairman. Upon expiry of the time limit, the Chairman shall decide whether the joinder is accepted. If he so decides, the joined party shall be bound by the outcome of the proceedings even if he does not actively participate in them.


Hearing, award L.1.7.1 There shall be one (1) hearing with oral arguments unless the right to have such hearing is waived by the appealing party. The hearing shall be held in the French or English language according to the decision of the Chairman of the panel. Appeals Tribunal panels shall sit at the FIBA headquarters unless decided otherwise by the President of the Tribunal. The Chairman of the panel may decide that the hearing be held before only one Judge. L.1.7.2 In cases of ordinary appeals, hearings shall take place within four (4) weeks following receipt by FIBA of the statement of appeal unless decided otherwise by the Chairman of the Panel. They can be scheduled to take place within a few days following receipt of the statement of appeal if the matter requires an immediate decision. Appeals against warnings, reprimands or financial penalties shall be heard once every quarter by the single Judge appointed according to L.1.3.1 above. The award shall be rendered by majority decision within four (4) weeks following the date of the oral hearing. Brief reasons must be given. Upon decision of the Chairman of the panel, a decision may be taken by correspondence. L.1.7.5 Appeals to the Appeals Tribunal shall not have suspensory effect unless ordered otherwise by the Chairman of the panel.



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The award shall have immediate effect unless ordered otherwise by the Chairman of the panel. A further appeal (E.5.3.1 below) shall not have suspensory effect. L.1.8 Interim measures The Chairman of the panel may, upon motion and with or without first hearing the parties, issue such orders for interim relief as he may deem necessary to safeguard the rights and interests of the parties. L.1.9 Further appeal A further appeal against the decision by the Appeals Tribunal can only be lodged with the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne, Switzerland, within thirty (30) days following receipt of the reasons for the award. The Court of Arbitration for Sport shall act as an arbitration tribunal and there shall be no right to appeal to any other jurisdictional body. L.1.10 Conflicting regulations In the event of conflicting regulations, the FIBA General Statutes and Internal Regulations, other than these Appeals Regulations, shall prevail. L.1.11 Fees and costs L.1.11.1 Along with the filing of the appeal, the appealing party(ies) must pay a non-reimbursable fee(s) (see L.1.5 above, except for appeals in doping cases where H.7.8.4 applies.) The Appeals Tribunal will not proceed with the Appeals proceedings until payment is received. Upon receipt of the statement of appeal the Chairman of the panel will fix, subject to later changes, the amount and the method of payment of an advance on costs of the proceedings. In the event that the appealing party fails to pay the advance so fixed, no date for a hearing will be fixed or a hearing date already fixed will be cancelled and the time limit set forth in L.1.7.2 above shall be deemed waived. The Chairman of the panel shall fix a final date for the payment of the advance on costs following which the appeal will be deemed withdrawn unless payment has been received. The parties and the joined parties shall be responsible for the costs of their own counsel, witnesses, experts and interpreters. In its award, the panel shall determine whether and to what extent the appealing party is to be reimbursed for the costs advanced by it according to H. above, or whether and to what extent the appealing party is to pay an amount of costs in addition to the advance fixed in L.1.11.2. When making its determination, the panel shall in particular take into account the outcome of the proceedings and the conduct and the financial resources of the appealing party.





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Remuneration and judges' fees: The fees to be paid to each judge are fixed by the President of the Tribunal based on the amount of time each judge reasonably needs to carry out his work. In principle, an hourly fee as set out in O.2 is taken into account. If circumstances require it, the President of the Tribunal may decide to fix the fees at an amount less than that which would result from the above-mentioned hourly rate. Apart from the payment of his fees, each judge is entitled to request reimbursement of his travel (economy class) and staying expenses (FIBA rates) on presentation of receipts. Each judge must ensure that he does not incur inordinately high costs.

L.2 FIBA Arbitral Tribunal (FAT)

L.2.1 General Principles L.2.1.1 FIBA establishes an independent FIBA Arbitral Tribunal (FAT) for the simple, quick and inexpensive resolution of disputes arising within the world of basketball in which FIBA, its Zones, or their respective divisions are not directly involved and with respect to which the parties to the dispute have agreed in writing to submit the same to the FAT. FAT awards can be appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), Lausanne, Switzerland. The FAT is primarily designed to resolve disputes between clubs, players and agents. It is recommended that parties wishing to refer their possible disputes to the FAT use the following arbitration clause in their contracts: "Any dispute arising from or related to the present contract shall be submitted to the FIBA Arbitral Tribunal (FAT) in Geneva, Switzerland and shall be resolved in accordance with the FAT Arbitration Rules by a single arbitrator appointed by the FAT President. The seat of the arbitration shall be Geneva, Switzerland. The arbitration shall be governed by Chapter 12 of the Swiss Act on Private International Law (PIL), irrespective of parties domicile. The language of arbitration shall be English. Awards of the FAT can be appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), Lausanne, Switzerland. The parties expressly waive recourse to the Swiss Federal Tribunal against awards of the FAT and against decisions of the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) upon appeal, as provided in Article 192 of the Swiss Act on Private International Law. The arbitrator and CAS upon appeal shall decide the dispute ex aequo et bono.


L.2.1.3 L.2.1.4

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The FAT Arbitration Rules Arbitration proceedings before FAT will be conducted in accordance with the FAT Arbitration Rules which are available from the FIBA Secretariat on request and which are available also on the FIBA website. Any proposed changes to the FAT Arbitration Rules shall be prepared by the FIBA Legal Commission and shall be submitted to the FIBA Central Board for approval.


Seat of the FAT The FAT has its seat in Geneva, Switzerland.


Financing The financing of the FAT is guaranteed by FIBA, it being understood that the FAT is designed to be selffinancing.


The FAT President / the FAT Vice President The FAT President and the FAT Vice President shall be appointed by the FIBA Central Board for a renewable term of 4 years between the ordinary sessions of the FIBA Congress. They shall have legal training. The FAT Vice President shall substitute for the FAT President in case of the latter's inability to exercise the functions assigned to him under the FAT Arbitration Rules, including instances where the FAT President is prevented from exercising his functions due to a conflict of interest.

L.2.6 a.

The Duties of the FAT President The FAT President shall have the following duties: To ensure the proper functioning of the FAT, inter alia, by establishing administrative guidelines for the tribunal. b. To establish a list of at least three (3) FAT arbitrators for a renewable term of four (4) years between the ordinary sessions of the FIBA Congress. The FAT arbitrators shall have legal training and shall have experience with regard to sport. c. To appoint, on a rotational basis, a FAT arbitrator to the individual arbitration proceedings before the FAT. d. To establish a system of remuneration for the FAT arbitrators. e. To exercise those functions assigned to him under the FAT Arbitration Rules.

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Honouring of FAT Awards L.2.7.1 In the event that a party to a FAT Arbitration fails to honour a final award or any provisional or conservatory measures (the "first party") of FAT or of the Court of Arbitration for Sport upon appeal against a FAT award, the party seeking enforcement of such award (the "second party") shall have the right to request that FIBA sanction the first party. The sanctions can be imposed by FIBA: A monetary fine of up to EUR 100.000; this fine can be applied more than once; and/or Withdrawal of FIBA-license if the first party is a player's agent; and/or A ban on international transfers if the first party is a player; and/or A ban on registration of new players and/or a ban on participation in international club competitions if the first party is a club. The above sanctions can be applied more than once. The second party shall send to FIBA with his request a complete file of the FAT/CAS proceedings. The decision on the sanction is taken by the Secretary General or his delegate. Before taking his decision he shall give the first party an opportunity to state his position. The decision to sanction the first party shall be subject to appeal to the FIBA Appeals Tribunal according to the Internal Regulations governing Appeals.

a. b. c. d.



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M.1 Organisation of meetings of the Central Board
M.1.1 Generally, with exception in the year when the Congress meets, the Central Board meets twice a year. In the normal course of events, these meetings are held either at the FIBA headquarters or at the headquarters of one of the five Zones (FIBA-Africa, FIBA-Americas, FIBA-Asia, FIBA-Oceania, and FIBA-Europe). M.1.2 The last meeting of the Central Board prior to the Congress is a preparatory meeting for the Congress, and this meeting normally takes place at the FIBA headquarters at least ninety (90) days before the meeting of Congress. M.1.3 In the year in which the Congress meets, there are two additional meetings of the Central Board, one held the day before the Congress convenes, and the other on the second day after the Congress concludes. These two meetings are held at the same site as the Congress. M.1.4 Meetings of the Central Board may be held at venues other than the headquarters of FIBA or the Zones at the invitation of another body. In that event, the organisers of a session of the Central Board will cover the costs of the organisation of: M.1.4.1 a. b. c. General organisation as per FIBAs requirements of the following: Providing a conference room for fifty (50) people with simultaneous translation in four (4) languages; Pick up of participants from the airport or main railway station, local transport during their stay up to the point of departure; Providing a secretariat with telephone, fax, photocopier, computer and printer, 3 to 5 Internet connections and the assistance of one or more multilingual secretaries if requested. Providing simultaneous interpreters (i.e. without relay) for up to four (4) languages as specified by the Secretariat of FIBA. The interpreters put forward must be approved by the Secretariat of FIBA. The accommodation for a maximum of 50 persons including: Members of the Central Board with full rights; Individuals required to be present as stated in the General Statutes; Six to ten (6 - 10) members of the Secretariat of FIBA, for a period covering: i. The duration of the meeting (number of days); ii. Plus two (2) nights hotel accommodation for members as per M.1.4.3 a. and b. from the Zone where the meeting is held; iii. Plus three (3) nights hotel accommodation for members as per M.1.4.3 a. and b. from outside the Zone where the meeting is held; iv. Plus four (4) nights for the members of the Secretariat of FIBA and the Secretary General. All meals for all participants, mainly buffet-style, but including one official dinner and/or reception.


M.1.4.3 a. b. c.


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Travel expenses for the President and Secretary General of FIBA as well as the FIBA staff members.

M.1.5 In the event of a session of the Central Board being held at the headquarters of one of the five Zones, the latter is responsible for the organisation of the items M.1.4.1 to M.1.4.4.

M.2 The Congress

M.2.1 The organisers of the FIBA World Championship will cover the costs of the organisation of the FIBA Congress. They are responsible for arranging and covering the expenses of: M.2.1.1 A meeting room for three (3) days seating for three (3) days four hundred and fifty (450) people where the Congress will convene. Table microphones for every second person attending the Congress. In the event that this type of equipment is not available, portable microphones should be placed in the meeting room and professional technicians should assist the attendees. Delegates should be offered audio headsets as they enter the room. Podium microphones, fixed on stands. Cordless, hand-held microphones are not acceptable. A meeting room seating forty-five (45) people for the meetings of the Central Board on the day preceding and on the second day following the meeting of the Congress. Simultaneous interpretation (ie without relay) (equipment and interpreters) in the five (5) official languages of FIBA for the meetings of the Congress and Central Board. An office and the necessary equipment for the Secretariat of FIBA for a period beginning at least two (2) weeks prior to the beginning of the Congress and terminating two (2) days after the end of the FIBA World Championship. A staffed reception room close to the FIBA Congress meeting room for a period beginning at least three (3) days before the start of the FIBA Congress where the Organising Committee can welcome the FIBA Congress delegates and distribute information to them. A registration room/area close to the FIBA office for a period beginning at least one (1) week before the start of the FIBA Congress which will be staffed by FIBA personnel and used for the registration of attending delegates.


M.2.1.3 M.2.1.4





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A storage room close to the FIBA office where FIBA staff can store and prepare all the necessary material for the Congress.

M.2.1.10 Coffee breaks, lunches, and dinners unless offered by the commercial partners of FIBA. M.2.1.11 The transportation and hotel rooms for the Central Board and the FIBA Secretariat as per the Regulations governing the FIBA World Championship. M.2.1.12 Accommodation (bed and breakfast) for a maximum of four (4) nights, for one delegate per attending National member federation. M.2.1.13 The organisers shall be responsible for ensuring the free admission of the delegates to the FIBA World Championship for providing a hospitality area with appropriate snacks and drinks for them at the venues and for providing transport from their hotels to the Congress and Championship venues.

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Regulation N


N.1 FIBA Awards

FIBA has created the following awards: a. FIBA Hall of Fame b. FIBA Order of Merit c. Radomir Shaper Prize of FIBA d. FIBA Silver Plate Award

[Note Names of recipients of the awards a. to c. are set out in an appendix (Regulation P)].


FIBA Hall of Fame The FIBA Hall of Fame will be inaugurated in 2007 in Alcobendas, Spain to mark the 75th anniversary of the formation of FIBA. N.1.1.1 Policy

N. The over-riding objective of the Hall of Fame is to reflect the history of the sport. N. The key criterion for selection for the FIBA Hall of Fame is outstanding achievement at the international level from personal effort or initiative, in a field of endeavour that contributes to the performances of players, technical officials, coaches, administrators, and/or to the development and status of the sport of basketball throughout the world. N. Mere long-term service with basketball by a candidate without having demonstrated outstanding achievement arising from personal initiative or innovation is not sufficient justification for selection. The Hall of Fame is not recognition for service in its own right, or limited achievements, but for outstanding personal achievement and/or contribution. N. Inductees into the FIBA Hall of Fame will be in four divisions: a. b. c. d. Player Coach Technical Official Contributor

N. The honour may be awarded posthumously.

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N. There will be no more than six (6) persons per intake which will occur every year. At least one-half of each intake will be from the player division. It is not necessary to make an award in each division at each intake. The Honours Committee may decide at its discretion to increase the awards in any of the divisions in the year of the FIBA World Championship for Men. N. Players must have been retired from international competition for five years before being eligible for induction. N. Given the history of the sport, a balance between the genders may not be achieved initially, but it is the longer-term intention to achieve equity between the genders. N. Inductions into the FIBA Hall of Fame will be at a suitable international function/event which will reflect the importance of the award and inductees will be presented with a framed citation which sets out briefly his/her contribution to the sport, preferably by the President of FIBA. N. The Central Board will consider meeting the costs of inductees attending the induction function. N. The names of the inductees for a new intake are confidential up to the time of the induction function. N.1.1.2 Selection process for the FIBA Hall of Fame

N. Nominations will be called at least nine months before the planned date of the induction function and will close four months before that date. N. National member federations, Zones, Central Board members, and the Screening Committee (see N. may submit nominations. A member of the Central Board is not eligible for nomination while still in office. N. A Nomination Packet consisting of a completed nomination form (available from the FIBA Secretariat see Appendix 4) and news clippings, magazine articles, and/or other informative and factual data about the candidate will be submitted to the Screening Committee at FIBA headquarters. N. The FIBA Secretary General shall appoint a Screening Committee consisting of himself and two other appropriate persons. Members of the Screening Committee shall not be members of the Honours Committee (see N. The Screening Committee shall carefully assess all nominations against the general criteria and submit a list of candidates (not necessarily restricted to the number who may be inducted at an intake) to the Honours Committee. N. The Central Board shall appoint three of their number (one of whom shall be the President) to be the Honours Committee. They shall receive the list from the Screening Committee, assess the nominations, and make the final decisions regarding each intake into the FIBA Hall of Fame.

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Order of Merit N.1.2.1 Policy Individuals only may receive this award. a. Any person having distinguished himself in the field of basketball and having rendered exceptional services to sport, either through personal accomplishment or through his contribution to the development of basketball or sport in general may be awarded this Order. There are two (2) categories of award: i. For basketball personalities (honorary members of FIBA, heads of national member federations or Zones, coaches, referees, players, etc.). ii. For political and media personalities. A maximum of two (2) persons per year may receive this award. Active members of the Central Board of FIBA may not be awarded the Order of Merit. In principle, the Order of Merit shall not be awarded posthumously other than in exceptional circumstances. The distinction of the Order of Merit and a diploma will be presented to the recipient by the President, by a member of the Central Board designated by him or, failing this, by a person to be nominated by him, on the occasion of an official ceremony. The official and compulsory protocol requires that the distinction of the Order of Merit of FIBA shall be awarded after the following lines have been spoken: "Mr/Mrs (first name and surname), in recognition of your outstanding contributions to world basketball and your loyalty to the sporting ideal, I award you (in the name of the President of FIBA) the FIBA Order of Merit." N.1.2.2 a. b. Selection procedure for the FIBA Order of Merit The FIBA President, the Secretary General, and Zone Presidents may nominate persons for this award. The final choice lies with the Central Board of FIBA on the recommendation of the FIBA President and the Secretary General.


c. d. e. f.



The Radomir Shaper Prize of FIBA N.1.3.1 a. b. c. d. e. Policy Individuals only may receive this award. Any person having distinguished himself in the field of basketball rules may be awarded this Prize. Nominations and bestowals will be subject to annual quotas put forward by the Secretary General and decided on by the Central Board of FIBA. Active members of the Central Board of FIBA may not be awarded the Radomir Shaper Prize. The distinction of the Radomir Shaper Prize and the diploma will be presented to the recipient by the President, by a member of the Central Board designated by him or, failing this, by a person to be nominated by him, on the occasion of an official ceremony. The official and compulsory protocol requires that the distinction of the Radomir Shaper Prize of FIBA shall be awarded after the following lines have been spoken:


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"Mr/Mrs (first name and surname), in recognition of your outstanding contributions to world basketball and your loyalty to the sporting ideal, and to the basketball rules in particular, I award you (in the name of the President of FIBA) the FIBA Radomir Shaper Prize."


Selection Procedure Nominations may be put forward by any national member federation or FIBA officials to the Secretary General of FIBA. The final choice lies with the Central Board on the recommendation of the Secretary General.


The FIBA Silver Plate Award N.1.4.1 a. b. c. d. Policy Individuals, national member federations or other organisations may receive this Award. Any person or organisation having distinguished itself in the field of basketball or having rendered great services to sport nationally and/or internationally may receive this Award. The distinction of the FIBA Silver Plate Award will be presented to the recipient by the Secretary General or by a person nominated by him. In certain cases, the conferment of the Award will also include a diploma.


Selection Procedure Nominations may be put forward by any national member federation or FIBA officials to the Secretary General of FIBA and awards will be decided upon by the Secretary General.

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[Notes to Regulation O:

i. Terms of payment In accordance with applicable tax regulations, invoices may be subject to taxation. Any payments will be made after deduction of taxes. Fees and dues, fines, rights, participation fees or any other amounts invoiced must be paid to FIBA in full, i.e. without any deductions (bank charges, etc.) and are due on receipt of invoice. Payment in FIBA's favour must be made to the following bank account: Beneficiary: FIBA Bank: UBS S. Address: Place St-Franois 1002 Lausanne Switzerland Account no.: for CHF: 243-384509.01M; IBAN CH970024324338450901M. for USD: 243-384 509.60L; IBAN CH980024324338450960L. for EUR: 243-384509.61R; IBAN CH490024324338450961R Bank code: 243 Swift code: UBSWCHZH80A

ii. Currency of reference In general (in terms of Article 33.7 of the General Statutes), the Swiss Franc is the currency of reference for all financial transactions carried out with FIBA]. This section should be read in conjunction with the various Regulations quoted. Other non-monetary considerations/penalties/sanctions may apply.

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O.1 Administrative Fines Payable to FIBA

Regulation number E.7.11.2 E.6.8 Item Breach of advertising on uniforms and other apparel during main official competitions of FIBA Breaches of E.6 (failure of participating team to cooperate with organisers including failing to appear at an international competition after sending final entry and not fulfilling duties of participating teams). Club refusing to release player for national team duty Club allowing player to play while under sanction for refusing to play for national team National member federation acting against the spirit and/or the letter of regulation H., re players called for national team duty Failure by national member federation to meet deadline for supply of documents to support issue of Foreign Player "A" licences i. National member federation failing to submit to FIBA list of foreign players, information, and documentation, or ii. National member federation failing to observe regulations governing international transfers H.4.3.3 b. National member federation making changes to its list of Players after deadline (such changes accepted in exceptional circumstances only) National member federation allowing an ineligible player to play in an official FIBA competition Players' Agent failing to fulfil provisions of his licence Player using services of an unlicensed agent, or more than one agent at the same time Club negotiating with other than the player personally, or with an unlicensed agent Failure to provide FIBA and WADA with whereabouts information as per 5.5 Failure to provide immediately FIBA and WADA with national anti-doping rule violations and decisions Amount Not stipulated

Min. CHF 30.000 Max. CHF 150.000

H. b. H. c.

CHF 36.500 to 110.000 CHF 36.500 to 110.000

H. d.

CHF 15.000 to 110.000


Per player up to CHF 750


up to CHF 25,000

up to CHF 50,000 CHF 1,000

H.2.6 and H.4.4.3

up to CHF 200,000

H. b.

up to CHF 50,000

H. b.

up to CHF 50,000

H. b.

up to CHF 100,000

Anti-Doping Regulations 5.5

up to CHF 3,000

Anti-Doping Regulations 13.7.1

up to CHF 7,500

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O.2 Allowances/Fees payable

Regulation number Item Single game Championship with controls over more than three days Plus for each additional day (for controls and travel) Amount CHF 150 CHF 375

Anti-Doping Regulations Annex 1

Allowances payable to Supervising Doctor for doping control

CHF 100

Anti-Doping Regulations Annex 1

Allowance payable to Supervising Doctor for out-ofcompetition testing

CHF 150 (considered same as for single game)

Anti-Doping Regulations Annex 1

Allowance payable to Supervising Doctor for meals and other expenses per day 1) Single game, Men or Women 2) Tournament lasting five (5) days or less

CHF 75

CHF 400

CHF 650

J.1.4, J.2.5, J.3.4, J.3.5 and J.4.4

Allowance/officiating fee payable for FIBA referees, FIBA referee supervisors, and FIBA commissioners

3) Olympic Qualifying Tournaments- Men 4) Olympic Qualifying Tournaments- Women 5) FIBA World Championship Men 6) FIBA World Championship Women 7)FIBA World Championships Youth

CHF 1,600

CHF 1,300

CHF 2,000

CHF 1,300

CHF 1,050


Daily fees payable by Clinic Organisers to Referee Instructors for each day of the clinic plus days of travel

CHF 130


Base hourly allowance/fee for judges of the FIBA Appeals Tribunal

CHF 130

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D.4.1 D.4.1 D.4.2.1 D.4.2.2 D.4.2.3 D.4.2.4 E.5.3.5 a. iii. E.5.3.5 f. E.6.6.1 H.2.3.5 H.3.3.1 e.

Fees and dues payable to FIBA

Item Fee for new national member federation joining FIBA Annual membership fee for national member federation Annual progressive fee for Category "A" national member federations Annual progressive fees for Category "B" national member federations Annual progressive fees for Category "C" national member federations Annual progressive fees for Category "D' national member federations Security deposit for protest lodged during an official competition of FIBA Security deposit for appeal to Jury of Appeal during an official competition of FIBA Withdrawal or failure to appear after having lodged entry to an official competition of FIBA Administrative fee chargeable for exceptional change of eligibility Administrative fee chargeable by a national member federation for issue of a Letter of Clearance Participation fee chargeable by FIBA/Zone for Foreign Player Licence A per year includes CHF15 issuing fee Participation fee chargeable by FIBA/Zone for FIBA Player Licence B per year includes CHF15 issuing fee Annual fee for FIBA Players' Agent Licence Administration fee for processing FIBA Approved Coach documentation Non-reimbursable fee payable for appeal to the FIBA Appeals Tribunal against a decision of FIBA Disciplinary Panel for anti-doping violation Annual fee payable by national member federations for each FIBA Referee and Commissioner Category "A" national member federations Categories "B" & "C" national member federations Category "D" national member federations Once-only fee payable by national member federation for issue of Honorary Referee Licence Non-reimbursable fee payable for an appeal lodged with the Appeals Tribunal (except for appeals in doping cases when H.7.8.4 applies) Amount CHF 150 CHF 15 CHF 3,750 CHF 1,875 CHF 375 nil CHF 1,500 CHF 1,500 CHF 1,500 to 150,000 CHF 2,000 to 20,000 Maximum of CHF 150 Men Women Men Women Maximum CHF 375 Maximum CHF 200 Maximum CHF 1,125 Maximum CHF 575

Regulation number

H. a.

H. b. H.5.4.10 H.6.3.2 Anti-Doping Regulations 8.3/13.

not exceeding CHF 1,000 CHF 10

CHF 6,000

CHF 90

J.1.1.4 and J.4.1.5

CHF 75 CHF 15 CHF 15



CHF 1,750

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Regulation P



1 Official documents of FIBA

The application of the Regulations governing Eligibility, the National Status of Players and the International Transfer of Players requires strict and correct use of the documents issued by FIBA. These documents are as follows: 1.1 FIBA Identity Card

The FIBA Identity Card is issued under the authority of the Secretary General of FIBA. This card is valid indefinitely. Players participating in the official competitions of FIBA should be in possession of this card for the following categories and phases of competition: a. As of the Final Round U-17 b. As of the Qualifying Round: U-19 and U-21, Senior Men and Senior Women 1.2 Foreign Player Licence

This licence is issued by FIBA All foreign players playing for clubs taking part in official cups and tournaments of FIBA and/or in the first or second division of the national championship must be in possession of this licence, unless the player is already in possession of a Player Licence for Official Cups of FIBA (see below). This licence is valid for one year. 1.3 Player Licence for official cups of FIBA

This licence is issued by FIBA upon the request of the national member federation. It certifies that the player is registered for the club playing in the FIBA club competition indicated on the licence. This licence is valid for one year. In the case of foreign players, this licence also serves as a Foreign Player Licence for the national championship of the country of the club indicated on the licence. In this case such a licence shall only be issued in accordance with the provisions of the FIBA Regulations governing the International Transfer of Players.

Official documents to be provided by players


Players declaration

All players registered by their national member federation on the player list, as required for the main official competitions of FIBA, must return the declaration form, issued in the five (5) official languages of FIBA, duly completed and signed, to the Secretariat of FIBA before they can be authorised to participate:

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"I hereby confirm that I am aware of the regulations and penalties in force for the official competitions of FIBA relating to the fight against doping. I agree to submit to the doping control tests (including out of competition tests by FIBA, WADA or any organisation commissioned by FIBA), to accept the results of such tests and to abide by the respective regulations as applicable from time to time. I also agree that my national member federation and my club forward my personal data to FIBA for use in connection with doping control tests. I consent that photographs are taken of me on the occasion of FIBA competitions and that these photographs and my name, likeness, autograph and other identifying characteristics may be used in connection with the production, sale, distribution, development, advertising and promotion of any FIBA or FIBA-authorised communication, product or service, but excluding the use which implies endorsement by me of any other commercial entity, product or service. I agree that any dispute arising between myself and FIBA which cannot be settled amicably and which remains unsettled once the procedures provided for in the FIBA Regulations have been exhausted, shall be settled finally by a tribunal composed in accordance with the Statute and Regulations of the Court of Arbitration for Sport, Lausanne, Switzerland, to the exclusion of any recourse to ordinary courts. The parties undertake to comply with the said Statutes and Regulations and to accept in good faith the award rendered and in no way hinder its execution."

There are two (2) copies of this declaration: the white copy (original) shall be for FIBA, the blue copy for the player. This declaration must be provided for participation in the main official competitions of FIBA.


Official documents to be provided by the national member federations

Letter of Clearance

The letter of clearance is written by one national member federation to another. Letters of clearance must contain the same information as the following example:

To: Federation X (club of destination) Date: 28 February 2006 From: Federation Y (club of origin) Ref.: Player John Smith (USA), born 1 December 1970 Players Agent: (name) (nationality) (FIBA Agent License Number) Our federation hereby grants a letter of clearance to the above player, formerly of Club Xanadu. He has no contractual obligation with any basketball club in our country. Best regards, Franoise Cartier Secretary General Federation Y


Player's personal data form for doping controls

The player's personal data form attached to the Declaration on Doping and Arbitration (see above) must be returned, duly completed and signed by the player and the national member federation, to the Secretariat of FIBA at the same time as the players declaration.

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Other documents

FIBA reserves the right to request any other document it deems necessary.

Appendix 2: FIBA LOGOS

1 FIBA Logos

Black: CMYK: C40 K100; Pantone: 426 Platinum: CMYK: K50; Pantone: 424 Red: CMYK: M100 Y100; Pantone: 192 Yellow: CMYK: M30 Y100; Pantone : 137 Blue: CMYK: C100 M30; Pantone: 3005 Green: CMYK: C100 Y100; Pantone: 365

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Zone Logos

Colour codes same as FIBA logos

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If you wish to obtain artwork of the FIBA logos and the FIBA zone logos as well as instructions on how to use the logos correctly, please visit To download the logos please click on download, then on press and partner access and then write the following username and password in the popup window which will appear: Username: wearebasketball Password: please contact the FIBA Communications Department. Or contact: FIBA Communications Department 53, Avenue Louis Casai 1216 Cointrin / Geneva Switzerland Tel.: + 41-22-545-00-00 Fax: + 41-22-545-00-99 E-mail:

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1 2 The Hall of Fame The Order of Merit

The FIBA Order of Merit has been awarded to: July 1994, Toronto, CAN 1. Dr. h. c. R. William Jones, ENG 2. Kreshimir Corsic, CRO 3. Clifford Fagan, USA 4. Ursula Frank, GER 5. Norman Gloag, CAN 6. Moctar Guene, SEN 7. Erwin Kassal, HUN 8. Anselmo H. E. Lpez, ESP 9. Luis A. Martin, ARG 10. Hans-Joachim Otto, GER 11. Gonzalo G. Puyat II, PHI 12. Bozhidar Takev, BUL 13. Marciel Ubiratan, BRA 14. Yoshimi Ueda, JPN 15. Enrico Vinci, ITA 16. William Wall, USA April 1995, Lausanne, SUI 17. Sergei Belov, RUS 18. Robert Blanchard, FRA 19. Aleksander Nikolic, YUG 20. Alberto Rosello, URU 21. Duk-Joo Yoon, KOR April 1996, Munich, GER 22. Marian Kozlowski, POL March 1997, Rio de Janeiro, BRA 23. Abdel Azim Ashry, EGY 24. Antonio Lisanti, URU 25. Marcel Pfeuti, SUI 26. August Pitzl, AUT 27. Nebojsha Popovic, YUG 28. Allen Rae, CAN 29. Emiliano Rodrguez, ESP 30. Raimundo Saporta, ESP 31. Federico Slinger, URU April 1998, Munich, GER 32. Zacharias Alexandrou, GRE 33. Prof. Walther Trger, GER 34. Aldo Vitale, ITA

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May 1999, Barcelona, ESP 35. Abdou Diouf, SEN 36. Ruperto Herrera Tabio, CUB 37. Vladimir Kondrashin, RUS 38. Mauricio Martelino, PHI 39. Radomir Shaper, YUG May 2000, Munich, GER 40. Chang-Lu Zhang, CHN November 2000, Munich, GER 41. Lorraine Landon, AUS 42. Pedro Ferrndiz, ESP 43. George E. Killian, USA 44. Fumiya Tamiaki, JPN 45. Jean-Marie Weber, SUI April 2001, Geneva, SUI 46. Giancarlo Primo, ITA June 2002, Geneva, SUI 47. Eugenio Korwin, ITA 48. Miloslav Kriz, CZE November 2002, Geneva, SUI 49. Kenneth Charles, ENG 50. Keith Mitchell, ENG 51. Alistair Ramsay, AUS 52. Cesare Rubini, ITA 53. Ernesto Segura de Luna, ESP 54. Abdoulaye Seye Moreau, SEN November 2003, Alcobendas, ESP 55. Genevive Hartmann, FRA May 2005, Nyon, SUI 56. Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, TUN 57. Alexander Boshkov, BUL August 2006, Tokyo, JAP 58. Mario Hopenhaym, URU 59. Jacques Huguet, FRA

The Radomir Shaper Award

The Radomir Shaper Award has been awarded to: November 2000, Munich, GER Edward Steitz, USA Luis A. Martin, ARG Valentin Lazarov, BUL November 2003, Alcobendas, ESP Bernard Lejade, ESP

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FIBA Hall of Fame Nomination Form

Please tick one category for Nomination: Player Coach Technical Official Contributor

NOMINEE NAME: ____________________________________________________

ADDRESS _________________________________________ __________________ ____________________________________________________postcode: _______ Telephone: _____________________________Fax: _________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________________________

NOMINATED BY: _____________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________postcode: ______________ Telephone: _____________________________Fax: _________________________ E-mail______________________________________________________________ Basketball membership ________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________________

SECONDED BY: ______________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________postcode: ______________ Telephone: _________________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________________

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USE the space provided for the written nomination. Further written information not in the spaces provided will not be included in the assessment. Newspaper articles, clippings, and copies of other factual published material may be attached to the nomination Please carefully read the attached eligibility guidelines for nomination to the FIBA Hall of Fame.


____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________

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TESTIMONY (Reasons for nomination. These can include the character and outstanding achievements of the nominee): ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Please return to: FIBA Hall of Fame Screening Committee FIBA Etc.

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