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MANIPAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (A constituent college of Manipal University, Manipal) ‘Manipal Karnataka 576 104 DEPARTMENT OF INSTRUMNETATION AND CONTROL ENGINEERING II SESSIONAL TEST ~ V SEM ICE SYSTEM MODELING Max Marks: 20 I. Answer all the questions: (4 x 5 marks = 20 marks) 1. Write the equations of motion and explain the solutions for various values of & for the system shown in the last figure. ‘The free body diagram is: kle+x), ox APPIng Newton's second aw * BFee mg ke + shee The equation of maton is, therefore Be Sxrkeno Mg Wecan write this as: Figure FEDot Re 2ow+o'x=0 Weight suspended by ® gry ¢ spring, with damping fa xzer(cer seen) ‘The solution to this equation is given by get In this case the square root of (1, the system is heavily damped, and no vibration occurs. + IF{=1, the system is critically damped, and the damping is only just sufficient to prevent vibration. + IfE<1,as itis in the majority of cases, there is insufficient damping in the system to prevent vibration and the motion is oscillatory. 2. Design a proportional integral controller with a proportional band of 30% and an integration gain of 0.1 %/( %-s). The 4-20mA input converts to a 0.4-2V signal and the calculate values of K,. Ky, Rs, R, and C respectively. Integral gain output is to be 0 -10V. /R,C and proportional gain is defined as K, =R,/R, A propor ona bend a 307% means Mak ostier dfe input < O-d8N fe ovkpak musk by 307% Tete ges gen age by tat ox 18V lav, 208s, ond 7 s Fab a a7. ercor ox - ae ah 2th A Ke % ehh G- ° wk change % As Reh produce ae Qin ie oat: 99, a \-6¥ | 9. 0016N 4 Gr: Wee one e cess Rac gat ow Ra Ce VSS. 7 Ras SS 2 (eakr. pe ce BE Ken \oSe Ri. Heeke ak a, 20 8&2 Te crek wil be Lil Os,

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