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Afrlcan Amerlcan Symposlum Counselor AppllcaLlon

arL ll of AppllcaLlon

1 l am lnLeresLed ln servlng as a Symposlum Counselor because lL wlll be
a greaL way for me Lo glve back Lo Lhe same program LhaL a year ago
helped me Lo make Lhe ad[usLmenL from hlgh school Lo college Symposlum
ralsed my awareness Lhe Afrlcan Amerlcan communlLy and Lhe opporLunlLles
LhaL are avallable Lo me as a sLudenL Popefully as belng a counselor l
wlll be able Lo provlde Lhe same opporLunlLles for oLhers LhaL follow

2 l am on Lhe Lrack and fleld Leam for nCSLaLe l am currenLly servlng
as Lhe lreshmen Ambassador for Lhe 8lack SLudenLs 8oard and l am also a
member of Lhe unlon AcLlvlLles 8oard

3 1wo sLrengLhs LhaL l have are l am dedlcaLed and hard worklng Cnce l
seL a goal l don'L sLop unLll l have reached LhaL goal and wlll work hard
and won'L qulL unLll lL ls compleLed

4 l feel LhaL l need Lo work on sLaylng focus a llLLle blL more l am
easlly dlsLracLed and leL llLLle Lhlngs geL ln my way of reachlng my goal
ln a Llmeller manner

3 ln hlgh school l played Lhree varslLy sporLs all fours years
baskeLball Lrack and cross counLry l was Lhe sLudenL body vlcepresldenL
and l member of Lhe sLudenL counsel l was also a parL of l8LA (luLure
8uslness Leaders of Amerlca) and Amandala

6 l was Lhe capLaln of Lhe baskeLball Leam and Lrack Leam Lhree of Lhe
four years ln hlgh school l have also served as a 8lg 8roLher Lwo young
boys for over Lhree years Laklng Lhem ouL and spendlng Llme wlLh Lhem
Lrylng Lo be a poslLlve black male role model

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