SJ Week 2 Readings

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Cardiff Sufi Group: The Spiritual Journey, Week 2

Weekly Readings

The Journey, Guidance & Companionship

Welcome to the Cardiff Sufi group, part of the Threshold Society. This week we continue our exploration of the journey, expanding our focus to explore notions of guidance and companionship. We suggest this four step approach to working with this selection: Read this selection, out loud if possible, seven times. Dwell upon the phrase or sentence that touches you. Ask yourself what relevance or application this has to yourself. Finally, sit in the afterglow of these reflections and open yourself to whatever new insight or message the Divine might have for you.

Text One
God made the earth and celestial sphere in six days of deliberate work, even though He could bring forth a hundred earths and heavens with the words: Be, and it is1 Little by little until forty years of age He raises the human being to completion, although in a single moment He was able to send fifty flying out of nothing. Jesus by means of one prayer could make the dead spring to life: Is the Creator of Jesus unable to suddenly bring full-grown human beings fold by fold into existence? This deliberation is for the purpose of teaching you That you must seek God slowly, without any break. A little which moves continually doesnt become tainted or foul.

From this deliberation are born felicity and joy: Deliberation is the egg,

Quran, Surah Ya Sin, 36:82

Cardiff Sufi Group: The Spiritual Journey, Week 2

Good luck is the fledgling that hatches. (3.3500 3508)

Text Two
If anybody goes travelling without a guide, even a two days journey Becomes a journey of a hundred years The one who enters a profession without having had the training only proves hes a fool Except perhaps for a single occurrence, in all the world, is a descendant of Adam Ever born without two parents? So, too, in spiritual matters, with training one earns the gold; Its a rare event to stumble upon a treasure (3.588, 590-592)

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