Road Hockey

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Re: Newmarket road hockey bylaw.


This letter is to let the residents ofNewmarkets

Courts and CuI De Sacs to understand

what has been going with a certain councillor in our town. Recently councillor of Ward 6 Maddie Di Muccio has proposed to change the bylaw regarding the playing of road hockey on town streets. She has proposed that it be changed to only be played on streets such as ours. While road hockey is a Canadian tradition and I agree that it should be played by the children of Newmarket but not at the expense of people that live in such places. What would happen in such the case that she does get her wish to change it, kids from all around the neighborhood would be coming to our place to play. 'With this comes many kids you never seen before playing without any parental supervision. The balls will come flying at our cars, our garage doors and our houses. Also with this comes the potential garbage and such to be left around our property ( water bottles etc.). The beauty of road hockey is to watch OUR kids enjoying it from the comfort of OUR home and knowing what is going on. This change would leave us be responsible for supervising kids we don't even know. Also our kids will have lost the enjoyment of playing on they're own street because of this intrusion. Don't get me wrong I love to watch my NEIGHBORS kids play, but not kids that I don't know on our court. One other thing, who would pay for our damage? Would the town? If so would our taxes rise because of the liability and increased premiums for the towns insurance? She is holding a meeting at the Town Hall on Mulock Dr. on Wed. Nov. 16 at 7.00 pm. LETS STOP THE MADNESS AND VOICE YOUR CONCERNS

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