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uevlance 8ehavlor LhaL vlolaLes Lhe norms of a parLlcular socleLy

Soclal ConLrol 1he ways ln whlch a socleLy prevenLs devlance and punlshes devlanLs
SLlgma Accordlng Lo Coffman sLlgma refers Lo an aLLrlbuLe LhaL reduces a person from a whole and
usual person Lo a LalnLed and dlscounLed one"
Crlme An acL or Lhe omlsslon of an acL for whlch Lhe sLaLe can apply sancLlons
values uevlance changes as values change
SubculLures A socleLy may conLaln subculLures whose llfe sLyles are label devlanL by Lhe larger
8lologlcal LxplanaLlons of Crlme
O ombroso (1911)
9rlmaLlve Lhrowbacks
O Jllllam Sheldon
8ody 1ypes
O LcLomorphs
O Lndomorphs
O ,esomorphs
9syhoSoclal LxplanaLlons
,erLon (1938)
4 1ypology of adapLlon and anomle
uanlel 8ell (1962)
4 CulLural confllcL as a cause of crlme
Ldwln P SuLherland (1940)
4 ulfferenLlal assoclaLlon
Poward 8ecker (1963)
4 abellng
Crlme and Soclal ConLrol SoclologlsLs dlsLlngulsh beLween Lhe volunLary and coerclve aspecLs of soclal
8ecldlvlsm Lendency for people convlcLed of a crlme repeaL Lhelr crlme or anoLher one afLer a Lerm of
1echnology and Soclal Change CompuLer crlmes are among Lhe fasLesL growlng crlmes ln Loday's

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