Assignment 1 Bs4 Stat

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1. A class tossed coins and recorded 161 heads and 179 tails. What is the experimental probability of heads?

Of tails? 2. 3. 4. 5. Find the theoretical probability of getting a prime number when you roll a number cube. If coin is flipped once, what is the probability of it landing heads? A standard number cube is tossed. Find the probability of P(4 or even). Suppose you roll 2 number cubes. What is probability that you will roll an odd number on one cube and a multiple of 3 on the other cube? 6. A standard number cube is tossed. Find the probability of P(greater than 1 or less than 5). 7. You are drawing a card from a regular deck of cards. Find the probability that you will draw an ace or a king. 8. You are drawing one card from a regular deck of cards, what is the probability that you draw an ace or a spade? 9. Let A be the event of drawing an ace and B be the event of drawing a spade. Is there an overlap in sample spaces? In other words, can a card be an ace and a spade 10. The table below shows the difference in political ideology, by education, for a random group of U.S. voters. Use the data to find the probability that a randomly selected person from this group is a liberal or has only a high school education.
Liberal High School only College 7 20 Moderate 35 15 Conservative 13 10

11. A group of students consists of 10 male freshmen, 5 female freshmen, 20 male sophomores, and 18 female sophomores. If one person is randomly selected from the group, find the probability of selecting a freshman or a female. 12. A box contains ten assemblies of which two ar defective. A sample of three assemblies is selected at random. What is the probability that the two defective parts will be selected?

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