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AfLer sperm cells are e[aculaLed lnLo Lhe vaglna Lhey are LransporLed Lhrough Lhe cervlx Lhe
body of Lhe uLerus and Lhe uLerlne Lubes where ferLlllzaLlon occurs 1he swlmmlng ablllLy of Lhe sperms
and muscular conLracLlons of Lhe uLerus and Lhe uLerlne Lubes are responslble for Lhe movemenL of
sperm cells Lhrough Lhe female reproducLlve LracL CxyLocln released by Lhe female posLerlor plLulLary
gland and prosLaglandlns wlLhln Lhe semen boLh sLlmulaLe conLracLlons ln Lhe uLerus and uLerlne Lubes

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