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We on|y post what's best

for the shoestr|ng budget!

Updates and new dea|s from the b|og
the week w||| NC1 be added to ||sts

|ant Lag|e November 17 November 24
53 CNC wyb 510 of the fo||ow|ng
*Mar|e Ca||enders Iru|t or Cream |es
5S99 (she|f 57S9)
$1/1 from 11/13 SS
l $499

*kedd| W|p 52 (she|f 52S0)
23/1 from 11/13 SS
l $130
*Crv|||e kedenbacher M|crowave
opcorn 811 (she|f 53S8)
33/1 from 11/13 SS
l $248
*I|e|schmanns uarters or arkay
S|eeves 5189 (she|f 5239)
73/2 from 11/6 SS
l $114 each
*am Cook|ng Spray 5299 (she|f 5399)
33/1 from 11/13 SS
l $229
Sw|ss M|ss Cocoa 512S (she|f 5219)
30/2 from 11/13 SS
l 73 each
52S0 wyb 4 eps| or Mounta|n Dew 6
pk or 8 pk (51 CII Instant|y wyb 4)
52 wyb 4 Nab|sco Crackers 1oasted
Ch|ps or k|tz Crackerfu|s (52 CII
Instant|y wyb 4)
$1/2 nablsco Crackers 11/13 SS
l $130 wyb 4
51 wyb S Coke or Spr|te 2 L|ters (1 IkLL
|nstant|y wyb 4)
54 wyb 2 Deer ark Spr|ng Water 24 or
12 pks (51 Cff Instant|y wyb 2)
5S wyb 2 eps| or Mounta|n Dew 24 pks
(51 Cff Instant|y)
5167 wyb 3 |||sbury Crescent ko||s (51
Cff Instant|y wyb 3)
33/3 from 11/13 CM
Do|e |neapp|e 512S
30/2 from 11/6 SS All ?ou nov 2011
$1/2 prlnLable
l 73each
reen |ant Va||ey Iresh Steamers
30/2 from 11/13 CM 10/2 CM
l $117 each
khodes D|nner or C|nnamon ko||s 54
33/1 from 11/13 8
$1/2 from 10/23 8
63/1 from 10/23 8
73/1 from 8/28 8
$1/1 rlnLable (lL) rlnLable (ll) 8/8
l ala $230
Idahoan otato ouches 51
73/3 ldahoan oLaLoes
$1/1 prlnLable (creaLe oLaLo llgrlm
l a|a IkLL
Irenchs Irench Ir|ed Cn|ons 5399
30/1 from 11/6 SS
l $299
Swanson 8roth 60
30/3 from 11/6 SS
l ala 40 each
Swanson Stock 52S0
30/2 from 11/6 SS
40/2 from 11/6 SS
l ala $2 each
Swanson 8roth Asept|c ack 52
30/2 from 11/6 SS
40/2 from 11/6 SS
l ala $130 each
ke||oggs optarts 52S0
$1/3 SavlngSLar
l $230 plus $1 SavlngSLar deposlL
ke||oggs Irosted I|akes and other
se|ect ke||oggs 52S0
54 wyb 2 Ireshmat|c U|tra kef|||s 1ct or
Cand|es S29oz (52 Cff Instant|y wyb 2)
$3/2 Candles from 11/13 SS or 10/16 SS
82C1 l8LL Candle (up Lo $349) from
11/13 SS or 10/16 SS
$2/2 Alr Wlck Candle SavlngSLar ueposlL
l ala $230 each wyb 2 plus $2
SavlngSLar ueposlL
*1bey wlll ptobobly oot ollow tbe ose of
botb coopoos toqetbet
A|rw|ck Irost Cand|es 3oz 52S0
$1/1 rlnLable
$2/2 Alr Wlck ScenLed Candle SavlngSLar
l $130 each plus $2SavlngSLarueposlL
Lyso| Neutra A|r Aeroso|s 52S0
30/1 rlnLable
$1/2 SavlngSLar ueposlL
l $130 plus $1 SavlngSLar
a|mo||ve D|sh L|qu|d 52S0
23/1 from 11/13 SS or rlnLable
30/1 almollve lresh Creen Apple
omegranaLe or Lavender ulsh Llquld
from 11/13 SS
l ala $130
I|n|sh owerba|| or e|pacs 54
73/1 from 10/23 SS
63/1 rlnLable or rlnLable
l ala $230
nefty Cne 2|p Ireezer Storage or
Sandw|ch 8ags 52
73/2 from 11/13 8
$1/2 from 11/13 8 or 8/14 8
l ala $123
D|x|e or Van|ty Ia|r |ates 8ow|s Cups
or Napk|ns 10200ct 52
33/1 vanlLy lalr napklns rlnLable ( zlp
$1/2 vanlLy lalr napklns rlnLable
$123/2 $1/2 or 63/1 napklns from
10/23 8
40/2 from 11/13 CM 11/6 SS 10/2
CM 9/11 CM
60/2 prlnLable
$3/1 8uLLerball wyb 4 Pelnz lllsbury or
SLove 1op from 11/13 SS
30/2 Cellflre eCoupons
30/2 prlnLable prlnLable prlnLable
l ala $107 wyb 4
52 CNC wyb 3 1ombstone |zzas
1ombstone |zza 54
73/1 uouble 1op from 10/30 SS
(reglonal) lf lncluded
$1/2 1ombsLone lzzas
l ala $183 lf uouble 1op lncluded
afLer C?nC
Stove 1op Stuff|ng 512S
7S CNC wyb 3
51 CNC wyb 4
51S0 CNC wyb S or more (Lhls promo
prlnLed ouL lasL week)
$3/1 8uLLerball wyb 4 Pelnz lllsbury or
SLove 1op from 11/13 SS
84C1 l8LL 1earpads
l ala $1 each ala 70 afLer C?nC wyb
811 10# Iarmers Market otatoes
(no pr|ce g|ven)
ne|nz Iar ravy 51
$3/1 8uLLerball wyb 4 Pelnz lllsbury or
SLove 1op from 11/13 SS
8|rds Lye 8agged or 8oxed Vegetab|es
30/2 from 11/13 SS
$1/3 prlnLable
l ala 30
Coo| Wh|p 51
Sara Lee Cven Iresh |es 811 (5364
$1/1 lrozen uesserL from 10/23 8
$1/1 Sara Lee Cream le
l ala $264 lf elLher are lncluded
Maxwe|| nouse Coffee 5849
$1/1 prlnLable
$1/2 prlnLable
l ala $749
k|ngs nawa||an Sweet or Sandw|ch
$1/3 SavlngSLar prlnLable 10/16 8
l $217 each plus $1 SavlngSLar
ke||oggs Corn I|akes and Cr|sp|x 53
$1/3 SavlngSLar prlnLable 10/16 8
l $267 each plus $1 SavlngSLar
Sunsh|ne CheezIts keeb|er
1ownhouse or C|ub Crackers 52S0
$1/2 CheezlL prlnLable
$1/2 Crackers from keebler/kelloggs
Pollday 8ookleL
l $2
Chex Snack M|x or 8ug|es 52
$1/2 from 11/13 CM Cellflre
eCoupons prlnLable prlnLable
30/2 from 10/23 SS 10/2 CM
l $130 each

Ccean Spray Cranberry Cockta|| 52
$1/2 varlous CcL Magazlnes
l $130 each
Seatt|es 8est Coffee 5S99
$1/1 lacebook prlnLable All ?ou SepL
(exp 11/18)
l $499
rogresso k|ch nearty Soup 512S
$1/4 from 11/13 CM prlnLable
prlnLable 10/23 SS 10/2 CM
$268 rogresso 8lch PearLy Soup
8ebaLe rogressocom (exp 1/31/2012)
I IkLL w|th kebate
De|a||o asta 52S0
$1/2 Whole WheaL rlnLable (lL)
rlnLable (ll)
l ala $2
V|as|c |ck|es 52
73/1 from 9/11 SS
l 30
Carnat|on Lvaporated M||k 51
30/2 from 10/30 8 prlnLable
l 30 each
no||day k|sses Nest|e or MMs Candy
$1/3 Pershey from 9/23 SS
l ala 90
Mard| ras Napk|ns 2S0ct 52
33/1 from 10/2 8
l $143 (l donL Lhlnk Lhls coupon
2|p|oc S||der Ireezer Storage or
Sandw|ch 8ags 10S0ct 5219
$1/2 from 11/13 SS rlnLable or
8ecyclebank prlnLable
l $169
nefty Ioam |ates 8ow|s 8athroom
Cups or Compartment 1rays 2080ct
keyno|ds A|um|num Io|| 53
33/1 from 11/13 SS
30/1 from 10/2 SS
l $190
keyno|ds NonSt|ck an ||n|ng aper 53
$1/1 from 10/23 SS
l $2
Lnerg|zer 4pk AA or AAA 5299
$1/1 from 11/20 SS
l $199
10 8onus Iue|perks wyb 2
*C|ean C|ear Iac|a| Sk|n Care 5499
*A|| Cther C|ean C|ear Sk|n Care 1S
*Aveeno na|r Care or Sk|n Care 5S99
$1/1 Aveeno AcLlve naLurals roducL
from 10/30 SS (lf lncluded)
$3/2 Aveeno AcLlve naLurals roducL
from 10/30 SS (lf lncluded)
l ala $449
*A|| Cther Aveeno na|r Care or Sk|n
Care 1S Cff
$1/1 Aveeno AcLlve naLurals roducL
from 10/30 SS (lf lncluded)
$3/2 Aveeno AcLlve naLurals roducL
from 10/30 SS (lf lncluded)
52 CNC n8 wyb2
*A|ways 284Sct ads or 80100ct L|ners
30/1 from 10/30 C
$1/1 ClanL Lagle eCffer
ko||s 53
$1/2 ulnner 8olls rlnLable (lL)
rlnLable (ll)
l $230
Crunchmaster Crackers 5369
$1/1 from 8/28 SS
l $269
1rop|cana rem|um or 1rop S0 Crange
Iu|ce 53
$1/2 SavlngSLar
l $230 each
CoffeeMate I|avored Creamer 53
$1/1 naLural 8llss prlnLable
73/2 prlnLable
l ala $2
8reakstones Sour Cream 52
$1/2 rlnLable (lL) rlnLable (ll)
l ala $130 each

ne|uvaood D|p 5167
73/1 from 11/13 SS
$1/1 8uffalo Wlng ulp prlnLable
30/1 prlnLable
l ala 17
Choban| reek ogurt 32 oz 5S49
30/1 Chobanl ?ogurL
l $449
o|d eak 1ea 52
73/1 prlnLable lacebook prlnLable
l 30
Stouffers Iam||y S|ze Lntrees 5S99
$1/1 from 9/23 SS
l $499
kosetto asta 53S0
$130/2 rlnLable (lL) rlnLable (ll)
$1/2 All ?ou CcL 2011
l ala $273 each
kos|na Meatba||s 53S0
$1/1 All ?ou uec 2011
l $230

Aunt Iem|ma ancakes Irench 1oast or
Waff|es 52
$1/2 lacebook prlnLable
$1/2 Crunch prlnLable
$1/1 nesLle !lngles
$1/2 MMs from 11/13 8
l ala $130
Ie||C 7S
60/3 from 11/6 SS
$123/3 uellclously Slmple Pollday
l ala 33 each
Nest|e Morse|s 52S0
$1/2 from 11/6 8 prlnLable prlnLable
l $2
eter an eanut 8utter 53
$130/3 rlnLable (lL) rlnLable (ll)
$1/2 SavlngSLar
30/1 All ?ou SepL
l ala $2 each + $1SavlngSLar deposlL
|||sbury |e Crusts 52S0
$1/2 rlnLable (lL) rlnLable (ll)
30/2 from 11/13 CM prlnLable
10/23 SS 10/2 CM prlnLable
60/2 prlnLable
l ala $190 each
8ob Lvans Lxpress L|nks or att|es
73/2 prlnLable rlnLable (lL)
rlnLable (ll)
33/1 from 11/13 SS
l ala 89
8ob Lvans ko||s L|nks or att|es 53
73/2 prlnLable rlnLable (lL)
rlnLable (ll)
33/1 from 11/13 SS
33/1 from 11/13 SS
l ala $190
8utterba|| Irozen 1urkeys 5149 |b
$3/1 8uLLerball 1urkey W?8 Pelnz
lllsbury or SLoveLop 11/13 SS
40 8onus Iue|perks wyb 2
art|c|pat|ng nugg|es be|ow (Up to
512 Va|ue)
*nugg|es Snug Dry L|tt|e Movers
oodN|tes or u||Ups 2686ct
(exc|udes w|pes) 51999
$130/1 from 11/20 SS
$2/1 LlLLle Snugglers or LlLLle Movers
l $4 each wyb 2
*1ampax f|ushab|es 40ct 56
30/1 from 10/30 C
30/1 ClanL Lagle eCffer
l $4 each wyb 2
Cra|8 Ind|cator 1oothbrush 5167
73/2 from 10/30 C
l 92
1|ps Cotton Swabs 37Sct 52
23/1 from 11/13 8
60/1 8ecyclebank prlnLable
l ala 80
|aytex ent|e ||de or Sport 53
$1/1 from f11/20 SS
l $2
S||m Iast 4pk Shakes or S pk Mea| 8ars
$1/1 from 11/13 8
$1/1 rlnLable
$160/2 rlnLable (Cn)
93/1 rlnLable (Cn)
$130/1 rlnLable
l ala $309
Sensodyne 1oothpaste 54S0
73/1 rlnLable
l $3
10 8onus Iue|perks wyb 2 revac|d
revac|d 24hr 14ct 51099
$3/1 from 9/11 SS or rlnLable
$4/1 from 9/18 SS (exp 11/18)
l ala $699 each plus 10 bonus
fuelperks wyb 2 (up Lo $3 value) lLs
llke paylng $349
Lxcedr|n 24ct 5299
$1/1 peelle
$130/1 from 11/13 SS 10/16 SS or 9/18
l ala $149
8ayer Advanced 100ct or Lxtra Strength
4080ct 2S off
$130/1 from 10/23 8
$1/1 from 9/11 SS
$2/1 from 9/11 8
l ?
l $130
1yson 8oxed Ch|cken 53
73/1 Crlspy SLrlps from 10/2 SS
$1/1 nuggeLs from 8/21 SS
l ala $130 lf SLrlps are lncluded
McCa|n otatoes 52S0
$1/1 from 10/30 SS
l $130
New ork Cheese 1oast ar||c 8read
C|abatta ko||s 53S0
40/1 from 11/6 SS 9/18 SS prlnLable
30/1 All ?ou uec 2011 10/9 SS 9/18
l ala $230
S|ster Schuberts ko||s 53S0
30/1 from 11/13 SS rlnLable All ?ou
uec nov CcL
l ala $230
Wo|fgang uck Crgan|c 8roth or Stock
$1/2 Wolfgang uck Soup SLock or
8roLh roducLs
l $2
kash| A|| Natura| Irozen Lntrees 5399
$2/1 8ecyclebank prlnLable
l $199
L|bbys Canned reen 8eans or Corn
$1/4 from 11/13 8 8/2 8
l 30 each

from 11/20 SS
$1/1 LlLLle Movers Sllp Cn from 10/30
$2/1 Snug ury from 10/6 WalmarL
$2/1 from 10/23 SS (exp 11/19)
$3/1 LlLLle Movers SllpCn from 10/23
SS (exp 11/19)
$2/1 ullups rlnLable
$2/1 LlLLle Movers Sllp Cn ulapers
l ala $1699 each lus 40 fuelperks
wyb 2 $2 SavlngSLar ueposlL
*nugg|es Mega 8aby W|pes kef|||s
73/1 or 30/1 from 10/23 SS
$1/2 SavlngSLar ueposlL
l ala $449

54 wyb 2 A|rw|ck Scented C|| 1w|n
kef|||s 2ct (52 Cff Instant|y wyb 2)
l8LL Alr Wlck uouble lresh Warmer
unlL wyb ScenLed Cll 1wln 8eflll from
11/13 SS
l $8 for (2) 8efllls and (2) Warmer
Iet Dry 54
30/1 rlnLable or rlnLable
l $3
Ange| Soft 8ath 1|ssue 4 ro||s 51
$1/1 from 11/13 8 (lf lL works)
$1/2 from 11/13 8 (4roll+)
l ala 30 IkLL
Spark|e or 8rawny aper 1owe|s 1 8|g
ko|| 51
$1/1 8rawny from lacebook
30/1 or $1/2 from 9/23 SS
l ala IkLL

Centrum Spec|a||st or ronutr|ents 20
$3/1 from 11/13 8
$3/1 from 11/13 8
$1/1 from 10/30 8 or 10/9 8
l ?
37 wyb 30 Ir|sk|es Canned Cat Iood (S
IkLL Instant|y wyb 2S)
$1/36 from 10/30 8
l 34 each
k|bb|e N 8|ts Dry Dog Iood 16176|b
$130/1 from 9/23 8 (exp 11/19)
$1/1 from 11/13 8
l ala $849 each
9 L|ves Dry Cat Iood 5999
$1/1 from 9/23 8
l $899
ur|na 8egg|n Str|ps or 8usy 8ones
$1/2 from 8/21 SS (exp 11/21) or 9/11
8 (exp 12/11)
l $2
kache| kay Nutr|sh Dry Dog Iood
$230/1 from 11/13 SS or 9/11 SS
l $1349
D|ngo M|n| Dog 1reats 7pk 5449
$2/1 rlnLable (SS)
l $249
Ir|sk|es arty M|x Cr|sp|es or Natura|
Sensat|ons Cat 1reats 512S
$1/2 from 10/30 8
$1/1 from 8/21 SS (exp 11/21)
l ala 23

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