Cowl Girls

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approx beg CC ch cm cn cont dec dpn(s) foll g inc k kfb k2tog LH lp(s) m MB MC mm M1 approximately begin(ning) contrasting color chain centimeter(s) cable needle continu(e)(ing) decreas(e)(ing) double-pointed needle(s) follow(s)(ing) gram(s) increas(e)(ing) knit knit into front and back of stitch knit 2 stitches together left-hand loop(s) meter(s) make bobble main color millimeter(s) make one: with needle tip, lift strand between last stitch knit (purled) and the next stitch on the LH needle and knit (purl) into back of it ounce(s) purl pattern(s) place marker pass slip stitch(es) over purl 2 stitches together remain(s)(ing) repeat right-hand round(s) right side(s) slip 1, knit 1, pass slip stitch over slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slip stitch over the knit 2 together slip slip stitch slip marker slip, slip, knit slip, slip, purl slip, slip, slip, knit stitch(es) stockinette stitch slip 2 stitches together, knit 1, pass 2 slip stitches over knit 1 through back loop(s) together wrong side(s) with yarn in back with yarn in front yard(s) yarn over needle repeat directions following * as many times as indicated repeat directions inside brackets as many times as indicated

Yarn Overs
Between two knit stitches: Bring the yarn from the back of the work to the front between the two needles. Knit the next stitch, bringing the yarn to the back over the right-hand needle, as shown. Between two purl stitches: Leave the yarn at the front of the work. Bring the yarn to the back over the right-hand needle and to the front again, as shown. Purl the next stitch.

3-Needle Bind-off
1. With the right side of the two pieces facing each other, and the needles parallel, insert a third needle knitwise into the first stitch of each needle. Wrap the yarn around the needle as if to knit. 2. Knit these two stitches together and slip them off the needles. *Knit the next two stitches together in the same way as shown. 3. Slip the first stitch on the third needle over the second stitch and off the needle. Repeat from the * in step 2 across the row until all the stitches are bound off.

Cable Cast-on
1. Make a slip knot on the left needle. Insert the right needle knitwise into the stitch on the left needle. Wrap the yarn around the right needle as if to knit. 2. Draw the yarn through the first stitch to make a new stitch, but do not drop the stitch from the left needle. 3. Slip the new stitch to the left needle as shown. 4. Insert the right needle between the two stitches on the left needle.

Kitchener Stitch
1. Insert tapestry needle purlwise (as shown) through first stitch on front needle. Pull yarn through, leaving that stitch on knitting needle. 2. Insert tapestry needle knitwise (as shown) through first stitch on back needle. Pull yarn through, leaving stitch on knitting needle. 3. Insert tapestry needle knitwise through first stitch on front needle, slip stitch off needle and insert tapestry needle purlwise (as shown) through next stitch on front needle. Pull yarn through, leaving this stitch on needle. 4. Insert tapestry needle purlwise through first stitch on back needle. Slip stitch off needle and insert tapestry needle knitwise (as shown) through next stitch on back needle. Pull yarn through, leaving this stitch on needle. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all stitches on both front and back needles have been grafted. Fasten off and weave in end.

5. Wrap the yarn around the right needle as if to knit and pull the yarn through to make a new stitch. 6. Place the new stitch on the left needle as shown. Repeat steps 4 through 6 to cast on the desired number of stitches.

oz p pat(s) pm psso p2tog rem rep RH rnd(s) RS SKP SK2P sl sl st sm ssk ssp sssk st(s) St st S2KP tbl tog WS wyib wyif yd yo * []

2 Cut yarn twice desired length, plus extra for knotting. On WS, insert hook from front to back through piece and over folded yarn. Pull yarn through. Draw ends through and tighten. Trim yarn.

Crochet Chain Stitch

1. Make a slip knot near the end of the hook, then wrap the working yarn (the yarn attached to the ball or skein) around the hook as shown. Draw the yarn through the loop on the hook by catching it with the hook and pulling it toward you. 2. One chain stitch is complete. Repeat to create as many chain stitches as required, adding beads between stitches if desired. 3 1 4

Cast on about three to five sitches. *Knit one row. Without turning the work, slip the stitches back to the beginning of the row. Pull the yarn tightly from the end of the row. Repeat from the * as desired. Bind off.

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cowlgirls cowlgirls

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