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8 pleces M? San Crahams ChocolaLe chopped
2 Lablespoons buLLer
4 1/2 Lablespoons condensed mllk
1 Lablespoon cocoa powder
plnch of salL
1/2 cup marshmallows cuL up lnLo small pleces
12 pleces chocolaLes (ex llaL 1ops) chopped
1 CCM8lnL buLLer condensed mllk cocoa powder and salL ln a saucepan 8oll mlxLure over
medlum heaL sLlrrlng consLanLly for abouL 3 mlnuLes
2 Auu chocolaLe and marshmallows Mlx well unLll marshmallows are melLed Add chopped M?
San Crahams ChocolaLe Cool
3 SCCC 1 Lablespoon of Lhe mlxLure and drop onLo a wax paper 8epeaL Lhe procedure for Lhe
resL of Lhe mlxLure
4 CPlLL and SL8vL

leellng LxperL Llp
1he more flnely chopped Lhe chocolaLe ls Lhe fasLer lL wlll melL?ou can use whlLe chocolaLe or dark
chocolaLe pleces

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