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Flesh out the details of your pitch A general topic is not enough Example:

College drinking is too broad a topic Narrow it down Use a specific incident as a springboard for the topic and then dig deeper to find the angle Why is there a problem? Has the problem increased compared to last year? What is being done about it? Etc. etc. etc

Research before you pitch your story idea Is this really a new idea? What make it news? How is it developing? Why does it matter to readers?

Keep the pitch clean and focused Edit your thoughts before the pitch The main point should be easily understood by the editor To some degree, you are selling the idea and you may only get one shot!

Put yourselves in the position of the editor you are pitching What are they looking for? What will they respond positively to? What does the readership and publisher want?

Be prepared to be challenged Have a few alternative angles prepared so you can save your pitch

Substantial news value Exclusive Being first Unique angle Local angle of national story Overcoming adversity Solving a common problem Ties into a national trend

Write three pitches and prepare to present to class

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