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Assembly point

The plot
The main plot of our ides is: A group of masked killers enter a office block in search of one hidden man. An office party is taking place. The audience see tracking shot of this event. While this is taking place we see a cross cut of the four criminals get out of the car and walk slowly and calmly into the building, and into an elevator. While in the elevator they disguise themselves with masks and produce their weapons, then they just wait. Then the doors open slowly then we will have a tracking shot of the four masked characters after this one man and they cause havoc in the office, by shooting and threatening innocent people.

The mood and atmosphere

The atmosphere will be a high tense, fast pace with quick camera shots. Towards the end the pace slows and non-diegetic music kicks in, to create that nail biting, tense moment that is expected from all thrillers. Themes in our thriller include, mystery as the audience does not know who behind the mask and why, nor why them want the business man dead. The other theme is our thriller is reality as the killers are normal trained killers and the fact that this could happen in reality.

Main Characters
There are two real main character in our thriller:
Firstly there is the business who is about to die, the audience feels a small amount emotionally loss here but no much as the camera only spends a small amount of time on him and therefore the audience haven't create a bond with the character as the have done so with the mask killer. Secondly the killer: At the beginning we are on the side of the victim but towards the end the audience begins to side with the killer as the story unfolds. The killers costume is very simpler to that or the business as he to is in a suit, but his main props are the loaded gun and the all important mask.

The choice of locations we would be using are, an elevator so we see the criminals put their mask on and creates tension as the lift reaches the floor of the office party. The Secondly locations we would use is an office were the office is in action (the lunch hall upstairs) as its a large area and is directly leads off from the lift to add to the tension and seems more realistic.

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