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Positive Thoughts, Vibrations/Good Health & Growth* Balance/Harmony*

Indeterminate Growth in Plants

Determinate Growth in Insects, Animals, Birds etc.

Factors Environment Nutrition Brain/Instinct(Controlled by Brain & Environmental Forces)

Determinate Growth in Humans

Factors Environment Nutrition Life Force/Will(Controlled by Environmental Forces)

Factors Environment Nutrition Brain/Will(Controlled by Brain & Environmental Forces)

a) Natural Habitat a) Natural Habitat Result: Result: Natural Animal Instinct Life Force with Nature

a) Natural Habitat Result: Untrained Will

b) Under Protection b) Under Protection Result: Result: Controlled Life Force Civilized Animal Instinct

b) Under Protection Result: Trained Will

*Upward growth and Balance with right factors

*Upward growth and Balance with right factors,

*Upward growth and Balance with right factors

#Deficiency of factors leads to Downward growth, imbalance

#Deficiency of factors leads to Downward growth, imbalance

#Deficiency of factors leads to Downward growth, imbalance

Imbalance/Inharmony# Negative Thoughts, Vibrations/Bad Health & Growth#

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