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kead|ng Comprehens|on Strateg|es

W|th St|cky Note Annotat|ons

lottoJoce eocb sttoteqy ooe ot o tlme wltb tbe cottespooJloq coloteJ stlcky ootes 5toJeots
ploce tbe stlcky oote lo tbe book os tbey teoJ 1eocbets moy bove to tloq o bell to bove tbe
stoJeots stop to tblok lo tbe beqlooloq 1bete ote mooy sttoteqles bot tbe foot llsteJ moke tbe
blqqest lmpoct 5toJeots sboolJ olwoys be vlsoollzloq

8enef|ts |nc|ude
O 1eacher can see Lhe sLudenLs' Lhlnklng whlle Lhey read
O rehensln ls 1hlnklng/SLudenLs shw Lhelr Lhlnklng llke an M8l wlLh Lhe clrs
Lhe sLlcky nLes n blue? 1hen Lhe sLudenL needs L racLlce lnerences
O ery sLudenL reads a bk lnLeresL and Lhe Leacher can see Lhelr crehensln
wlLhuL halng L crrecL aers r knw Lhe sLry ln eery bk 8ead Lhe secLln Lhe
sLlcky ls sLuck and read whaL Lhe sLudenL wrLe n Lhe sLlcky
O narraLle sLrles use dlerenL sLraLegles Lhan lnraLln wrlLlng lnraLlnal uses
less lnerences


O 1exL L Sel
O 1exL L 1exL
O 1exL L Wrld
O 1exL L Mles

O Icabulary CuesLlns
O 9lL CuesLlns
O haracLer CuesLlns
O SeLLlng CuesLlns
O lnerence CuesLlns
O 1ry L lnd Lhe answer ln Lhe readlng

O 8eadlng beLween Lhe llnes
O 1he auLhr gles clues buL desn'L
dlrecLly wrlLe whaL Lhe reader needs L
mportant Deta||s

O l Lhe reader lsses an lrLanL
deLall Lhe reader ay be lsL r Lhe
resL Lhe readlng

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