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Orientation Workshop on Civil Society representation within the CCM

Cairo, Egypt November 12, 13 - 2011

Experience from Mauritania

What were the main issues?

Suspension of the grant by the GF due to mismanagement evidences Time bound actions Lack of feedback mechanisms from CS representatives in the CCM to their constituencies Poor understanding of their roles and responsibilities by CS representatives Evidence of GoNGO Poor understanding of GF processes by many community leaders Lack of agreed and transparent criteria for CS representatives nomination

What was the process?

Mapping of CSO intervening in the 3 diseases and development issues Assessing CS involvement in the CCM Providing technical support through JURTA Organizing informative meeting on GF processes and consultative meeting on the nomination process for CS representatives in the CCM Organizing the election of the CS representatives for the new CCM in a transparent, inclusive and democratic way

What were the main results?

Agreement on CS representatives election process and criteria Agreement on a Charter for CSO involvement in CCM processes New CS representatives elected in a transparent and democratic way

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