Total Family by Age Categories: by Jeremy Williams SOWK 300 FA 2011 Exercise 5

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Total Family By Age Categories

By Jeremy Williams SOWK 300 FA 2011 Exercise 5

Variables & Values

Variables Name Values

Dependent Variable


Independent Variable


Control Variable


24,999 or less 25,000 to 39,999 40,000 to 59,999 60,000 or more 18-29 30-39 40-49 50+ Male Female

Hypotheses and Rationale Bivariate

The older a person gets, it affects his or her family income. The older a person gets, The higher his or her income will be.



Hypotheses and Rationale Multivariate

The older a person gets, it affects his or her family income. The older a person gets, the higher his or her income will be. The controlling for sex will relate to the age and income of an older person.




Findings: Bivariate Table

Rap Music by Age Categories Age Categories Male Respondents
Rap Like it Mixed Feeling Dislike It Total (N) 18-29 29.4 18.5 52.1 19.3 (119) 30-39 12.3 23.9 63.9 25.2 (155) 40-49 10.1 15.2 74.6 22.4 (138) 50+ 5.4 8.4 86.2 33.0 (203) Total 12.8 5.8 71.4 100.0 (615)

Findings: Multivariate Table

Rap Music by Age Categories Age categories
Male Respondents
Rap Like it Mixed Feeling Dislike It Total (N) 18-29 29.4 18.5 52.1 19.3 (119) 30-39 12.3 23.9 63.9 25.2 (155) 40-49 10.1 15.2 74.6 22.4 (138) 50+ 5.4 8.4 86.2 33.0 (203) Total 12.8 5.8 71.4 100.0 (615)

Female Respondents
Rap Like it Mixed Feeling Dislike It Total (N) 18-29 28.2 27.6 44.2 19.1 (156) 30-39 15.2 25.7 59.2 23.4 (191) 40-49 8.8 23.9 67.3 19.5 (159) 50+ 6.5 12.6 81.0 38.0 (310) Total 13.1 20.7 66.2 100.0 (816)

Bivariate Graph & Discussion

This graph shows that more younger males agree with rap music than older males.

Male adults 40-49 and 50+ are less likely to Listen to like rap music than younger males, 18-29.

Multivariate Graph & Discussion

Females 50+ does not prefer listening to rap music on a daily bases.

Females 18-29 does prefer to listen to rap music n a daily bases.

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