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!708039,943 !708039,943
lnLellecLual lnLellecLual
roperLy/CopyrlghL/LLhlcs roperLy/CopyrlghL/LLhlcs
lmpllcaLlon Lo Leachers and sLudenLs lmpllcaLlon Lo Leachers and sLudenLs
(SCu13063 1echnology lannlng (SCu13063 1echnology lannlng
ManagemenL ln LducaLlon) ManagemenL ln LducaLlon)
repared for
M Dr Ahmed Ie|an| Shaar|
repared by
Abdu||ah A|Mahmood (80S016)
Md Shamsu| Is|am (80S028)
Md Abdur kash|d (80S026)

Inte||ectua| roperty Inte||ectua| roperty

lnLellecLual properLy (l) refers Lo
creaLlons of Lhe mlnd lnvenLlons llLerary
and arLlsLlc works and symbols names
lmages and deslgns used ln commerce
Source hLLp//wwwwlpolnL/abouLlp/en/lndexhLml

CaLegorles of lnLellecLual roperLy CaLegorles of lnLellecLual roperLy

lndusLrlal properLy whlch lncludes lnvenLlons
(paLenLs) Lrademarks lndusLrlal deslgns and
geographlc lndlcaLlons of source
CopyrlghL whlch lncludes llLerary and arLlsLlc works
such as novels poems and plays fllms muslcal
works dance arLlsLlc works such as drawlngs
palnLlngs phoLographs sculpLures and archlLecLural
ConL ConL
lghLs relaLed Lo copyrlghL lnclude Lhose of
performlng arLlsLs ln Lhelr performances
producers of phonograms ln Lhelr recordlngs
and Lhose of broadcasLers ln Lhelr radlo and
Lelevlslon programs
JhaL ls copyrlghL"? JhaL ls copyrlghL"?
CopyrlghL ls a legal Lerm
descrlblng rlghLs glven Lo
creaLors for Lhelr llLerary
and arLlsLlc works
Source hLLp//wwwwlpolnL/abouLlp/en/lndexhLml
ConL ConL
1he sLaLuLory
prlvllege exLended Lo
creaLors of works LhaL
are flxed ln a Langlble
medlum of
(8ruwelhelde 1993)
lmporLance of copyrlghL lmporLance of copyrlghL
especL lnLellecLual rlghLs of creaLors of lnformaLlon
eward creaLlvlLy of auLhors arLlsLs muslclans eLc
Legal mandaLe
Model proper behavlor for sLudenLs Leachers and
oLher members of educaLlonal communlLy

Jhat |s covered by copyr|ght? Jhat |s covered by copyr|ght?

llLerary works such as novels poems plays reference
works newspapers and compuLer programs
fllms muslcal composlLlons and choreography
arLlsLlc works such as palnLlngs drawlngs
phoLographs and sculpLure archlLecLure
and adverLlsemenLs maps and Lechnlcal drawlngs
10 10
JhaL ls noL covered by copyrlghL? JhaL ls noL covered by copyrlghL?
blank forms
sLock llLerary devlces
works lacklng orlglnallLy (eg Lhe phone book)
names LlLles or shorL phrases
works from Lhe federal governmenL
11 11
LlmlLaLlons on CopyrlghL LlmlLaLlons on CopyrlghL
Library and classroom exemptions
Fair use
12 12
uuraLlon of CopyrlghL uuraLlon of CopyrlghL
CopyrlghL ln a llLerary work lasLs for Lhe
uLhor's llfeLlme plus 30 years from Lhe end of
1he calendar year ln whlch Lhe auLhor dles
30 years for fllms and sound recordlngs
23 years for Lypographlcal arrangemenLs of a
publlshed edlLlon
1 1
ConL ConL
Moral rlghLs lasL for as long as CopyrlghL and can noL
be asslgned
n auLhor may walve hls/her moral rlghLs by slgnlng
an agreemenL Lo LhaL effecL
1 1
LLhlcs LLhlcs
LLhlcs ls a branch of phllosophy whlch seeks Lo
address quesLlon abouL morallLy LhaL ls abouL
concepLs llke good and bad rlghL and wrong
[usLlce vlrLue eLc
1S 1S
1he Jorld lnLellecLual roperLy CrganlzaLlon (JlC)
ls a speclallzed agency of Lhe unlLed naLlons
lL ls dedlcaLed Lo developlng a balanced and
accesslble lnLernaLlonal lnLellecLual properLy (l)
sysLem whlch rewards creaLlvlLy sLlmulaLes
lnnovaLlon and conLrlbuLes Lo economlc
developmenL whlle safeguardlng Lhe publlc lnLeresL
16 16
bouL JlC bouL JlC
JlC was esLabllshed by Lhe JlC ConvenLlon ln
1967 wlLh a mandaLe from lLs Member SLaLes Lo
promoLe Lhe proLecLlon of l LhroughouL Lhe world
Lhrough cooperaLlon among sLaLes and ln
collaboraLlon wlLh oLher lnLernaLlonal organlzaLlons
lLs headquarLers are ln Ceneva SwlLzerland
1he ulrecLor Ceneral ls lrancls Curry
17 17
Strateg|c Goa|s of JIC Strateg|c Goa|s of JIC
8alanced LvoluLlon of Lhe lnLernaLlonal normaLlve
lramework for l
rovlslon of remler Clobal l Servlces
laclllLaLlng Lhe use of l for uevelopmenL
CoordlnaLlon and uevelopmenL of Clobal l
Jorld eference Source for l lnformaLlon and
18 18
Cont Cont
lnLernaLlonal CooperaLlon on 8ulldlng especL for l
ddresslng l ln elaLlon Lo Clobal ollcy lssues
esponslve CommunlcaLlons lnLerface beLween
JlC lLs Member SLaLes and ll SLakeholders
n LfflclenL dmlnlsLraLlve and llnanclal SupporL
SLrucLure Lo Lnable JlC Lo uellver lLs rograms
1 1
Jor|d Inte||ectua| roperty Day Jor|d Inte||ectua| roperty Day Apr|| 26 Apr|| 26
On World ntellectual Property Day this
WPO's focus is on promoting green
as the key to a secure future.
20 20
CollecLlon of Laws for LlecLronlc CollecLlon of Laws for LlecLronlc
ccess(CLL) ccess(CLL)
CLL daLabase provlde access Lo lnLellecLual properLy
leglslaLlon from wlde range of counLrles and reglons
as well as Lo LreaLles on lnLellecLual properLy
cLs of
21 21
lnfrlngemenL enalLles lnfrlngemenL enalLles
230 10000 per lnfrlngemenL for sLandard
up Lo 230000 per lnfrlngemenL for serlous
SofLware lnfrlngemenL now a felony
Lmployees can lose Lhelr [obs
1eachers can lose Lhelr Leachlng cerLlflcaLe!
22 22
Jho ls llable? Jho ls llable?
Classroom 1eachers
Llbrary Medla SpeclallsLs
Currlculum CoordlnaLors
8oards of LducaLlon
2 2
lndlrecL LlablllLy lndlrecL LlablllLy
ConLrlbuLory (Llbrary Medla SpeclallsLs)
Checked ouL equlpmenL
Checked ouL resources
vlcarlous (Llbrary Medla SpeclallsLs
dmlnlsLraLors CLhers)
knew of lnfrlngemenL buL dld noL reporL lL
2 2
buL l dldn'L know!" buL l dldn'L know!"
Called lnnocenL lnfrlngemenL"
Cccurs when lnfrlnger was unaware LhaL
maLerlal was copyrlghLed
no excuse lf work properly dlsplays copyrlghL
Slnce 1976 all works consldered copyrlghL
2S 2S
JhaL ls lalr use"? JhaL ls lalr use"?
Clves cerLaln users condlLlonal permlsslon Lo
use copyrlghLed maLerlals lf cerLaln crlLerla are
roLecLs freedom of speech
romoLes publlc beneflLs llke educaLlon
pplles Lo all Lypes of medla
26 26
LducaLlonal LxempLlon buL LducaLlonal LxempLlon buL
noL free llcense Lo copy anyLhlng you wanL
CannoL copy ln place of purchaslng
CannoL copy ln anLlclpaLlon of purchaslng
CannoL copy ln anLlclpaLlon of a requesL
llows for sponLanelLy of use
27 27
CopyrlghL cL SecLlon 107 CopyrlghL cL SecLlon 107
Lhe falr use of a copyrlghLed work
lncludlng such use by reproducLlon ln coples
or phonorecords or by any oLher means
speclfled by LhaL secLlon for purposes such as
crlLlclsm commenL news reporLlng Leachlng
(lncludlng mulLlple coples for classroom use)
scholarshlp or research ls noL an
lnfrlngemenL of copyrlghL "
Fair Use Provision 107 & 108 of U.S. Copyright Act
28 28
key lacLors of lalr use key lacLors of lalr use
urpose and characLer of Lhe use
naLure of Lhe copyrlghLed work
mounL and subsLanLlallLy of Lhe porLlon used
ln relaLlon Lo Lhe copyrlghLed work as a whole
LffecL of Lhe use upon Lhe poLenLlal markeL for
or value of Lhe copyrlghLed work
lacLor 1 urpose lacLor 1 urpose
key lssue Pow are you
uslng Lhe work?
emember LhaL non
proflL educaLlon purposes"
ls Lhe crlLlcal language
LvaluaLe Lhe work's
purpose ln your lesson
lacLor 2 naLure lacLor 2 naLure
key lssue Some works are
deemed more copyrlghL
worLhy" Lhan oLhers
uslng facLual works ls ofLen more
permlsslble Lhan uslng flcLlonal
uslng publlshed works ls ofLen
more permlsslble Lhan uslng
unpubllshed works
lacLor 3 mounL lacLor 3 mounL
key lssue ls Lhe amounL
porLlon of Lhe work used
reasonable ln relaLlon Lo Lhe
purpose of Lhe
use le no more Laken Lhan
was necessary"
LvaluaLe Lhe percenLage of
work used
LvaluaLe Lhe crlLlcal or key
porLlons of Lhe work
lacLor LffecL lacLor LffecL
key lssue Jlll your use of Lhe
work be flnanclally beneflclal Lo
you Ck prevenL Lhe creaLor
from flnanclally beneflLlng?
LvaluaLe lf your use harm's Lhe
creaLor currenL or poLenLlal
LvaluaLe lf you wlll proflL
flnanclally from uslng Lhe
creaLor's work
8eware Lhe lalr use Lxcuse" 8eware Lhe lalr use Lxcuse"
never assume LhaL
your use falls
under Lhe falruse
Savlng money" ls
noL a sufflclenL
Lazlness can be a

CeL lL ln wrlLlng! CeL lL ln wrlLlng!
SLlll unsure? !usL ask for help from a
knowledgeable source
Jhen you need permlsslon from Lhe creaLor
requesL lL!
laxed or malled permlsslon ls besL
lways ask permlsslon before you use Lhe
1here's always an excepLlon 1here's always an excepLlon
Jork for hlre"
does noL belong Lo
Lhe creaLor
n employer may
own your
properLy posslbly
even work you do
on your own Llme
Speclflcs on lalr use Speclflcs on lalr use
So whaL exacLly can Leacher do? So whaL exacLly can Leacher do?
7 7
rlnL esources rlnL esources
lor research Leachlng or lesson preparaLlon a
Leacher may copy
Cne chapLer from a book
Cne arLlcle from perlodlcal or newspaper
ShorL sLory shorL essay shorL poem
CharL graph dlagram drawlng carLoon or
plcLure from book perlodlcal or newspaper
8 8
rlnL rlnL esources (ConL) esources (ConL)
Leacher may noL
Copy Lo creaLe or Lo replace or Lo subsLlLuLe for
anLhologles compllaLlons or collecLlve works"
Copy from consumable producLs
Copy Lo subsLlLuLe for purchaslng resources
Copy aL dlrecLlon of superlor le prlnclpal
Copy same lLem each semesLer

rlnL esources (ConL) rlnL esources (ConL)
Leacher may make mulLlple coples for
classroom use lf
only one copy of each lLem per sLudenL ls made
(classroom seL)
each lLem copled ls for classroom dlscusslon
each copy lncludes a noLlce of copyrlghL
each lLem meeLs Lhe Lhree LesLs for copylng
0 0
lnLerneL MaLerlals lnLerneL MaLerlals
unless speclflcally sLaLed everyLhlng ls copyrlghL
lalr use guldellnes apply
May noL Lake maLerlal from one slLe and reposL lL Lo
anoLher lnLerneL slLe
May posL on a proLecLed school/dlsLrlcL lnLraneL
May lnclude llnks Lo oLher slLes under lmplled publlc
1 1
MulLlmedla ro[ecLs MulLlmedla ro[ecLs
Movlng lmages vldeo Laserdlsc uvu
SLlll lmages Craphlcs Scanned lmages
hoLos lcLures
Muslc 1apes Cus
CompuLer SofLware CuCM
2 2
MulLlmedla MulLlmedla ro[ecLs (ConL) ro[ecLs (ConL)
SLudenL may
use copyrlghLed works ln mulLlmedla pro[ecLs
erform and dlsplay mulLlmedla pro[ecLs for
academlc asslgnmenLs
lnclude Lhelr mulLlmedla pro[ecLs ln elecLronlc
porLfollos for assessmenL purposes

MulLlmedla MulLlmedla ro[ecLs (ConL) ro[ecLs (ConL)
8esL pracLlce
lnvesL ln copyrlghL free lmages muslc vldeo
cllps creaLed especlally for mulLlmedla pro[ecLs
use royalLyfree lmages muslc vldeo cllps
avallable on Jeb

Pow much can l use? Pow much can l use?
MoLlon lmages up Lo 10 or 3 mlnuLes
whlchever ls less
1exL up Lo 10 or 1000 words whlchever ls
Muslc up Lo 10 or 30 seconds whlchever ls
Pow much can l use? Pow much can l use?
hoLos and lmages up Lo 3 works from one
auLhor up Lo 10 or 13 works whlchever ls
less from a collecLlon
uaLabase lnformaLlon up Lo 10 or 2300
flelds or cell enLrles whlchever ls less
6 6
esources esources
8ruwelhelde ! P (1993) 1be copytlqbt ltlmet fot llbtotloos
ooJ Jocotots new ?ork merlcan Llbrary ssoclaLlon
8lelefleld Cheeseman L (1999) 1ecbooloqy ooJ
copytlqbt low A ColJebook fot tbe llbtoty keseotcb ooJ
1eocbloq ltofessloos new ?ork nealSchuman ubllshers
Slmpson C M (199) copytlqbt fot 5cbool llbtotles A
ltoctlcol ColJe C LlnworLh ubllshlng
ppL slldes of ur bdul Malek bdul karlm abouL copyrlghL
7 7
esources esources
lnLellecLual roperLy ln Lhe 21sL CenLury 1he !apanese
Lxperlence ln JealLh CreaLlon
lnLellecLual roperLy and Small and MedlumSlzed LnLerprlses
LlecLronlc Commerce rograms and cLlvlLles
lnLerneL uomaln name ulspuLes CuesLlons and nswers
lnLellecLual roperLy and CeneLlc esources 1radlLlonal
knowledge and lolklore
8 8

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