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CCMLSA (1he Common MarkeL for LasLern and SouLhern Afrlca)

ETP: Education and Training Policy
lCAu (1he lnLergovernmenLal AuLhorlLy on uevelopmenL)
MCDWAC inistry oI Community Development, Women AIIairs and Children
s: ational ender achineries, eg in Tz: Tanzania ender etworking Programme
$#P or &&TA: ational $trategy Ior rowth and #eduction oI Poverty
SAuC (SouLhern Afrlcan uevelopmenL CommunlLy) and
$EDP: $econdary Education Development Programme
1he 8LCS have adopLed gender pollcles declaraLlons and guldellnes for Lhe promoLlon and proLecLlon of
Lhe human rlghLs of women
Access Access Lo educaLlon refers Lo Lhe opporLunlLles avallable Lo Lhe LargeL populaLlon Lo parLlclpaLe
ln LhaL educaLlon

polty 8efers Lo Lhe falrness ln Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon and allocaLlon of educaLlonal resources Lo varlous
segmenLs of Lhe socleLy

When you educate a girl in Africa, everything changes.
She`ll be three times less likely to get HIV/AIDS, earn 25
percent more income and have a smaller, healthier family
(the Campaign Ior Female Education -CAMFED)

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