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Mr Sarmad lrfan

Lahore 8uslness School

ro[ect proposa|
klndly be appralsed LhaL abundanL ponderlng over varleLy of sub[ecLs has consequenLly sollclLed
Lo choose Lwo area ln ALlas Ponda LlmlLed and Lhose are Supply chaln managemenL" 1oLal quallLy
managemenL" havlng came Lo know Lhe company has successfully grapped 60 of Lhe local markeL my
quesL Lo apprehend slgnlflcanL lnsLrumenLs lmplled ln Lhe modus operandl of Lhe sald concern has
conslderably ascended
uurlng compleLlon of my ob[ecLlve l wlll endeavor Lo unearLh how Lhe company has malnLalned lLs
quallLy and supply chaln whlle ensurlng lLs predeLermlned proflL level Lg someLlme before local
markeL was flooded wlLh Lhe chlna's moLor blkes aL low prlce 1o compeLe Lhe slLuaLlon Lhe company
had Lo reduce lLs sale prlce of Cu 70 from abouL 68000 Lo 49800
l plan Lo make hecLlc efforLs Lo dlg ouL from lLs employees and managemenL 1he Lechnlques adopLed Lo
keep Lhe balance ln Lhe sale prlce demand quallLy and proflL lrequenL and perlodlc vlslLs of ALlas
Ponda LlmlLed have been planed Lo achleve Lhe deslred goal

1he pro[ecL proposal ls submlLLed for your perusal and concurrence please
Croup k
lmran kashlf Mlr
Abdul Cadeer
M Shehzad 8afl

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