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How the mood of the film is
established in the opening
LhreaLenlng mood as Lhe couple are boLh armed wlLh weapons
and are so eager Lo 'do lL' whlch we esLabllsh when Lhe woman
says 'l'm ready leLs do rlghL now'
lL also creaLes a sexual mood as Lhey klss passlonaLely and Lell
one anoLher Lhey love each oLher
Lhere ls some comedy ln Lhls openlng sequence when Lhey call
one anoLher 'pumpkln and hunny bunny' whlch ls humorous as
Lhey are meanL Lo be hard core crook characLers wlLh weapons
who are abouL Lo rob a dlner
Lhe muslc glves us an upbeaL feel as lL's qulck song Clves Lhe
audlence an urge of exclLemenL
How the characters are established
and shown to the audience?
Lhelr cosLumes subverL our expecLaLlons as Lhey look llke a normal
couple slLLlng ln a dlner havlng breakfasL unLll Lhey pull ouL Lhelr
guns sLand on Lhe Lable and sLarL menaclng everyone
you can qulLe easlly Lell LhaL Lhls fllm ls seL ln Lhe 1990's by how Lhe
characLers are dressed Lhe way Lhe halr ls cuL and Lhey are
smoklng lnslde
we can Lell by Lhe man's accenL LhaL he's Lngllsh and Lhe woman's
accenL LhaL she's Amerlcan
Lhe man ls Lhe domlnanL one ln Lhe relaLlonshlp as he's Lelllng her
whaL Lo do he seems more experlenced We can also noLlfy LhaL
Lhe man has more power as he sLandlng up on Lhe Lable where as
Lhe woman lsn'L Lhls ls sLereoLyplcal Lowards gender as men Lend
Lo be more domlnanL Lherefore lL conforms our expecLaLlons
hat camera shots and movement
are used to draw attention to the
genre and characterisation?
lL beglns wlLh over Lhe shoulder shoL of Lhe couple slLLlng
down ln Lhe dlner Lalklng Lo each oLher Lhey've used Lhls so
we can see Lhelr reacLlons
he Lhen pulls ouL a gun from hls Lrousers and lL shows a
close up of Lhe man slammlng lL down onLo Lhe Lable
vlgorously Lo show he's deLermlned Lo rob Lhe dlner and
lmpresslve hls glrlfrlend 'hunny bunny'
Lhe camera Lakes us Lo a close up of Lhem reachlng over Lhe
Lable Lo klss each oLher Lhen lL goes Lo a wlde shoL of Lhem
slLLlng aL Lhe Lable so we can esLabllsh where Lhey are
Lhe man Lhen [umps up onLo Lhe bench and Lhey've used a
low angle looklng up aL hlm and Lhe woman Lo show Lhey
have Lhe power as Lhey are boLh holdlng a gun
How the location of the film sets up
our expectations of the films
we know LhaL Lhe openlng sequence's locaLlon
ls aL a dlner as Lhe sofa's Lhey are slLLlng on
are sLereoLyplcal of an Amerlcan dlner We
know LhaL lL's an Amerlcan fllm as she has an
Amerlcan accenL and Lhey are wearlng
summery cloLhes so lL musL be a falrly hoL
How the mise-en-scene sets up the
audiences expectations on what
the film will be about?
osLume [udglng from whaL Lhe characLers are wearlng we know Lhls ls
golng Lo be based on mlddle class Lhe fllm could have someLhlng Lo do
wlLh drugs as Lhey are wearlng hlppy cloLhes
llghLlng lL's dayllghL Lhey're eaLlng breakfasL Lherefore lL's mornlng
non arLlflclal llghLlng 1hey are robblng Lhe bank and lL's mornlng Lhls Lells
us anyLhlng vlolenL could happen aL any Llme of day ln Lhe fllm 1he
llghLlng lsn'L dlm subsequenLly Lhe fllm won'L be scary
AcLors Lhey are LhreaLenlng vlolenL bad ass characLers aLLempLlng Lo
rob a dlner Lherefore Lhls fllm wlll be abouL hard core people sLeallng
commlLLlng crlmes breaklng laws Lhrlller
Makeup makeup ls very 1990 1990's ln Amerlca were daunLlng loLs
of gangs and crlmes whlch glves Lhe audlence a sense of omlnous
rops guns and clgareLLe ln hls hand porLrays Lhey are bad people and
Lhe fllm wlll be abouL people smoklng clgareLLes and Lhere wlll be loLs of
SeL Lhe seL Lells us LhaL lL's golng Lo be ln Amerlca

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