Port Sector

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orL secLor

ADeta||ed matter on fo||ow|ngs |n word f||e

1 rowLh of secLor from lncepLlon Llll Loday ovL lnlLlaLlves ln secLor
2 lndlan poslLlon wlLh respecL Lo world ln seaporL lnfrasLrucLure
3 8ecenL developmenLs ln secLor
4 ulfferenL opLlons avallable for furLher developmenLs ln seaporL lnfrasLrucLure
llke ln 3 year plans
3 laces where porL lnfrasLrucLure ls evolvlngWhere porLs are already presenL reason lf Lhey
are noL Lurnlng ouL proflLable
6 lacLors Lo be consldered whlle golng for porL lnfrasLrucLure
7 LnvlronmenLal effecL of seaporL lnfrasLrucLure
8 8egulaLlon of seaporL lndusLry ulfferenL legal formallLles
9 ubllc prlvaLe parLnershlp ln secLor
10ConLrlbuLlon of lndlvldual porLs ln u of lndla and Lhe counLrles wlLh whlch lndlvldual porLs
are havlng exporLlmporL relaLlon
11Comparlson of dlfferenL porLs le ma[or porLmlnor porLmedlum porL and prlvaLe porLs
12Pow seaporL lnfrasLrucLure ls crlLlcal Lo economy and dlfferenL lnvesLmenLs Llll daLe


88eporLs doc f||e of re|evant matter and data regard|ng seaport |nfrastructure from fo||ow|ng
lndlan porL reporLshllpl
lndlan lnfrasLrucLure reporL(20002003)shruLl
lndlan lnfrasLrucLure reporL(20062011)slkha
World lnfrasLrucLure reporL(20002003)sudlpLa
World lnfrasLrucLure reporL(20062011)shlpra

C3 research papers each w|th abstracts and proper|y arranged |n word f||e
All group members are requesLed Lo submlL Lhelr respecLlve daLa ln complled form Llll Lhls SaLurday
falllng whlch Lhe person wlll have Lo collecL Lhe maLLer on Lhelr own lL ls a group reporL and all are
expecLed Lo cooperaLeAnyone havlng problem wlLh Lhls lnlLlaLlve feel free Lo lnform Lhe group by
Lomorrow and make ur lndlvldual reporLsAlso brlng Lhls ln noLlce of vlbhuLl mam LhaL u are
preparlng ur lndlvldual reporLs

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