ICC Topics

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1op|c Area A keformat|on of ICC's Ant| Corrupt|on and Secur|ty Un|t

Introduct|on to ACSU
AnLl CorrupLlon and SecurlLy unlL was seL up ln 2000 as AnLlCorrupLlon unlL wlLh Lhree maln
ob[ecLlves of lnvesLlgaLlon educaLlon and prevenLlon followlng maLchflxlng allegaLlons and
revelaLlons abouL SouLh Afrlca capLaln Pansle Cron[e and Lhe capLalns of lndla and aklsLan
Mohammed Azharuddln and Sallm Mallk who were all Lhree were banned for llfe from
lnLernaLlonal crlckeL laLer afLer [udlclal and board enqulrles ln 2003 Lhe aspecL of securlLy was
added and Lhe unlL renamed
ACSu has Lwo prlnclpal roles


O @o asslsL Lhe lCC Code of ConducL Commlsslon (Lhe Commlsslon) and Lhe Members of
lCC ln Lhe eradlcaLlon of conducL of a corrupL naLure pre[udlclal Lo Lhe lnLeresLs of Lhe
game of crlckeL and Lo provlde a professlonal permanenL and secure lnfrasLrucLure Lo
acL as a long Lerm deLerrenL Lo conducL of a corrupL naLure pre[udlclal Lo Lhe lnLeresLs of
Lhe game of crlckeL


O @o evaluaLe safeLy and securlLy assessmenLs and lnLelllgence ln order Lo provlde advlce
Lo Lhe lCC Chlef LxecuLlve and/or Lhe LxecuLlve 8oard of Lhe lCC (Lhe LxecuLlve 8oard)
ln relaLlon Lo (a) any evenL or compeLlLlon organlsed by Lhe lCC and (b) Lhe provlslon of
maLch offlclals for l@ commlLmenLs
AllegaLlons of corrupL acLlvlLy are probed Lhoroughly by Lhe unlLs lnvesLlgaLors someLlmes
wlLh Lhe asslsLance of ollce Cfflcers ln supporL of Lhelr efforLs Lhe ACSus lnformaLlon
Manager conLlnues Lo bulld an lnLernaLlonal neLwork of conLacLs ln boLh Lhe legal and lllegal
markeLs so LhaL where concerns are ralsed Lhe unlL ls able Lo acLlvaLe Lhese relaLlonshlps and
effecLlvely lnvesLlgaLe allegaLlons
All players and offlclals LhaL Lake parL ln Lhe Lop level of lnLernaLlonal crlckeL pass Lhrough Lhe
ACSus educaLlon programme
As parL of Lhe educaLlon process players are glven deLalls of Lhe ways ln whlch corrupLors may
seek Lo groom Lhem from an early age as well as Lhe penalLles LhaL exlsL noL [usL for flxlng all
or parL of a maLch buL also for accepLlng money beneflL or oLher reward for Lhe provlslon of
lnformaLlon or falllng Lo dlsclose Lhe lnapproprlaLe conducL of oLhers

@he flve 8eglonal SecurlLy Managers coordlnaLe Lhe ACSus prevenLlon measures @hese
experlenced law enforcemenL professlonals are presenL aL every lnLernaLlonal serles Lo ensure
LhaL sLrlcL anLlcorrupLlon proLocols are enforced aL all venues parLlcularly around Lhe dresslng
room areas
keformat|on of ACSU
Slnce Lhe unlL's lncepLlon ln year 2000 lL has been unsuccessful ln caLchlng even a slngle player
for maLch flxlng or any oLher lllegal acLlvlLy regardlng crlckeL @he Lhree aklsLanl players and a
flxer whlch were caughL ln summer of 2010 ln Lngland for spoLflxlng allegaLlons were exposed
by an Lngllsh newspaper 'news of Lhe World' and noL by ACSu or any oLher law enforclng
agency or unlL ACSu only laLer on helped lCC @rlbunal wlLh lndlcLmenL of Lhe Lhree players
@he maln problems behlnd Lhe unlL's lncapablllLy ln caLchlng a slngle player for lllegal acLlvlLles
can be conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe polnLs glven below
A) MosL of Lhe unlL ls made up of reLlred pollce offlcers who have no power Lo
Lake acLlon agalnsL player

8) @he unlL rely's on Lhe cooperaLlon of crlckeL boards @he boards are noL bound
Lo furnlsh Lhe unlL wlLh any lnformaLlon or evldence regardlng a player Lhus
maklng Lhe unlL unable conLlnue lLs lnvesLlgaLlons

C) @he unlL can noL search any susplclous player or hls belonglngs

u) @he unlL does noL go lnLo Lhe fleld Lo lnvesLlgaLe lllegal bookmakers

L) @he unlL ls noL mandaLed Lo go undercover Lo do lnvesLlgaLlons

l) @he unlL relles on lnLelllgence from forelgn auLhorlLles llke lndlan and uubal

C) @he unlL does noL have excrlckeLs ln lL whlch can advlse lL on lmporLanL

@hls shows LhaL Lhe unlL has many problems wlLh lL besldes lLs valuable conLrlbuLlons ln
prevenLlng corrupLlon @hus Lhe crlckeLlng playlng naLlons and oLher relevanL bodles
have Lo come forward ln reformlng Lhe ACSu for Lhe beLLer and free Lhe genLlemen's
game of corrupLlon and malpracLlces

1op|c Area 8 Imp|ementat|on and effect|veness of Dec|s|on kev|ew System
@he Dec|s|on kev|ew System (DkS) ls a new Lechnology based sysLem currenLly belng used on
an experlmenLal basls ln Lhe sporL of crlckeL @he sysLem was flrsL lnLroduced ln @esL CrlckeL for
Lhe sole purpose of revlewlng Lhe conLroverslal declslons made by Lhe onfleld umplres ln Lhe
case of a baLsman belng dlsmlssed or noL @he new revlew sysLem was offlclally launched by lCC
on 24 november 2009 durlng Lhe flrsL @esL maLch beLween new Zealand and aklsLan @he lCC
had made Lhe u8S mandaLory ln all lnLernaLlonal maLches

buL lL laLer declded Lo end Lhe
mandaLory use of u8S afLer opposlLlons from some LesL playlng naLlons and now lL ls up Lo boLh
Lhe Leams Lo muLually agree on u8S use
@he u8S uses many dlfferenL Lechnologles whlch as your follows
Slow moLlon replays from all avallable cameras
Super slow moLlon replays from all avallable cameras
ulLra moLlon camera replays from all avallable cameras
Sound from Lhe sLump mlcrophones wlLh Lhe replays aL normal speed and slow moLlon
Approved ball Lracklng Lechnology
@he maL generaLed by Lhe provlder of ball Lracklng Lechnology noL by Lhe broadcasLer
PoL SpoL cameras

@he lmplemenLaLlon of u8S was welcomed ln some clrcles and ln some goL lukewarm
recepLlon CrlckeL boards players and umplres have dlfferenL vlew abouL Lhe effecLlveness of
Lhe new Lechnology CrlckLers and excrclLers llke Canguly @endulkar Cllve Lloyd Cary krlsLen
and 8avl ShasLrl are ln supporL of Lhe sysLem @wo umplres of Lhe umplre ellLe panel Aleem uar
and Slmon @aufel also supporL Lhe sysLem saylng LhaL lL helps Lhe umplre correcL Lhelr mlsLakes
and sLay alerL when glvlng declslons and brlng falrness Lo Lhe game @he maln board LhaL
opposes Lhe use of u8S ls 8oard of ConLrol for CrlckeL ln lndla (8CCl) @he 8CCl malnLalns
Pawkeye whlch Lracks Lhe ball for legbefore wlckeL declslons ls noL fool proof @he resL of Lhe
nlne lCC full members however have accepLed Lhe u8S
Secondly Lhe use of u8S ls expenslve whlch has Lo borne by Lhe hosL naLlon whlch can pose a
problem for poor naLlons llke 8angladesh and Zlmbabwe uslng Lhe u8S lncludlng Lhe PoL SpoL
and SnlckomeLer alds for one day cosL abouL $33000
@he maln hurdle ln Lhe lmplemenLaLlon of u8S ls Lhe opposlLlon of 8CCl whlch challenges lLs
effecLlveness and experlmenLal naLure @hus lL ls Lhe Lask of Lhe crlckeL boards Lo slL on Lhe
same Lable and make 8CCl agree maklng u8S a common Lechnology ln full forms of Lhe game

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